Email content
Pushwoosh stores your past email content, allowing you to easily edit and reuse existing materials for future campaigns.
To view your email content, navigate to Content > Email Content. Here, you’ll find all the email content you’ve created, conveniently organized for easy access.
You have the flexibility to view your email content in two ways: as tiles or as a list. Simply select the preferred option at the top of the content list.

Here, you can also edit, clone, delete email content, send an email or create new email content.

Also, you have the option to search for specific emails or filter your content based on the labels you’ve assigned. To do this, simply click on Labels at the top of the content list and select a label from the drop-down menu.

How to reuse previously created email content
To streamline your workflow, leverage your existing email content in new campaigns. For this, simply choose the desired email content from the dropdown menu when creating an email element in the customer journey. Learn more