Release Notes

Keep up with the latest updates in Pushwoosh

July 2024

What’s new

  • Enhanced security with authentication app: We've added an extra layer of security! You can now use an authentication app like Google Authenticator to generate verification codes for faster, more secure logins. Learn more

  • Dashboard filters: Dive deeper into your data by applying filters for platforms, push IDs, email IDs, audience segments, campaigns, or aggregated messages. Tailor your analysis and make data-driven decisions with greater precision. Learn more


  • Improved Scheduled Launch: We've simplified the Scheduled Launch setup in Audience-based entry journeys. The future's new, user-friendly interface allows you to effortlessly set launch dates and recurring intervals, giving you precise control over your campaign timing. Plus, you can now deliver messages at the perfect time for each subscriber by launching journeys based on their device timezone. Learn more

  • Reason for journey pause: View the exact reason for your journey's deactivation or pause directly in the journey list.

  • Easier Pushwoosh referral program sign-up: Now you can join our referral program directly from the Pushwoosh control panel in just a few clicks.


  • Enhanced autosave: Your journey changes are now saved more reliably, preventing accidental data loss when you leave the Journey canvas.

  • Return button fix: We've fixed issues with the Return button on the Journey canvas, making navigation smoother.

June 2024

Improved push creation form, enhanced conversion goals tracking with up to 30-day periods, new integration with Piano Analytics for detailed user insights and more.

What’s new

  • Streamlined push creation: No more toggling between tabs! Our new push content form lets you craft the perfect message and configure settings directly within the customer journey. This all-in-one approach simplifies push creation, saves time, and allows you to reuse push content for future campaigns. Learn more

  • Improved conversion tracking: Get a more complete picture of your campaign performance! Now you can set a conversion period (up to 30 days) to capture customer actions after they’ve interacted with your campaign. This captures delayed conversions, giving you valuable insights beyond just immediate clicks. Learn more


  • Piano Analytics integration: This integration unlocks detailed user behavior insights, empowering you to create precise segments and deliver highly targeted omnichannel campaigns. Reach the right users at the right time, and boost user engagement and revenue. Learn more


  • Accurate deactivated journey status: Deactivated journeys in the Campaigns list now display their correct status.

  • Silent hours fix: Silent hours configurations are accurately reflected for better control over notification schedules.

  • More accurate SMS stats: We’ve fixed an issue affecting SMS campaign statistics. Now, your data is more accurate and reliable, helping you optimize your marketing efforts.

May 2024

Revamped Campaigns list for journey insights, centralized Account Settings page, granular metric breakdowns, BCC for journey emails, new integrations, and more

What’s new

  • New Campaigns list: Get a quick view of all your customer journey data! The new Campaigns list shows dedicated cards for each journey, providing key details and performance metrics for the entire journey and individual messages in one place. Learn more

  • New Account Settings page: The new Account Settings page is your one-stop shop for managing login credentials, security settings, time zone, and notification preferences. Plus, gain valuable insights into your Pushwoosh usage metrics – all designed to enhance account control and security. Learn more

  • Metric Breakdowns for granular insights: You can now add breakdowns of key metrics to your dashboards and get a segmented view of your data. This unlocks a deeper level of analysis, empowering you to make data-driven decisions and refine your strategies with greater precision. Learn more

  • BCC (Blind Carbon Copy) in customer journeys: You can now turn on the BCC option when sending emails in a customer journey. Ideal for recording interactions in your CRM or keeping internal teams informed. The feature is available upon request. Learn more

  • New API method for creating iOS Live Activities: Enable real-time updates and interactions within your iOS applications with this new method, enhancing user engagement and providing a more dynamic user experience. Learn more


  • RevenueCat integration: Send targeted push notifications, in-app prompts, and other messages based on subscription events from RevenueCat and boost engagement and revenue. Learn more

  • WebViewGold integration: WebViewGold allows businesses to convert their websites into mobile apps for iOS and Android without coding. As a next step, WebViewGold users can now leverage Pushwoosh to initiate powerful omnichannel communication, enhancing engagement and effectively reaching their audience. Learn more


  • Segment settings issue resolved: We’ve fixed an issue that caused segment settings to reset when adding segments directly to journeys. Your segment configurations will now be saved correctly, ensuring a seamless journey-building experience.

  • Smoother cloning for deactivated journeys: Previously, when cloning a journey with a deactivated schedule, the same setting would carry over, preventing the new journey from starting. This issue is now fixed, enabling the successful cloning of deactivated journeys.

  • Journeys with deleted presets now pause automatically: To prevent unintended campaign behavior, journeys relying on deleted presets will now automatically pause. This ensures your campaigns continue using only valid configurations.

  • Improved string tag handling: String tags in the Webhook journey element are now formatted correctly, ensuring your webhooks transmit data smoothly and efficiently.

April 2024

Pushwoosh Affiliate Program, simplified Customer Journey creation, landscape Rich media content for captivating experiences, new Retention tab, and more
  • Introducing the Pushwoosh Affiliate Program: Become a Pushwoosh affiliate partner and boost your earnings by promoting a reliable and cost-effective solution backed by excellent onboarding support. Learn more

  • Simplified Customer Journey creation: Streamline your workflow and save time with our simplified journey creation process. Get started quickly with ready-made templates for common scenarios or build journeys from scratch for your unique needs. Learn more

  • Landscape Rich media content: Create powerful rich media content specifically designed for horizontal viewing. This is perfect for tablets, apps in landscape mode, and more. Ensure your campaigns offer a smooth and visually captivating experience on all devices, keeping users engaged. Learn more

  • All-new Retention tab: Pushwoosh Statistics is now enhanced with retention rates: user retention curve and cohort charts await you. Dive deeper into how users interact with your app over time and analyze the effectiveness of your retention strategies. Learn more


  • New Integrations page: Explore our library of third-party integrations and seamlessly connect the services you need to boost your campaigns. Learn more


  • Rich media audience export: Export detailed CSV files with user data (HWID, platform, and interactions) straight from the Audience tab. Gain richer insights and optimize future Rich Media content for maximum impact.


  • Cloning points in Customer Journeys: No more messy duplicates! Cloned points now have unique names, and branch settings in Wait for Trigger points are preserved during cloning. This ensures a smoother workflow and saves you valuable time when managing customer journeys.

  • Customer Journey editing: We've fixed a problem where the Launch again when resuming the campaign option was automatically enabled when pausing journeys for editing. This used to result in users receiving duplicate messages when journeys resumed. To prevent this, the option is now disabled by default. This ensures smoother and more accurate journey management.

March 2024

Enhanced Journey control and customizable event storage time

What’s new

  • Improved Journey control: Manage your journeys right from the canvas: edit, clone, rename, or stop your campaigns by selecting the desired action from the status menu. Enjoy a more transparent and intuitive workflow.

  • Customisable storage time for events: Control how long you store events data! Now, you can tailor the storage duration of your events to your needs. Reach out to our sales team for more information.

February 2024

New pre-built and custom Dashboards, simplified email creation, integration with Qonversion, introduction of Customer Journey Categories, and deeper Customer Journey Insights

What’s new

  • Pre-built Dashboards: Gain instant insights into your campaigns with our new app, push, in-app, email, and event dashboards. Customize them to fit your needs and optimize your campaigns with ease. Learn more

  • Custom Dashboards: Build your own dashboards to focus on the data that matters most. Make data-driven decisions and optimize your strategies effectively with key metrics at your fingertips. Learn more

  • Simplified email creation: Say goodbye to tab-switching! Craft content and configure email setup within a single, user-friendly editor. Choose between the Drag & drop editor, perfect for those without coding skills or the HTML code editor for more advanced control. This streamlined workflow empowers you to create emails faster and easier.


  • Qonversion integration: Integrate Pushwoosh with Qonversion to boost retention and maximize revenue. Use Qonversion subscription data to create personalized campaigns like renewal reminders and custom offers for users who canceled their subscriptions. Learn more


  • Deeper Customer Journey insights at your fingertips: We've upgraded Customer Journey statistics, introducing new metrics and making them available directly on the Journey canvas. This means you can understand your journey's performance at a glance, without having to spend a lot of time analyzing each step. Learn more

  • Customer Journey categories: Say goodbye to the clutter in your campaign list! Create up to 10 custom categories to organize your journeys and filter your journeys by category or status for effortless navigation.

  • Enhanced control for Customer Journeys: Before deleting a journey step or removing a connection between steps, you'll now receive a warning highlighting the potential loss of associated data. This will help you make informed decisions and avoid unintended consequences.

January 2024

Message Inbox enhancements, better Customer Journey insights, automatic Tag and Event creation, improved personalization, and more

What’s new

  • Message Inbox: Now, you can schedule push messages to automatically disappear from the inbox after a set number of days, ensuring your inbox remains up-to-date. For example, you can send a promo code valid for a week and set it to vanish from the inbox after 7 days. Use Message Inbox in automated customer journeys and stay sure that your messages are timely and relevant.

  • Enhanced Customer Journey insights: Statistics for in-apps and rich media sent from Customer Journey are now displayed on the journey canvas. You don't have to switch from Journey to reports, resulting in a much smoother workflow.


  • Automatic Tag and Event сreation: For Applications created after July 2023, Events will be automatically created along with their attributes when using the /postEvent and /setTags API methods. If you need additional attributes, you can easily add them through the Pushwoosh interface.

  • Enhanced personalization: You can now personalize Deep Links, Custom Data, and Inbox images when creating push notifications. For example, you can use Dynamic Content in the Deep link URL to provide different links for different languages. This feature enables you to create more customized and engaging experiences for your audience.


  • Faster Rich Media loading: Rich Media content used in Customer Journeys now loads faster, providing a smoother user experience.

December 2023

Revamped Billing Page, smarter Silent Hours, enhanced Event Segmentation, streamlined onboarding, a redesigned Application statistics dashboard and more.

What’s important

  • Revamped Billing Page: Gain a comprehensive view of your billing information, including payment methods, upcoming payment schedule and history, and estimated payment amounts. Plus, enjoy the flexibility to make invoice payments at your convenience. Learn more

What’s new

  • Smarter Silent Hours: Now you have more control over silent hours for each channel. Set custom times and define how messages are handled during those periods. Learn more

  • Enhanced Event Segmentation: You can now select users who haven't triggered specific events within your chosen timeframe.


  • Speed Boost: The control panel now loads faster, saving you precious seconds.

  • Streamlined Onboarding: We've optimized Pushwoosh’s onboarding process with additional prompts to deliver relevant support and tips right when you need them.

  • Trust This Device: After initial two-factor authentication, you can now enable the Trust This Device feature, allowing you to skip sending the authorization code for 30 days.

  • Redesigned Statistics: We've revamped the Application statistics dashboard, formerly known as Audience Statistics, and relocated it to the Statistics section, for intuitive navigation and enhanced clarity.

  • Tame Complex Journeys: Enhance the visual structure and readability of complex, multi-step campaigns with the new Simplify Layout button. Learn more


  • Campaign Search: The search in the Customer Journey campaigns list is now case-insensitive, so no more typos slowing you down!

  • Refined Two-Factor authorization: Tweaked two-factor authorization for uninterrupted logins and reliable code delivery.

November 2023

In-App message expiration dates, enhanced user experience to prevent accidental Segment deletion in Customer Journeys, improved email campaign performance tracking, and more.

November 20 | Customer Journey: Control the lifetime of your in-app messages

Now you can set the expiration date for your in-app messages, ensuring that your messaging stays timely and relevant. For example, you can offer a promo code valid for three days after a user completes a purchase. Simply set a three-day expiration period for the in-app message containing the promotion, and you're good to go.

November 10 | UX improvement: Ensuring you don't accidentally delete segments used in Customer Journeys

We've made sure you won't disrupt any ongoing campaigns by deleting a segment used in them. Now, if you attempt to delete an audience Segment linked to a Customer Journey, you'll receive a warning that you need to remove it from the Customer Journey first. This step prevents you from deleting Segments by accident or messing up any ongoing campaigns.

November 3 | Project Overview: Get a clearer picture of your email campaign performance

Dive deeper into your email campaign performance with the enhanced Project Overview section. Now you can track metrics like email soft bounces, hard bounces, and complaints across all email messages for each app. To streamline your analysis, you can filter the data by period.

November 2, 2023 | Project Overview: Streamlined time period logic

Tracking statistics for specific periods is now more convenient, thanks to enhancements in the Project Overview section. When you select "This week" or "This month" in Detailed statistics, you'll now see data for the current calendar week starting from Sunday or for the current calendar month. This change provides a clearer representation of your campaign performance over the current week/month, helping you make more informed decisions.

October 2023

Improved Campaign performance tracking by Channel, enhanced Event search, granular insights into Custom Rich Media performance, the new Conversion Funnel for visualizing user journey conversion rates, and more.

October 26 | Project Overview: Analyze your campaign performance by channel at a glance

We've improved the Project Overview section to give you a clear and focused view of your campaign performance across different channels. Now, you can effortlessly track channel-specific metrics for emails, push notifications, and in-app messages. We've also enhanced the graph visuals to make it easier to identify trends at a glance. To top it off, we've removed the Total Audience and Audience by Platforms metrics that used to confuse many of our users, allowing you to focus on the metrics that matter.

October 14 | UI update: Search and track Events with ease

We've revamped the Events screen to make it easier for you to stay on top of your events. Now, you can quickly search for specific events, view their attributes, and track how often they've occurred in the past seven days. This is a significant improvement from the previous version that had a long list of events with no search functionality and only showed the total number of times an event had been triggered.

October 13 | Unlock granular insights with custom Rich Media stats 📊

Now you can dive deeper into your custom Rich Media performance and track user engagement metrics like clicks on links and buttons, and form submissions. This granular data, previously only available for Rich Media created with the built-in editor, empowers you to refine your Rich Media strategy and drive better results.

October 12 | Introducing Conversion Funnel: Visualize conversion rates at each stage of the user journey

Gain deeper insights into how a user behaves after receiving a push notification with Pushwoosh Conversion Funnel. This new feature visually maps the user journey, allowing you to track conversion rates at each stage and optimize your messaging strategies to drive better results.

October 10 | Unlock the power of personalized messaging with the Segment integration

Our new integration with Segment empowers you to deliver truly personalized messages that resonate with your audience. Segment is a customer data platform that simplifies user data collection and utilization. Once you connect Segment and Pushwoosh, you can integrate your customer data into Pushwoosh and craft messaging campaigns tailored to each user's unique context, preferences, and behaviors. Learn how to use data for deeper personalization

September 2023

New Rich Media statistics, A/B/n test optimization in Customer Journey Builder, a new Default Event, personalization using Liquid Templates in Customer Journeys, integration with Amplitude, and more.

September 26 | New Rich Media statistics

Meet the new Rich Media statistics: now, you can analyze the performance of each Rich Media page by viewing key metrics, visual graphs, and tables. Detailed statistics will provide valuable insights for improving your Rich Media pages for future campaigns and increasing conversion rates.

More about Rich Media statistics

September 14 | A/B/n tests in Customer Journey Builder: Keep only the winner

Now, you can instantly turn off less-performing branches once a statistically significant winner is identified. This will help you optimize the campaign's effectiveness without pausing it. After clicking Keep only winner, new journey travelers will be directed to the winning branch, while those who already entered deactivated branches will continue the journey through them.

September 14 | New Default Event: PW_NotificationSend

We have added a new Default Event: PW_NotificationSend. It lets you track whether a message is sent, regardless of the channel used. You can use it to create segments based on the number of messages sent and analyze user behavior after sending a message to them.

More about the PW_NotificationSend Event

September 12 | Customer Journey Builder: Liquid Templates personalization

You can now use Liquid Templates to personalize push notifications, emails, and SMS in customer journeys. This will give you more flexibility when setting up message personalization. For example, you can add a list of purchased items and their price in the email text instead of a single value.

September 12 | Customer Journey Builder: Enhanced Wait for Trigger step

We have enhanced the Wait for Trigger step in the Customer Journey Builder:

  • Now, you can create up to three branches with different conditions. For example, this will allow you

  • You can now select the AND operator when adding multiple events to one branch. If the AND operator is used, only users who meet all the conditions specified in the branch will proceed further.

More about the Wait for Trigger step

September 8 | Drive targeted engagement with the new Amplitude integration

We're excited to announce our integration with Amplitude, a powerful analytics platform that helps track and understand user behavior better. Now you can harness the insights gained from Amplitude to deliver relevant and personalized campaigns through Pushwoosh.

September 5 | Segment integration: now in public beta

Pushwoosh's integration with Segment is now in public beta, empowering you to harness the power of personalized customer data for impactful messaging campaigns.

Learn more about the integration

August 2023

Integrations with AppsFlyer and Segment, new Default Events, Segment Insights for precise message analysis, a no-code Rich Media (In-App) editor, and more.

August 30 | Enhance your messaging with Segment integration (Private beta)

We're thrilled to announce the private beta of our integration with Segment, a customer data platform designed for effortless user data collection and utilization. This powerful partnership enables you to seamlessly connect your Segment data to Pushwoosh and craft personalized messaging campaigns that resonate with your audience.

Learn more about the integration

August 18 | Cloning Segments

Now, you can quickly create a new segment based on an existing one using the Clone segment option. This will save you time when building Segments with similar conditions.

August 18 | Message statistics: Segment Insights

View message statistics for selected user segments on the Segment Insights tab. This will help you analyze and improve your communication approach based on the most accurate data.

More about Segment Insights

August 16 | New Default Events: PW_DeviceUnregistered, PW_EmailLinkClicked

We have added two new Default Events:

  • PW_DeviceUnregistered fires when the app is uninstalled or a user opts out of emails or push notifications. Use it to retain users when they decide to stop using your app or unsubscribe from one of your channels.

  • PW_EmailLinkClicks fires every time a user clicks a link in an email. Use it to run targeted campaigns for users who click or don't click on a specific link in an email.

You can use these Events out of the box by simply activating them in your project.

More about Default Events

August 15 | Elevate your campaigns with AppsFlyer integration

We're excited to unveil our integration with AppsFlyer, a mobile attribution and marketing analytics platform. This powerful partnership empowers you to harness the power of AppsFlyer data to craft personalized and effective campaigns in Pushwoosh.

Learn more about the integration

August 10 | No-code Rich Media (In-App) editor

Meet the new built-in editor that allows you to easily create Rich Media pages, including In-Apps, without coding. Add headers, texts, images, buttons, forms, and other elements to the canvas and customize them in just a few clicks. Using deeply customized In-Apps will help you increase user engagement even more.

More about Rich Media editor

August 8 | Customer Journey Builder: Webhook-based Entry

Now you can start a journey whenever you need by sending an API request. This may come in handy if you want the journey to launch automatically once some business event occurs outside the app. For example, you can inform customers when some of your products are back in stock. In the request, you can specify segmentation conditions and modify message content.

More about Webhook-based Entry

July 2023

Enhanced A/B/n Testing, mParticle Integration, and Targeted Scheduling with Silent Days in Customer Journey Builder

July 26 | Customer Journey Builder: Improved A/B/n tests

We have significantly improved the functionality of the A/B/n Split element. Now, you can get detailed and reliable analytics for your tests, including conversion to selected goals and metrics for calculating statistical significance.

More about running A/B/n tests in customer journeys

July 10 | mParticle integration

mParticle users can now send customer data to Pushwoosh and create personalized campaigns in Pushwoosh based on this data. To set up the integration, please follow this guide.

July 7 | Customer Journey Builder: Silent Days

When configuring Silent Hours in the Customer Journey Builder, you can now also specify the weekdays when sending must be paused. Users will only receive messages and continue their journey after the Silent Hours + Silent Days period ends. For example, this can be useful if you don't want to disturb your users on weekends.

June 2023

Customer Journey Builder enhancements: Editing active journeys and Optimal Time to Send feature, plus a user-friendly welcome screen and Get Started section for streamlined project configuration.

June 22 | Getting started with Pushwoosh: First steps update

We have added a welcome screen and the Get Started section to make it easier for new users to configure their first project.

June 20 | Customer Journey Builder: Editing active Journeys

Now you can edit any elements and settings of a Customer Journey that has already been launched. A Journey must be paused while editing and can be re-launched at any moment. This new feature will allow you to improve your communications and adjust active campaigns to changing needs.

More about editing Customer Journeys

June 13 | Customer Journey Builder: Optimal Time to Send

We added the Optimal time to send option to the Customer Journey Builder: now Pushwoosh can automatically choose when to send a push to each Journey traveler based on their behavior and previously sent messages' performance. This will help you make your communications more effective.

To enable this option, please get in touch with our Sales team or your dedicated Customer Success Manager.‌

May 2023

Sorting Message History by key metrics and a new "Recipients by Platform" graph in Project Overview

May 24 | Message History: Sorting by metrics

You can now sort the Message History list by Recipients, Opened, CTR, and Errors metrics. This lets you quickly find messages that perform best or require your attention.

May 23 | Project Overview: Recipients by Platform

We added the Recipients by Platform graph to the Project Overview section. It will give you a clearer view of how recipients are distributed across selected platforms.

April 2023

Improved Time Delay in Customer Journey Builder, User Explorer update, SMS in Customer Journey, Segment filters by event attributes and more.

Apr 27 | Time Delay: Setting specific dates and days of the week

We have improved the Time Delay element in Customer Journey Builder: now you can set the specific date and time to continue the journey. You can also select a particular day of the week. Use this option to quickly set up one-time campaigns for specific dates without manually calculating the time delay.

Apr 21 | User Explorer update

The Messages History tab in User Explorer has been renamed to Received Messages.‌

Apr 21 | SMS in Customer Journey

You can now add the SMS channel in the Customer Journey Builder. To use this feature, please contact our Sales team or your dedicated Customer Success Manager.

Apr 18 | Message History update

We have updated the Message History section: search and filters are now more user-friendly, and the table contains more information about each message.

The Debug Mode option has been renamed to API messaging tracing.

Apr 18 | Segment filters by event attributes

In the Segments (Filters) section, you can now build a segment based on a specific attribute of the selected event.

Apr 13 | RFM Segmentation without the Monetary attribute

In the RFM Segmentation section, you can now build a behavior-based segment without the Monetary attribute. To do this, select "none" as a value of the Monetary attribute, and the segment will be calculated based on Recency and Frequency only.

Apr 13 | Drop Offs statistics in Customer Journey

Now you can see detailed statistics on Drop Offs in the Customer Journey: the reasons for drop-offs and the number of drop-offs for each cause. This will help you identify and fix problems at each point of the Journey. The feature is available to all Customer Journey Builder users.

Apr 11 | Average CTR in the Journeys list

You can now view the Average CTR for each Journey in the Journeys list.

Apr 7 | New SMS channel

We've added the SMS channel to Pushwoosh: now you can set up sending SMS using the Pushwoosh API. Use SMS to contact customers who are not reachable via other channels, send transactional notifications, and make marketing offers.

Learn more about sending SMS

Last updated

Change request #2224: totalsbyintervals