Get email subscribers

Collect email addresses

To benefit from email marketing, you have to gain an email audience first. To collect users' email addresses, define where and when it's appropriate (for example, on the app login page) and use the registerEmail or registerEmailUser API method.

Please note that the registerEmailUser request does not register an email address in your userbase; it should be used only to assign User IDs to emails already registered by the registerEmail call.

    "request" : {
        "auth" : "API-Token", // API Token with "Email API" restriction 
        "application" : "APPLICATION_CODE",
        "email" : "",
        "language" : "en",  // language locale
        "userId" : "userId", // user ID to associate with the email address
        "tz_offset" : 3600 // timezone offset in seconds

Associate emails with devices

To associate your app users or site visitors with their email addresses, use the User IDs. That allows you to build cross-channel Customer Journeys and send emails based on user's actions in your app or on the website.

1. Get the User ID.

Each device registered for your Pushwoosh project has its User ID; by default, it's equal to the device hardware ID (HWID) and is retrieved by the registerDevice API request.

To set a custom User ID, call the registerUser method.

2. Assign the User ID to an email address.

Use the registerEmail or registerEmailUser API method to associate the User ID with an email address.

3. That’s it!

The same User ID is assigned to a particular device and a specified email address. That means Pushwoosh considers both app user and email addressee the same person so you can reach out to them by pushes and emails within a cross-channel Customer Journey.

Import emails list

To send emails, you have to subscribe users to your app. To do so, use the /registerEmail API method or simply import emails from CSV file!

Open the app in your Pushwoosh Control Panel and go to Audience-> Import CSV-> Import Email Contacts.

Press Choose file and upload a .csv file from your computer.

Please note there should be no header or title rows in your CSV file. Row titles are specified by selecting a data type after the file is uploaded.

Give a name to the segment created with the email addresses from the .csv file.

For each column of the .csv file, select the data type from the drop-down list. Data types are the Tags created in your account, both default and custom.

Pushwoosh automatically detects the column with email addresses and marks it as the Email column. However, make sure everything's done right and the column has the appropriate data type specified.

The data type of the column is reflected in a column's title.

You can add as many columns to the CSV as needed. The more data you associate with imported email addresses, the more segmentation opportunities you have!

Specify data types for all columns, then press Import. The CSV status will change to Completed.

If you upload new CSV, its values will be appended to the previous ones. In case the next imported CSV contains emails already registered for the app, the remaining ones will be registered additionally.

Email addresses from the .csv are registered for your app.

For each email you’ve uploaded, the Email Segment Name default tag is set with a value equal to the name you’ve entered into the Segment Name field. If you're going to send emails to only these email addresses (instead of broadcast messaging all the app subscribers), you have to create a Filter using the corresponding Email Segment Name value.

If you’d like to exclude users who previously unsubscribed from your emails, add the Unsubscribed Emails: False tag to the Filter conditions.

That's it! Now you can prepare email content using the Drag & drop or the HTML code editor and send an email in a few simple steps.

Last updated

Change request #2224: totalsbyintervals