☑️Recommended Events for Subscription Management

Track and react to user behavior with easy-to-integrate recommended events for managing in-app subscriptions

Below, you'll find a bunch of in-app events recommended for your app category. We based our choice on industry-specific best practices and experts' advice. By tracking these selected events, you can improve your behavioral segmentation and perform more effective, user-centric messaging campaigns.

To implement any of these or other events:

  • create the Event in your Pushwoosh Control Panel, add attributes if needed;

  • integrate the postEvent method into your mobile project providing the event name and attributes names are exactly the same as in the Control Panel.

// To use with Web Push SDK, you can integrate this code:

const Pushwoosh = window.Pushwoosh || [];
Pushwoosh.push(function(api) {
    api.postEvent("Event name", { // event name exactly as in Control Panel
    "attribute 1": "string value", // attribute name and type exactly as in Control Panel
    "attribute 2": "string value" // attribute name and type exactly as in Control Panel

The samples below can be simply pasted into your app, provided there is a corresponding Event and its attributes are created in your Control Panel. Once integrated, the event data will be collected and become available in Audience -> Events -> Event statistics, and you will be able to use the event in campaign planning.

Send this event when a user has bought a paid subscription plan.

Recommended attributes:

  • subscription_plan_name: String

  • price: Integer

  • currency:String

  • expiry_date:Date

// To use with Web Push SDK, you can integrate this code:

const Pushwoosh = window.Pushwoosh || [];
Pushwoosh.push(function(api) {
    api.postEvent("Paid subscription purchase", {
    "subscription_plan_name": "string value",
    "price": 1,
    "currency": "string value",
    "expiry_date": "new Date()"

Subscription renewal

Trigger this event once a user renews their subscription plan.

Recommended attributes:

  • subscription_plan_name: String

  • price: Integer

  • currency: String

  • renewal_count: Integer

// To use with Web Push SDK, you can integrate this code:

const Pushwoosh = window.Pushwoosh || [];
Pushwoosh.push(function(api) {
    api.postEvent("Subscription renewal", {
    "subscription_plan_name": "string value",
    "price": 1,
    "currency": "string value",
    "renewal_count": 1

Free trial started

Trigger this event when a user chooses to start a free trial before getting a subscription.

Recommended attributes:

  • free_trial_name: String

  • expiry_date: Date

// To use with Web Push SDK, you can integrate this code:

const Pushwoosh = window.Pushwoosh || [];
Pushwoosh.push(function(api) {
    api.postEvent("Free trial started", {
    "free_trial_name": "string value",
    "expiry_date": "new Date()"

Subscription canceled

Use this event to track in-app subscription cancelations.

// To use with Web Push SDK, you can integrate this code:

const Pushwoosh = window.Pushwoosh || [];
Pushwoosh.push(function(api) {
    api.postEvent("Subscription cancelled");

Conversion from Free to Paid

Trigger this event once a user converts from using your app for free to a paid subscription plan.

Recommended attributes:

  • subscription_plan_name: String

  • price: Integer

  • currency: String

  • date:Date

// To use with Web Push SDK, you can integrate this code:

const Pushwoosh = window.Pushwoosh || [];
Pushwoosh.push(function(api) {
    api.postEvent("Conversion from Free to Paid", {
    "subscription_plan_name": "string value",
    "price": 1,
    "currency": "string value"
    "date": "new Date()"

Last updated

Change request #2224: totalsbyintervals