Drop-offs in Customer Journey

How to solve common issues in Customer Journey

List of possible reasons for drop-offs

By double-clicking on the point of a launched Journey, you can see the reasons for drop-offs and the number of drop-offs for each cause. Below, we will explain how to solve each possible issue.

Account suspended

If you see this error, it means that the account has been disabled, and the Pushwoosh API is not available. Please contact our Customer Support Team or your dedicated Customer Success Manager to continue using the account.‌

Can’t get time

This message appears if it is impossible to retrieve the time from the Event attribute or the Tag specified in the Time delay element.

Make sure that Tags and Event attributes are configured correctly:

Device not found

The error occurs when a device that has not been registered yet or has been deleted enters the Journey. This means that the value of the user's HWID parameter is unknown.

Possible reasons:

  • The user installed the app but did not open it and, therefore, was not registered. Still, somehow the user triggered the Event that started the Journey.

  • The HWID of a user that entered the Journey is stored outside the Pushwoosh database and has not been passed to Pushwoosh.

  • The user's HWID has been erased from the database.

To avoid this problem in the future, check the device registration process and make sure the devices are valid.

Emails reached limits

The message means that your email sending limit has been exceeded. If you need to send more emails, please contact our Customer Support Team or your Customer Success Manager.‌

Filter not found

This error means that the Segment (Filter) existed when the Journey was created, but it was deleted after the Journey activation. In this case, make another Segment or use an existing one.

Request error

This message means that the request specified in the Webhook element contains errors. Check the correctness of the request URL, syntax, headers, and data.

Rich media not found

This error appears if the rich media existed when the Journey was created but was deleted after the Journey activation. In this case, create another rich media or use an existing one.

Tag not found

This error can occur in two cases:

1. You specified a tag in the Time delay element. This tag was not assigned to some users, so they dropped off the Journey. If this behavior is not intended or you think there are too many drop-offs, you can solve the problem in one of the following ways:

  • Verify if the Tags are assigned to users correctly and make sure the Tag specified in the element has not been deleted.

  • Set up Time delay differently so that fewer users drop off.

2. In the Update user profile element, you specified a Tag that existed when the Journey was created but was deleted after the Journey was activated. In this case, create another Tag and specify it in the element or use an existing tag.

User mismatch

This issue can occur if the device's current UserID does not match the UserID of the user in Journey.

For example, the client's email is recorded in the UserID parameter and then mistakenly assigned to another user. If you try to set a user-specific Tag in the Update user profile element, the error will occur, as the Tag is considered to have already been assigned to another user.

To avoid this problem, check the device registration process and ensure that the UserID value is not transferred to another user if the device has already entered the Journey.

User not found

The error occurs when a user who has not been registered yet or has been deleted enters the Journey. This means that the value of the UserID parameter is unknown.

Possible reasons:

  • The user installed the app but did not open it and, therefore, was not registered. Somehow this user triggered the event that started the Journey.

  • The UserID parameter of a user that entered the Journey is stored outside the Pushwoosh database and has not been passed to Pushwoosh.

  • The UserID has been erased from the database.

  • The email address is not registered in Pushwoosh. In the UserID, the client can specify an email address, however, for emails to be successfully sent, you need to associate the email address with the UserID. This allows Pushwoosh to recognize the user and the email recipient as the same person, enabling you to reach them via email.

To avoid this problem in the future, check the user registration process and make sure UserID values are not mistakenly erased from the database.

Last updated

Change request #2224: totalsbyintervals