Email statistics

Analyze the results of your email campaigns, including both individual messages and overall trends

In Pushwoosh, you can gain valuable insights into the performance of your emails at various levels. You can analyze the performance of each individual email, as well as understand the overall trends in your email campaigns.

Pushwoosh uses service email headers (sometimes called X-headers) to track email delivery, complaints, bounces, and analytics for troubleshooting purposes. These headers cannot be stripped out of your email messages on demand. However, some email clients may strip out X-headers of your message.

Track individual email message performance directly from the Journey canvas

You can monitor the performance of each email message within a customer journey directly on the Journey canvas.

To view statistics for a message, enable Show Metrics at the bottom of the canvas, or hover over the message element to see the stats.

Below the email message element, you will see such metrics as:

Goals reached

Indicates the number of users who reached the Conversion Goal at this specific point.


Displays the number of times the message was opened by users.


Represents the percentage of users who clicked on the message.


Represents the number of messages that couldn't be sent for some reason (for example, if a user’s push token had expired)

By default, statistics are displayed for the period since the journey launch. You can choose a different period from the panel on the left side and then click Apply time range.

For a detailed view of individual message effectiveness, double-click on a message element on the canvas. A statistics window will pop up, displaying key metrics, such as:

  • Number of sent messages

  • Number of opened messages

  • Number of clicks

  • Number of recipients who have unsubscribed

To see the reasons for drop-offs and the number of drop-offs for each cause, expand the Drop-offs block.

To access even more comprehensive statistics for a message, click Full Statistics at the bottom of the window.

Then, within the window that opens, select your preferred time frame and platforms to view statistics for.

The metrics displayed include:

  • Total number of messages sent

  • Number of recipients

  • Total number of messages delivered

  • Total number of messages opened

  • Open rate

Also, there are graphs that illustrate the number of messages sent, opened, and delivered within your chosen time frame.

Here, you can also access data related to conversion tracking.

Get comprehensive statistics for each message in Message History

To view more detailed statistics for your recent email messages, navigate to Statistics > Message History. There, locate the email you want to track and click on it to open a statistics page. This page displays general information about the email, including:

  • the date it was sent

  • the segment it was sent to

  • its status

  • Its subject

  • sender

  • the email address it was sent from

  • the email template used.

There are four tabs available on the statistics page, each providing unique insights based on the corresponding data:

  • Statistics

  • Recipients

  • Link tracking

  • Delivery report

Statistics tab

The Statistics tab presents a graph that can reveal the correlation between three metrics:

  • Number of emails sent

  • Total number of email opens, which indicates the overall volume of email opens

  • Number of emails opens on a specific day

In addition, you'll find data for the following metrics:

Total sent

The overall number of emails sent to recipients.


The number of emails delivered to recipients. Email delivery may fail because of bounces, so we recommend ensuring that your mailing list contains only valid and verified email addresses from users who explicitly gave their consent to receive emails from you.


The number of emails opened by recipients.


The percentage of recipients who clicked on one or more links included in an email, thus indicating their engagement with the email content.


The number of recipients who followed the Unsubscribe link in the email. These users are tagged with the True value of the Unsubscribed Emails default tag.

Hard bounce

The number of emails not delivered because of hard bounces. A hard bounce happens when an email message can't be delivered permanently because the recipient's address either doesn't exist or is invalid.

Soft bounce

Temporary delivery failures, such as when a recipient's mailbox is full or network issues disrupt delivery. Pushwoosh makes multiple attempts to resend soft-bounced emails. If the email remains undelivered after these attempts, sending to that email address will be discontinued.


The number of users who reported your message as spam or lodged complaints with their email provider. Complaints may result in restrictions on your messaging capabilities by email providers and clients.

If complaint rate exceeds the acceptable level, we will stop sending messages from your account and suggest that you should check email contents and template. Note: complaint rate should always remain below 0.1% of emails sent.

If hard bounce rate exceeds the acceptable level, we will stop sending messages from your account and check your email database. Bounce rate should always remain below 5% of emails sent.

To avoid exceeding bounce rate limit, use the /getBouncedEmails API method to receive the list of bounced email addresses, and remove such addresses from your mailing list.

Recipient List tab

The Recipient List tab presents the complete list of users to whom the message was sent, along with their User IDs and device IDs (HWIDs), the date and time the message was sent and, if applicable, the date and time the message was opened.

In this tab, you can track the number of clicks on links in your received emails and view the calculated conversion rate for each link.

Please note that each unique URL is tracked as one link even if it's linked to several text parts, buttons, or images. Consider using UTM parameters to track clicks on the same link separately.

Delivery Report tab

On the Delivery Report tab, the overall numbers for each platform are shown along with explanations for any errors.

Track message statistics using API

To retrieve stats for a specific message via API, call the /getMsgStats method using the message code of the email you've sent.

Project overview

To assess the overall performance of your email campaigns, navigate to Statistics > Project Overview. Here, you can view the total number of emails sent, delivered, and opened within a selected period, allowing you to compare email performance with other channels.

Furthermore, on this page, you'll find a breakdown of key email metrics such as:

  • Emails sent

  • Unique emails opened

  • Unique clicks on email links

  • Emails soft bounce

  • Emails hard bounce

  • Email complaints


To analyze the performance of your email campaigns in detail, use pre-built Emails and Application dashboards in the Statistics > Dashboards tab or create your custom dashboard for deeper analysis.

Emails dashboard

The Emails dashboard provides you with an in-depth analysis of your email campaigns performance. It displays various metrics such as the number of subscribers, email sends, opens, deliveries, and more.

Also, you can customize the dashboard to fit your needs by adding or removing specific metrics, or create a custom dashboard entirely tailored to your campaigns. Learn how to do this here

Application dashboard

The dashboard enables you to compare your email performance with other channels, providing insights into metrics such as recipients, subscribers, daily and monthly active users, etc. broken down by channel. Learn more

Last updated