Managing projects
Project details
To see project details, choose the project from the list, and click its name at the top left of the page.

Here, the app code can be copied to the clipboard with a single click.
- The number of enabled devices shows how many devices are reachable with push notifications (i.e., they have push tokens assigned by cloud messaging gateways).
- Total devices are the devices registered for this app with or without push tokens. They are reachable with In-Apps even there’s no push token assigned. To see the list of all your projects, click Manage projects.
Editing projects
To edit project settings or configuration, choose the project, then go to the Settings section.

Here, you can:
- configure or re-configure project platforms (iOS, Android, Chrome, etc.),
- edit project’s title and change its icon,
- manage API tokens access permissions,
- create and edit Deep Links taking users directly to the specific app pages when they open push messages,
- add Test Devices to test your messages before sending to subscribers,
- set permissions for sub-users to see or manage this particular project.
Deleting projects
To delete a project, go to the projects list (Manage projects). Click on any of the platforms next to the project name, scroll down to the bottom, and press Delete application. The project will be removed from your account; please note all the project’s user base will be removed as well.