Integrating React Native Plugin

How to integrate Pushwoosh SDK into your React Native project

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1. Install plugin

npm install pushwoosh-react-native-plugin --save

1.1. For iOS, additionally install dependencies:

cd ios && pod install && cd ..

React Native 0.59 and earlier versions

Starting with 0.60 version, React Native uses Autolinking, so you do not need to link the plugin on your own. However, for earlier versions (0.59 and lower) you still have to do it manually:

react-native link pushwoosh-react-native-plugin

2. Configure your project in Firebase Console.

3. Locate the google-services.json file to the android/app/ folder in your project directory. Make sure that the package name of your app is registered for your Firebase project and persists in the google-services.json file.


You should've gotten the google-services.json file while creating the app in Firebase console. If you haven't, please consult this thread (section Get a config file for your Android app).

4. In iOS Xcode project enable Push Notifications in the Capabilities section.

5. Import plugin and register for push notifications

import Pushwoosh from 'pushwoosh-react-native-plugin';

    "pw_appid" : "YOUR_PUSHWOOSH_APP_ID" , 
    "project_number" : "YOUR_FCM_SENDER_ID" 

// this event is fired when the push is received in the app
DeviceEventEmitter.addListener('pushReceived', (e: Event) => {
  console.warn("pushReceived: " + JSON.stringify(e));
  // shows a push is received. Implement passive reaction to a push, such as UI update or data download.

// this event is fired when user clicks on notification
DeviceEventEmitter.addListener('pushOpened', (e: Event) => {
  console.warn("pushOpened: " + JSON.stringify(e));
  // shows a user tapped the notification. Implement user interaction, such as showing push details

Since iOS manages push notifications at the OS level, make sure to include the Pushwoosh Notification Service Extension to track the delivery of push notifications for your iOS app. Learn how to add it

6. Add GoogleServices gradle plugin to your project's build.gradle:

// you should already have buildscript and dependencies blocks in your project's build.gradle so just put the classpath line there

buildscript {
  dependencies {
  classpath ''

7. Apply GoogleServicesPlugin in your app's build.gradle:

// add these lines to the very end of your build.gradle

apply {

Push Notifications in foreground

When receiving a push in the background, no events are triggered until a push notification is clicked. After it is opened, Pushwoosh plugin fires pushReceived and pushOpenedevents.

When a push is received in the foreground, the plugin fires pushReceived automatically and creates a notification in the Notification Center. When this notification is opened, it fires pushOpened.

You can listen to pushReceived event to immediately react on a push in case it is received in foreground, e.g., update content on a current page in your app. pushOpened, on the other side, is used to react on a notification click event, which requires user interaction, e.g., to navigate within your app, trigger a new process in your app, etc.

Foreground notification creation can be controlled with the following flags added to AndroidManifest.xml and info.plist:

<!--Add this line to show push notifications in foreground. Use "false" value to disable it-->
<meta-data android:name="PW_BROADCAST_PUSH" android:value="true"/>

Share your feedback with us

Your feedback helps us create a better experience, so we would love to hear from you if you have any issues during the SDK integration process. If you face any difficulties, please do not hesitate to share your thoughts with us via this form.

Last updated

Change request #2224: totalsbyintervals