Push Tracking

Audit of push notifications delivery

Deprecated and is no longer supported after May 4, 2022.

Please use the /getMessageLog API instead.

As soon as the Push Tracking functionality is enabled, each notification that you send for specific devices returns the unique tracking codes in the response:


Later you may use the getTrackingLog API method in order to get the tracking logs of notifications:

Method https://api.pushwoosh.com/json/1.3/getTrackingLog

      "auth":"API TOKEN",
      "date":"2017-01-02" // optional, date for which tracking log is required


Response example
      "request_id":"2702dd59b826e4a23b2f1af24de53108" // request_id for getResults method

Then use the /getResults method: https://api.pushwoosh.com/json/1.3/getResults


In the results you will get the tracking log link:

      "fileName":"http://static.pushwoosh.com/tracking_log_link.zip" // direct link to zip file

Please note the push tracking log contains messages created within the last 14 days.

In the ZIP file you will find the CSV list (example below):

"2021-04-20 13:01:01";T-D6C2-ABC2228F-C9C305A9;09913CFD-74AD-4A8C-B06E-CCA51200ADDC;09913CFD-74AD-4A8C-B06E-CCA51200ADDC;delivered;Success;C90C0-0E786;"{""aps"":{""alert"":""text"",""badge"":0,""sound"":""""},""md"":{""uid"":11793546856,""user_id"":""09913CFD-74AD-4A8C-B06E-CCA51200ADDC""},""p"":""Zh"",""pw_msg"":""1""}"


  • timestamp - time of the specified event

  • tracking_code - tracking code generated for a given message

  • target_id - device identifier (hwid/pushtoken) that was used for device specifying

  • hwid - hardware id

  • status - notification status: created, sent, delivered (notification gateway reported that notification was passed for the further delivery), failed (sending was unsuccessful), opened.

  • description - additional info

  • appCode - code of the app the push was sent to

  • payload - push content and settings

To enable logging of push opens, please contact our Customer Support team or your Customer Success Manager.

Last updated

Change request #2224: totalsbyintervals