Update tags via CSV
To ease your marketing segmentation, Tag values can be assigned to your subscribers’ devices via CSV. By uploading CSV files, you can set values for multiple Tags and multiple devices at once.
Please note that only existing Tags can be updated via CSV.
1. Prepare CSV
Export segment
Go to Segments, select the Segment you’d like to set tags for and export the segment. The CSV file will be downloaded.
The CSV file contains the following user’s data:
- HWIDs of devices complying with that Filter segment (in the first column of the .csv)
- Push Tokens of user’s devices (in the second column)
- types of devices (integer and humanized)
- all Tags from your Pushwoosh account (in the remaining columns)
In cells of the downloaded CSV, change Tags values or add missing ones. Save changes.
Create CSV
If exporting segments is not available for your subscription plan, create a CSV file where:
- first column is named HWID and contains hardware IDs of users’ devices,
- other columns are named exactly as Tags in your Pushwoosh account,
- cells contain values to be assigned for the HWID and Tag specified.
HWID | Name | Age | Unsubscribed Emails |
hwid 1 | Paul | 19 | False |
hwid 2 | Anne | 25 | False |
Representation of some_file.csv
in plain text format:
HWID,Name,Age,Unsubscribed Emailshwid 1,Paul,19,Falsehwid 2,Anne,25,False
2. Upload CSV
Select the project. Be aware that Tag values are updated for the selected project only. If some HWIDs in your CSV are not registered for the selected project, Tag values won’t be assigned to those HWIDs.
Go to Import CSV -> Update Tag values.

Press Upload CSV and browse for your edited file.

3. Choose Tags to update
Select columns to import. Values from the columns you select will be assigned to correspondent devices (HWIDs from the first column). Columns named not as the Tags in your account will be skipped.
Press Start import.

4. Check the results
Once the import is started, you’ll see its status updated in real time. You can leave the page and check the import status later — it might take a time to process large CSV files.
When the import is completed, the report shows the quantity of Tags updated, rows processed, and rows skipped.
Processed rows are those where Tag values from the selected columns are assigned to the first column’s HWID.
Rows are skipped if the HWID specified in the first column of the row is not registered for the project you’re updating Tags for. Values from such rows are not assign to HWIDs.