Recurring push

The flow is the same for mobile and web push notification campaigns.

This flow shows how to send the same push notification repeatedly at a selected interval (once a day, once a week, at a custom interval, etc.) or on selected dates.

Once you've created a basic push flow, you can set up your recurring push.

In the Audience-based Entry element, drag the Scheduled Launch slider.

For recurring pushes, choose from two options:

  • Launch on several dates

Schedule the journey to launch on multiple specific dates.

  • Periodic launch

Schedule the journey to launch periodically.

Launch on several dates

This option allows you to schedule the journey for launch on multiple specific dates.

First, use the calendar to choose the desired launch dates. You can add or remove dates as needed.

Then, set the Launching time and Timezone. Choose from two timezone options:

1. Subscriber's device timezone (default). With this option, the journey will launch based on the timezone of each subscriber's device. If a subscriber's timezone data is missing, a fallback timezone will be used. You can modify the fallback timezone by clicking on Change fallback.

2. Specific timezone. Choose a timezone from the dropdown list if you need a specific timezone for the journey launch.

Note: Subscribers whose time for a specific date has already passed will be included in the campaign on the next scheduled date.

Periodic launch

Choose Periodic launch to set up a journey that launches at regular intervals.

First, define how often the journey should launch by selecting a unit of time (e.g., Day, Week, Month) and specifying the interval (e.g. every 2 days).

Then, set the Launching time and Timezone. Follow the same steps as for the Launch on several dates option.

Note: Subscribers whose launch time has already passed will be included in the campaign on the next scheduled interval.

Last updated

Change request #2224: totalsbyintervals