Custom Subscription Popup

This guide addresses implementing a customizable subscription prompt on your website


Custom Subscription Popup is a pop-up window displayed on the web page and suggesting users to subscribe to web push notifications. It’s implemented with Pushwoosh WebSDK and allows to overcome the browser restrictions on a native subscription prompts displaying. A native subscription popup can be shown to a particular user only twice. If a user doesn’t allow push notifications and closes the native subscription popup two times in a row, it won’t be shown again and push notifications are considered blocked. A Custom Subscription Popup in its turn can be displayed as many times as needed unless a user subscribes to or blocks push notifications explicitly.

A Custom Subscription Popup can contain any text explaining the advantages of subscription to push notifications and two customizable buttons — a one for an "Ask later" option and a one for "Subscribe."

Once a user presses a "Subscribe" button, a native subscription popup appears.

When a user presses an "Ask Later" button or simply closes the window, the Custom Subscription Popup will appear again in a specified time (by default, in a week after; a delay to retry can be customized via the "retryOffset" parameter).


To enable and customize a Custom Subscription Popup, use the following script while initializing Pushwoosh WebSDK:

Pushwoosh.push('init', {
    . . .,
    subscribePopup: {
        enable: true,          // (boolean) popup activation
        text: 'Text on popup', // (string) a text to display on the popup 
        askLaterButtonText: 'Not now', // (string) custom text for the “Ask later” button         
        confirmSubscriptionButtonText: 'Subscribe', // (string) custom text for the “Subscribe” button 
        iconUrl: 'https://...',  // (string) custom icon URL
        delay: 60,             // (integer) a delay between the page loading and popup appearance 
        retryOffset: 604800,   // (integer) an offset in seconds to display the popup again 
        overlay: false,        // (boolean) enables page overlaying when popup is displayed
        position: 'top',       // (string) position on the page. Possible values: ’top' | 'center' | 'bottom’
        bgColor: '#fff',                         // (string) popup’s background color
        borderColor: 'transparent',              // (string) popup’s border color
        boxShadow: '0 3px 6px rgba(0,0,0,0.16)', // (string) popup’s shadow
        textColor: '#000',      // (string) popup’s text color 
        textSize: 'inherit',    // (string) popup’s text size
        fontFamily: 'inherit',  // (string) popup’s text font 
        subscribeBtnBgColor: '#4285f4',     // (string) “Subscribe” button’s color
        subscribeBtnTextColor: '#fff',      // (string) “Subscribe” button text’s color 
        askLaterBtnBgColor: 'transparent',  // (string) “Ask later” button’s color
        askLaterBtnTextColor: '#000',        // (string) “Ask later” button text’s color
        theme: 'material' // or 'topbar'. A popup theme, see the details below      


By default, the Subscription Popup uses a 'material' theme and overlays some part of a screen when shown, thus hiding some content from a website visitor.

To avoid hiding valuable content by the Subscription Popup, use the 'topbar' theme so that the popup is shown as a narrow bar on the top of the screen.

Last updated