Global frequency capping
To prevent overwhelming your users with multiple messages from overlapping campaigns, use Global Frequency Capping. This feature limits the number of messages a user receives within a specific timeframe. Once the message limit is reached for a channel, no further messages will be sent until the period resets.
How to enable and configure Global frequency capping
To control the number of messages sent to a user within a specific timeframe:
- Go to Settings > Global frequency capping.

2. Toggle the switch on to enable frequency capping for desired channels.
3. Set the maximum number of messages per user for each channel and the corresponding time period.

For example, you can allow up to 4 push notifications and 2 emails in a 5-day period.
The maximum frequency capping period is 30 days.
Global frequency capping for Journey messages
When creating message elements in customer journeys, Global frequency capping settings are applied by default.

However, you have the option to customize how certain messages are handled by overriding the global frequency capping settings. You can do the following:
- Ignore Global frequency capping. This will bypass all global frequency capping rules, ensuring the message is always delivered regardless of the user’s message limits for the channel. The message will not count towards other messages’ delivery rates. This is ideal for critical messages that need to be delivered regardless of the general frequency limits.

- Use custom frequency capping. This option allows you to set a custom limit on the number of messages sent within a specified period, overriding the global frequency capping. Here, define the number of messages (e.g., 5) and the time frame (e.g., 1 day) in which these messages can be sent.

Note: If global frequency capping isn’t enabled, you’ll see a disabled indicator. To enable global frequency capping, click on the Set up Global frequency capping link.

Example scenario
Imagine, you’re managing multiple marketing campaigns across push notifications, emails, and SMS. To prevent overwhelming your customers with too many messages, you decide to set up Global frequency capping and limit the number of messages each user can receive to 3 push notifications, 2 emails, and 1 SMS per user within 7 days.
Here are the steps to set it up:
Enable Global frequency capping
- Go to Settings - Global Frequency Capping
- Toggle the switch on for push notifications, emails, and SMS
- Specify the maximum number of messages a user can receive: 3 push notifications, 2 emails, and 1 SMS.
- Specify the time period for 7 days.

Configure critical messages
If you want to make sure that important messages, such as payment confirmations, are always delivered immediately, regardless of any message limits, you can do so by selecting Ignore Global frequency capping in the message settings of the specific journeys where this is needed.

Examples of other critical messages can include security alerts, password reset requests, critical app updates, and more.
Customize capping for specific messages
Let’s say you want to run a 24-hour flash sale and need to send multiple push notification reminders throughout the day to maximize engagement. However, your push notification global frequency capping is set to limit messages to 3 per week, which would prevent you from sending all the necessary reminders within the 24-hour window.
Here’s how you can override it:
Set up a customer journey specifically for the flash sale, including multiple push notifications to alert users about the sale, remind them to act, and notify them when the time is almost up.
Within the customer journey builder, go to the settings for each message element and select Use custom frequency capping. For example, you can set a custom cap of 5 messages within 1 day, allowing you to send up to 5 reminders throughout the flash sale without being restricted by the global capping limits.

By doing this, you can ensure that all 5 reminders are sent during the flash sale, keeping your audience informed and engaged without violating the global capping rules that apply to your other campaigns.