Multi-Login Accounts

Share access to your Pushwoosh account with team members


Multi-Login Accounts allow the whole team to work together within a single Pushwoosh account where team members perform their specific tasks at the same time. Being an account owner, you can share your Pushwoosh account with your team. Invite sub-users to your account and grant them permissions to manage apps and send messages. Distribute permissions with regards to sub-users' roles and functions:

  • permit developers to configure and support apps,

  • allow marketers to run campaigns and send pushes,

  • give your analysts access to advanced stats, etc.

Managing Users

To manage sub-users, go to Users and Groups subsection of My Account.

To invite new sub-users, press Send Invites. Enter the invitee's email and press the Send invite button.

The invitee will receive the email with instructions to accept your invite. Once the invite is accepted, the invitee appears in the Users table below. To manage user's access to your account, add users to Groups and grant them permissions.

In case the invitee doesn't receive the invite, you can re-send it in an hour.

Two-factor Authentication

To secure your account, set up Two-factor Authentication for sub-users.

Managing Groups

To manage sub-users' access to your account, divide them into Groups. Press Create new group and give it a name.

To add users to an existing group, press Members.

Tick the checkboxes for those users you want to add to this group.

To specify actions available to the group members, press Permissions. Here, check all permissions you find necessary, and press Save.


There are four types of sub-user permissions in Multi-login Accounts:

  • Account Management permissions for managing the main account settings; visible for the Account Owner only,

  • Features permissions for managing the features applicable to all apps in the account,

  • All applications permissions for managing all apps in the account,

  • App-specific permissions for managing a particular app.

Let’s take a closer look at each of these types.

Account Management permissions

Account Owner has access to all the account including managing Users and Groups.

  • Manage Users for managing Users and Groups page, inviting sub-users to the account, and editing permissions.

  • Manage Subscription for managing Payment Methods, viewing Payment History, and using Promo Codes.

  • API Access for creating, changing, and deleting API Access Tokens.

  • Domain and Email Verification (available only for accounts with Emails enabled) for adding, verifying, and deleting domains and email addresses.

Look at the table of which sections of Pushwoosh Control Panel can be viewed and edited with Account Management permissions granted:


Pages visible and editable

Manage Users

Users & Groups

Manage Subscription

  • Payment Methods

  • Payment History

  • Promo Codes

API Access

API Access

Domain and Email Verification

Add Email

Features permissions

  • See Tags / Filters / Rich Media / Email Templates for viewing the list of Tags / Filters / Rich Media / Email Templates and applying them everywhere they're needed.

For example, See Tags permission allows users to view Tags section, stats for every Tag, and apply Tags for segmentation in Send Push section, Filters, and In-Apps, while no editing rights are granted.

  • Modify Tags / Filters / Rich Media / Email Templates for adding, editing, and deletingTags / Filters / Rich Media / Email Templates.

Please pay attention to features dependencies when distributing access rights to your sub-users. For example, to See Filters users should have See Tags permission. To Modify Filters, enable See Tags, See Filters, and Modify Filters permissions simultaneously.

Here's the table of the Features permissions dependencies:



See Tags

Modify Tags

See Tags required

See Filters

See Tags required

Modify Filters

See Tags, See Filters required

See Rich Media

See Tags, See Filters required

Modify Rich Media

See Tags, Modify Tags, See Filters, See Rich Media required

See Email Templates

Modify Email Templates

See Tags, See Email Templates required

Partial access

Partial access is intended to grant permissions on viewing and editing some specific Filters or Rich Media pages, but not the others.

For example, you can allow the group members to modify Rich Media pages for app A but restrict that group's access to Rich Media applied in app B.

To allow Partial Access for a group, press the Filters list or Rich Media list button.

Here, you'll see the list of all Filters (or Rich Media pages) created on your account. Check those you're going to give the group access to.

Please note that permission to Modify specific Filter/Rich Media requires the See permission for that particular Filter/Rich Media also checked.

All applications permissions

  • See Applications for viewing Applications page and all apps' sub-pages in the account. Sub-pages include Triggered Messages, Campaigns, Push Presets, etc. See Applications also allows viewing Application Groups and their sub-pages: Send Push, Campaigns, Push Presets, Deep Links.

Make sure to enable Features permissions needed to give the full access to Applications section. For example, See Tags, See Filters, and See Rich Media permissions are required for viewing and editing In-Apps. For more info, look at the table below.

  • Modify Applications for adding, configuring, and deleting apps, and managing all apps’ sub-pages as well. Modify Applications includes modifying all sub-pages except for Send Push, Send Email, and CSV Push. Modify Applications also allows managing Application Groups and their sub-pages: Campaigns, Push Presets, Deep Links.

  • See Messages for viewing the Message History and Statistics.

  • Send Messages for sending pushes and emails to all apps in the account (Send Push, Send Email, CSV Push sections).

  • Cancel Messages for deleting scheduled but unsent pushes.

The following table represents which permissions are required for viewing and editing each specific page of Applications section:

App-specific permissions

In case you want to give sub-users access to a particular app (or apps) instead of all the apps in the account, use App-specific permissions. They can be found in the Application Permissions section of each app in your account. App-specific permissions give the same rights as corresponding All applications permissions do but for this particular app and no others.

If you don't enable See Applications for a group of sub-users, you still can give this group access to any app separately.

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