Prepare your project

Follow this guide to get your project ready before creating your first journey

Before creating your first campaign with Pushwoosh Customer Journey Builder:

  1. Create a project and configure platforms in your Pushwoosh account.

  2. Integrate the Pushwoosh SDK into your app or website.

  3. Make sure users can subscribe to your notifications.

  4. Prepare segmentation, content, and anything else you may need to launch journeys.

Below you will find detailed instructions for each of these steps.

1. Create a project and configure platforms (if necessary)

Skip this step if you have already configured the project where you want to create a journey.

1.1. Creating a project

Create a project in your Pushwoosh account using this instruction. You can configure several platforms within one project. For example, if you select Mobile push for start configuration, you can also set up Web and Email platforms at any time.

1.2. Configuring platforms

Configure the platforms to which you want to send notifications:

More about configuring platforms

2. Integrate the Pushwoosh SDK

Make sure you have integrated the appropriate SDK into your app or website:

3. Subscribe users

Users should be able to subscribe to your app's or site's notifications — otherwise, you won't be able to send them pushes and emails.

  • To send mobile and web pushes, encourage users to opt in by showing them the in-app message. Then, use the registerDevice API method to register new subscribers for your pushes.

  • To send emails, first collect users' emails and use the registerEmail API method to register new email subscribers for Pushwoosh.

More about subscribing users

4. Prepare segmentation & content

Depending on the elements you are going to use in your journey, you may also need to prepare Events, Tags, Segments, Push content, Email content, and Rich Media in your project.

4.1. Events

Events are actions users perform in the app or on the website. They are recorded by the Pushwoosh SDK and can trigger various behavior-based communications. Each configured Event can be used in the following elements of a journey:

More about Events

4.2. Tags and Segments

Tags contain data that you associate with a particular user or device: username, ID, city, preferences, etc. Using Tags, you can create Segments and update user profiles in a journey.

More about Tags

Segments (previously called Filters) are groups of subscribers complying with the conditions you specify. You can build Segments based on Tag values, triggered Events, or both. You can also use automatic RFM Segmentation. Segments will help you target specific users with specific messages increasing communication relevance and thus boosting open rates.

Segments can be used in the following elements of a journey:

More about Segments

4.3. Push & Email content

Pushwoosh empowers you to create reusable push content. You can craft the text and configure settings using our push content editor and then either send the push notification immediately or save it for future campaigns. Learn more about creating push content

You can craft your email content using the editor that best fits your needs:

4.4. Rich Media

Rich Media are rich content pages deeply customizable to the needs of your business and the specifics of your app. There are some default Rich Media templates in every Pushwoosh account so you can customize their appearance and content or, if needed, create your own templates.

Rich Media is required to show In-Apps to your app users.

More about Rich Media

5. Check if everything's ok

Once everything's set up, check whether it works as it is supposed to. There are several options to test sending messages to your app or site subscribers:

  • Register your device as a test one and send push messages to test devices only.

  • Target your device by HWID, push token, or userID using the createMessage API request.

  • Assign a unique Tag value to your device, create a Segment using this Tag value, and use it in your test messaging.

To test email configuration, send an email to a selected list of addresses:

  1. Prepare email content using Drag & drop email editor or HTML code editor.

  2. Go to Campaigns → Create campaign → EmailOne-time campaign.

  3. Create a Segment with a list of addresses you want to send a test email to.

  4. Select email content you want to send and set up your email.

  5. Click Launch campaign.

6. Start creating your first journey

Now you are all set to create your first customer journey! Go to the Customer Journey Builder section and click Create Campaign:

Check out this step-by-step guide on creating a test journey using our demo app.

Last updated

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