Segment integration

Integrate Pushwoosh with Segment to create more relevant targeted omnichannel campaigns

Overview and use cases

Segment is a customer data platform that simplifies collecting user data and helps you leverage it effectively. If you store your customer data in Segment, you can set up integration with Pushwoosh in just a few clicks.

Once the integration is set, Segment will send the following data to Pushwoosh:

  • User attributes: name, device, preferences, location, behavior, etc. Pushwoosh will save this data as Tags and their values for each user.

  • Events: each Segment Event will be transferred to Pushwoosh and saved as a Pushwoosh Event with the same name. Pushwoosh will also get information about which events each user has triggered.

Using Segment data, you can follow up on your audience with seamless communications in Pushwoosh. Below are two examples of leveraging the power of two platforms:

1. Create targeted campaigns based on user behavior data. Use Events data from Segment to build precise user segments in Pushwoosh based on specific user behavior.

For example, Segment sends data about the SubscribedToOffers Event to Pushwoosh. You can build a user segment in Pushwoosh consisting of users who have subscribed to special offers:

Then, you can create engaging customer journeys with promo messages and discounts for users who subscribed to your offers:

2. Personalize messages based on user attributes from Segment. You can leverage user attributes obtained from Segment to modify the content of your push notifications, in-app messages, and emails. This will allow you to set up relevant and high-converting communications.

For example, Segment sends the searched_product attribute values to Pushwoosh. You can create a push preset offering a discount on the products from a category a user has previously searched for:

Each user will receive a push offering a discount on the exact product category they browsed previously. For example, those who searched for sports shoes will see this message:

Setting up integration

Before setting up integration with Segment, make sure to integrate Pushwoosh SDK.

Configuring a Destination

1. In the Segment interface, navigate to ConnectionsDestinations and click Add Destination.

2. Search for Pushwoosh and select it.

3. Choose the Sources you want to connect the Destination to.

4. Go to Destination settings:

5. Enter the Pushwoosh API key and application code. Ensure the Enable Destination switch is on. After that, click Save Changes.

Where can I find the API key and application code?

You can find the API key in the SettingsAPI Access section:

The application code can be found at the top left corner of the Pushwoosh interface, right below the project name:

6. Go to the Mappings tab and ensure the Create or Update User Profile and Track Events options are enabled:

It is important to verify the mapping of event fields from your source to Pushwoosh as the destination to ensure your events are processed correctly.

If an event does not contain the device_platform field or this field is incorrect, your event will be disregarded. Additionally, if an event does not contain either userId or deviceId, it will also be disregarded.

To ensure that your mapping is configured correctly, go to Pushwoosh as Destination > Settings.

Then, select the Mapping tab and click Edit Mapping for the Track Events method.

Next, ensure that the mapping of your events to the events sent to Pushwoosh is correct, and that the fields Device Platform and External User ID (or Device ID) are properly matched.

Your event may differ from the example provided above. However, the key is to match the data transfer for the platform and device for the event sent to Pushwoosh.

If the integration is configured correctly, Pushwoosh will start receiving Events and user attributes from Segment. Based on this data, you can create highly targeted customer journeys and personalize your push notifications, in-app messages, and emails.

Configuring a Source

  1. From your workspace's Sources catalog page, click Add Source.

  2. Search for "Pushwoosh" in the Sources Catalog, select Pushwoosh, and click Add Source.

  3. On the next screen, give the Source a name and configure any other settings.

The name is used as a label in the Segment app, and Segment creates a related schema name in your warehouse. The name can be anything, but Pushwoosh recommends using something that reflects the source itself and distinguishes among your environments (For example: Pushwoosh_Prod, Pushwoosh_Staging, Pushwoosh_Dev).

  1. Click Add Source to save your settings.

  2. Copy the Write key from the Segment UI.

  3. Log in to your Pushwoosh account, and select the Application you want to connect.

  4. Navigate to Settings > 3rd party integration > Segment, click the Configure button, and enter your Write key from your Segment workspace.

  5. List the events you want to export using a , delimiter in the Events field, or leave it blank if you want to export all events, then click Apply.


Pushwoosh uses the Segment stream Source component to send Segment event data. It uses a server-side track method to send data to Segment. These events are then available in any destination that accepts server-side events, and are available in a schema in your data warehouse.

By default, Pushwoosh passes the Pushwoosh User ID as the Segment userId property. If there is no associated User ID, Pushwoosh will pass the HWID as the Segment anonymousId.


The table below lists events that Pushwoosh sends to Segment. These events appear as tables in your warehouse, and as regular events in other Destinations.

Event NameDescription

Email Sent

Email was sent successfully

Push Sent

Push notification successfully sent

SMS Sent

SMS sent to recipient

Email Delivered

Email successfully delivered

Push Delivered

Push notification successfully delivered

SMS Delivered

SMS successfully delivered

Email Bounced

Email returned to sender due to permanent error

Event Properties

The table below list the properties included in the events listed above.

Property NameDescription


Contains the type of message (Push, Email, In-App or SMS)


Unique identifier of the message campaign


Type of the device

Adding Destinations

Now that your Source is set up, you can connect it with Destinations.

Log into your downstream tools and check to see that your events appear as expected and that they contain all of the properties you expect. If your events and properties don’t appear, check the Event Delivery, and refer to the Destination docs for each tool for troubleshooting.

If there are any issues with how the events are arriving to Segment, contact our support team.

Last updated

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