WebViewGold integration

WebViewGold simplifies the process of converting web content into functional mobile applications for both iOS and Android. You don't need to have any coding skills to use this solution, which makes mobile app development accessible to a wider audience.

WebViewGold offers templates for creating mobile apps, automating the app development process. Once created, the apps can be distributed on major app stores, such as the App Store and Google Play.

Thanks to the integration with Pushwoosh, WebViewGold users can now jumpstart powerful omnichannel communication for their web apps.

Free license upgrade for Pushwoosh users!

Get a free license upgrade for WebViewGold! Simply send your WebViewGold License Code and Pushwoosh App Code to pushwoosh-love@webviewgold.com to claim this offer.

To give you a better idea of how to utilize the integration to achieve your business goals, here are some examples:

Boost engagement

WebViewGold apps can keep users coming back by using Pushwoosh to send triggered and scheduled campaigns. This means, for instance, sending a push notification for a special promotion exactly when a user performs a certain action on the app.

Onboard users

New users of apps created with WebViewGold templates can be welcomed with a series of in-app messages and push notifications that help to understand the core values of the product, potentially increasing user activation rates.

Collect feedback

WebViewGold apps can use Pushwoosh to send surveys to gather user feedback and insights for product development.

Increase retention

Pushwoosh’s segmentation based on trigger events can identify when users become less active in WebViewGold apps and send re-engagement communications to prevent churn.

Setting up push notifications

For incorporating push notifications into your WebViewGold app, detailed setup guides are available:

For Android

To configure push notifications for your Android app, please follow the instructions provided in the WebViewGold documentation

For iOS

To set up push notifications for your iOS app, follow the step-by-step guide in the WebViewGold documentation

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