Get email subscribers
To effectively benefit from email marketing, the first step is building a strong email audience. Collecting email addresses and importing existing contacts are crucial to start engaging your users and sending targeted campaigns.
Collect email addresses
To collect users’ email addresses, define where and when it’s appropriate. Think about where and when it makes sense to ask users for their email addresses. For example, you might ask for an email:
- On the login or registration page of your app.
- When users sign up for a newsletter or special offer.
- After a purchase is completed.
Import email list
To import the existing email user base, upload a CSV file with users’ emails.
Open the app in your Pushwoosh Control Panel and go to Audience-> Import CSV-> Import Email Contacts.

Press Choose file and upload a .csv file from your computer.

Give a name to the segment created with the email addresses from the .csv file.

For each column of the .csv file, select the data type from the drop-down list. Data types are the Tags created in your account, both default and custom.
The data type of the column is reflected in a column’s title.

Specify data types for all columns, then press Import. The CSV status will change to Completed.

Email addresses from the .csv are registered for your app.
For each email you’ve uploaded, the Email Segment Name default tag is set with a value equal to the name you’ve entered into the Segment Name field. If you’re going to send emails to only these email addresses (instead of broadcast messaging all the app subscribers), you have to create a Segment using the corresponding Email Segment Name value.
If you’d like to exclude users who previously unsubscribed from your emails, add the Unsubscribed Emails: False tag to the Filter conditions.
That’s it! Now you can prepare email content using the Drag & drop or the HTML code editor and send an email in a few simple steps.