Safari configuration

How to configure Safari web push notifications

1. Registering with Apple

1.1. Go to Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles section of Apple Developer Portal.

1.2. Add new certificate.

1.3. Choose Website Push ID Certificate type and click Continue.

1.4. Select the Website Push ID - your unique reverse-domain string, such as (must start with web.).

1.5. Upload a Certificate Signing Request. To learn more on creating Certificate Signing Requests, please refer to the Developer Account Help article.

1.6. Afterwards, download the push notification certificate.


The certificate you download from Apple is a .cer file. To get the .p12 file necessary to configure Pushwoosh, you must export a private key. See details in the iOS Configuration guide.

2. Configuring the Safari platform in your Pushwoosh project

2.1. In your Pushwoosh project, go to the Configure Platforms section and click Configure in the Safari row:

2.2. In the form that opens, add the following information:

  • Website Name: name of your website that will be displayed in the notification title.

  • Allowed domains: an array of websites allowed to request permission from user, one domain per line.

  • URL Template: target URL to go to when the notification is clicked. Use %@ as a placeholder for arguments you fill in when delivering your notification. This URL spelling must contain http or https; otherwise, it is invalid. Example:

  • Website Icon: upload your website icon to Pushwoosh. The icon must be 256×256 pixels. Pushwoosh will automatically resize it for all other UIs.

  • Key file: upload the .p12 certificate file that you downloaded in step 1.6.

  • Private key password: input the certificate password.

Pushwoosh will automatically generate the push package with the icon set, website JSON dictionary, and the manifest file that Safari requests from the server. You can download it whenever you need.


When a user is asked for permission to receive push notifications, Safari asks your web server for a push package. The package contains data used by the notification UI, such as your website name and icon, as well as a cryptographic signature that verifies that your notification is coming from a trusted source: you. Push package with all its content is downloaded ONLY ONCE by each subscribed user upon registration, and cannot be force-updated on devices. Consider this when launching Safari push notifications for your website in production.

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