Crashlytics integration
Trust is something you can build over time and lose in a blink of an eye. Once you’ve brought people into your app, you want to have a long-term relationship with them, and app crashes can become a deal-breaker.
What if you had a chance to say “I’m sorry” in a very personal way? Such as your stats show that 30% of your users experiencing a crash with the latest release, and you just need to tell them to update in order to deliver a fix. However, other 70% might not be happy hearing about possible issues with the app they love so much.
Here’s where we step in to assist. Crashlytics and Pushwoosh integration is very simple. With just a few lines of code you would be able to target and notify only those users who experienced particular crash in the app, without having to bother the rest of your audience.
Let’s see how it works.
Integrating Crashlytics
First of all, we have to feed some identifier to Crashlytics that will help us to target user later.
Crashlytics provides setUserIdentifier method for this purpose (link to iOS, link to Android).
In our case we need to set it to Pushwoosh Hardware ID. As you may know Pushwoosh Hardware ID is IDFV (or IDFA if you link to AdSupport.framework) on iOS and in most of the cases Android Id or Serial Number on Android.
This code makes it simple:
String userId = pushManager.getPushwooshHWID(this);Crashlytics.setUserIdentifier(userId);
NSString * userId = [[PushNotificationManager pushManager] getHWID];[Crashlytics setUserIdentifier:userId];
That’s it! Now you are collecting user IDs with Crashlytics.
Downloading User IDs from the crash reports in Crashlytics
Please note that it may take up to 24 hours as per Fabric documentation for the “Export Id’s” button to appear on the crash detail report in the Crashlytics dashboard.

Click on the Export Ids button will download user-data.csv file.
The file has the following structure:
userId,email,name,mostRecentTimestamp,countXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX,,John Snow,MAR 03 2016 01:22,1YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY,,John Snow Jr,MAR 03 2016 01:11,1
Using CSV file to send push notification
Then simply use Pushwoosh “Upload CSV” functionality to send pushes via the CSV file!
Upload the file, select Push Preset and send!