Scheduled push

The flow is the same for mobile and web push notification campaigns.

This flow shows how to schedule push notification delivery for a chosen date and time.

The scheduling setup differs depending on whether a push notification initiates a communication flow or continues an existing one.

If a push notification initiates a communication flow

Once you've set up a basic push flow, you can add scheduling to your push.

In the Audience-based entry element, drag the Scheduled Launch slider:

Select the delivery time and the timezone:

For the Launch period field, select Dates specified and indicate your required date:

Click Add Date to indicate multiple dates for delivering the same push notification:

Once scheduling is set, click Apply.

Alternatively, you can set recurring pushes to be sent at regular intervals (daily, weekly, etc.) rather than on specific dates. Learn how to set recurring pushes.

If a push notification continues a communication flow

Insert the Time Delay element between the preceding communication elements and the push notification you wish to schedule:

Double-click the Time Delay element. In the Time Delay Option field, select either Specific time:

or Date:

Within the Time Delay element, you can set other delivery conditions: waiting for fixed durations, specific days of the week, or until the user triggers a specified event.

Learn more about how to use the Time Delay element.

Last updated

Change request #2224: totalsbyintervals