API access token
API Access Token is a unique identifier assigned to a particular project or several projects in your account. It authenticates your account for managing your projects via the API, including account modifications, sending messages, editing projects, etc. Each Pushwoosh account has an API Access Token created by default for the Pushwoosh Demo App.

To manage your production or development project with that API Token, check the Allow all API tokens to communicate with this project when configuring a new project:

To create a new token assigned for a specific project or projects, go to Settings → API Access and press Generate new access token:

Set up a new token as you’d like to:

To authorize for the API, copy your API Access token and paste it into the “auth” parameter value of your API request.
{ "request": { "application": "XXXXX-XXXXX", "auth": "yxoPUlwqm…………pIyEX4H", // paste your token here "notifications": [{ "send_date": "now", "content": "Hello world" }] }}