Email API
Creates an email message.
Request Body
Name | Type | Description |
auth* | string | API access token from Pushwoosh Control Panel. |
application* | string | Pushwoosh application code. |
notifications* | array | JSON array of email message parameters. Look at the request example below for more info. |
{ "status_code": 200, "status_message": "OK", "response": null}
{ "status_code": 403, "status_message": "Token restrictions forbid this operation", "response": null}
{ "request": { "auth": "API_ACCESS_TOKEN", // required. API access token from Pushwoosh Control Panel "application": "APPLICATION_CODE", // required. Pushwoosh application code. "applications_group": "GROUP_CODE", // optional. Can be used instead of "application". "notifications": [{ "send_date": "now", // required. YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm OR 'now' "preset": "ERXXX-32XXX", // required. Copy Email preset code from the URL bar of // the Email Content editor page in Pushwoosh Control Panel. "subject": [{ // optional. Email message subject line. "default": "Hello, User." }, { "en": "Hello, User." }], "campaign": "CAMPAIGN_CODE", // optional. To assign this email message to a particular campaign, // add a campaign code here. "ignore_user_timezone": true, // optional. "timezone": "America/New_York", // optional. Specify to send the message according to // timezone set on user's device. "filter": "FILTER_NAME", // optional. Send the message to specific users meeting filter conditions. "devices": [ // optional. Specify email addresses to send targeted email messages. "email_address1", // Not more than 1000 addresses in an array. "email_address2" // If set, the message will only be sent to the addresses on ], // the list. Ignored if the Application Group is used. "use_auto_registration": true, // optional. Automatically register emails specified in "devices" parameter "users": [ // optional. If set, the email message will only be delivered to the "userId1", // specified user IDs (registered via /registerEmail call). "userId2" // Not more than 1000 user IDs in an array. ], // If the "devices" parameter is specified, // the "users" parameter will be ignored. "dynamic_content_placeholders": { // optional. Placeholders for dynamic content instead of device tag values. "firstname": "John", "firstname_en": "John" }, "conditions": [ // optional. Segmentation conditions, see remark below. ["Country", "EQ", "BR"], ["Language", "EQ", "pt"] ], "from": { // optional. Specify a sender name and sender email address "name": "alias from", // to replace the default "From name" and "From email" "email": "" // set up in application properties. }, "reply-to": { // optional. Specify an email address to replace the "name": "alias reply to ", // default "Reply to" set up in application properties. "email": "" }, "transactionId": "unique UUID" // optional. Unique message identifier to prevent re-sending // in case of network problems. Stored on the side // of Pushwoosh for 5 minutes. }] }}
Tag conditions
Each tag condition is an array like [tagName, operator, operand]
- tagName: name of a tag
- operator: “EQ” | “IN” | “NOTEQ” | “NOTIN” | “LTE” | “GTE” | “BETWEEN”
- operand: string | integer | array | date
Operand description
- EQ: tag value is equal to operand;
- IN: tag value intersects with operand (operand must always be an array);
- NOTEQ: tag value is not equal to an operand;
- NOTIN: tag value does not intersect with operand (operand must always be an array);
- GTE: tag value is greater than or equal to operand;
- LTE: tag value is less than or equal to operand;
- BETWEEN: tag value is greater than or equal to min operand value but less than or equal to max operand value (operand must always be an array).
String tags
Valid operators: EQ, IN, NOTEQ, NOTIN
Valid operands:
- EQ, NOTEQ: operand must be a string;
- IN, NOTIN: operand must be an array of strings like
["value 1", "value 2", "value N"]
Integer tags
Valid operators: EQ, IN, NOTEQ, NOTIN, BETWEEN, GTE, LTE
Valid operands:
- EQ, NOTEQ, GTE, LTE: operand must be an integer;
- IN, NOTIN: operand must be an array of integers like
[value 1, value 2, value N]
; - BETWEEN: operand must be an array of integers like
[min_value, max_value]
Date tags
Valid operators: EQ, IN, NOTEQ, NOTIN, BETWEEN, GTE, LTE
Valid operands:
"YYYY-MM-DD 00:00"
(string)- unix timestamp
(integer) "N days ago"
(string) for operators EQ, BETWEEN, GTE, LTE
Boolean tags
Valid operators: EQ
Valid operands: 0, 1, true, false
List tags
Valid operators: IN
Valid operands: operand must be an array of strings like ["value 1", "value 2", "value N"]
Registers email address for the app.
Request Body
Name | Type | Description |
application* | string | Pushwoosh application code. |
email* | string | Email address. |
language | string | Language locale of the device. Must be a lowercase two-letter code according to ISO-639-1 standard. |
userId | string | User ID to associate with the email address. |
tz_offset | integer | Timezone offset in seconds. |
tags | object | Tag values to assign to the device registered. |
{ "status_code": 200, "status_message": "OK", "response": null}
{ "request": { "application": "APPLICATION_CODE", // required. Pushwoosh application code. "email":"", // required. Email address to be registered. "language": "en", // optional. Language locale. "userId": "userId", // optional. User ID to associate with the email address. "tz_offset": 3600, // optional. Timezone offset in seconds. "tags": { // optional. Tag values to set for the device registered. "StringTag": "string value", "IntegerTag": 42, "ListTag": ["string1","string2"], // sets the list of values for Tags of List type "DateTag": "2024-10-02 22:11", // note the time should be in UTC "BooleanTag": true // valid values are: true, false } }}
Removes email address from your user base.
Request Body
Name | Type | Description |
application | string | Pushwoosh application code. |
string | Email address used in /registerEmail request. |
{ "status_code": 200, "status_message": "OK", "response": null}
{ "request": { "application": "APPLICATION_CODE", // required. Pushwoosh application code "email": "" // required. Email to delete from app subscribers. }}
Sets tag values for the email address.
Request Body
Name | Type | Description |
auth | string | API access token. |
application | string | Pushwoosh application code. |
string | Email address. | |
tags | object | JSON object of tags to set, send ‘null’ to remove the value. |
userId | string | User ID associated with the email address. |
{ "status_code": 200, "status_message": "OK", "response": { "skipped": [] }}
{ "request": { "auth": "eXKjNPrq..............R0FSsLIXuZF", // required. API Access Token. "email": "", // required. Email address to set tags for. "application": "APPLICATION_CODE", // required. Pushwoosh application code. "tags": { "StringTag": "string value", "IntegerTag": 42, "ListTag": ["string1", "string2"], "DateTag": "2024-10-02 22:11", // time in UTC "BooleanTag": true // valid values are: true, false }, "userId": "userId" // optional. User ID associated with the email address. }}
Associates an external User ID with a specified email address.
Can be used in /createEmailMessage
API call (the ‘users’ parameter).
Request Body
Name | Type | Description |
auth* | string | API access token. |
application* | string | Pushwoosh application code. |
email* | string | Email address. |
userId* | string | User ID to associate with the email address. |
tz_offset | integer | Timezone offset in seconds. |
{ "status_code": 200, "status_message": "OK", "response": null}
{ "status_code": 400, "status_message": "Request format is not valid."}
{ "status_code": 403, "status_message": "Forbidden."}
{ "request": { "auth": "API Token", // required. API Access Token. "application": "APPLICATION_CODE", // required. Pushwoosh application code. "email": "", // required. User email address. "userId": "userId", // required. User ID to associate with the email address. "tz_offset": 3600 // optional. Timezone offset in seconds. }}