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Device API



Called internally from the SDK. Registers device for the application.

Request Body

application*stringPushwoosh application code.
push_tokenstringPush token for the device.
languagestringLanguage locale of the device. Must be a lowercase two-letter code according to ISO-639-1 standard.
hwid*stringUnique string to identify the device (IDFV on iOS, randomly generated value on Android).
timezoneintegerTimezone offset in seconds for the device.
device_type*integerDevice type. See possible values below.
emailstringEmail address to register (use for email users instead of HWID and push token).
tagsobjectTag values to assign to the device registered.
"status_code": 200,
"status_message": "OK",
"response": null
"request": {
"application": "XXXXX-XXXXX", // required. Pushwoosh application code
"push_token": "dec301908b9ba8XXXXX57a58e40f96f5XXXXX2068674f5XXXXa25cdc250a2a41", // optional.
"hwid": "1CA6XXXXX-8DAC-XXXXX-XXXXX-B756288B6D3C", // required. Hardware device ID
"idfa": "AEBE52E7-0XXXXX-455A-XXXXX-E57283966239", // optional.
"timezone": 3600, // optional. Offset in seconds
"device_type": 1, // required. See the possible values below. For emails,
// use the "emails" params as described below.
"email": "", // use instead of "hwid" and "push_token" to register
// the email address for your email project
"language": "en", // optional. ISO 639-1|639-2 language code
"userId": "Alex", // optional.
"tags": { // optional. Tag values to set for the device registered
"StringTag": "string value",
"IntegerTag": 42,
"ListTag": ["string1", "string2"], // sets the list of values for Tags of List type
"DateTag": "2024-10-02 22:11", // note the time should be in UTC
"BooleanTag": true // valid values are: true, false
// system tags, optionals
"app_version": "1.2.3",
"device_model": "Samsung SM-G355H",
"os_version": "2.3",
// optional encryption keys for chrome/firefox
"public_key": "BNmDO4BTKEMJqaqprTf7t/HBXXXXX/orcXXXXX/scS5CFP6XXXXXHI1/GgRQD8c4kTxTEEF0quvIUiLQqoBY0/Qo=",
"auth_token": "RlRmCXXXXX/s7XXXXXjKFzoQ==",
// optional FCM keys for Chrome (for XMPP)
"fcm_token": "BNmDO4BTKEMJXXXXXprTf7t/XXXXXBQ/orXXXXXc/scS5CFP6zhQGIHI1/GgRQD8c4kTxTEEF0quvIUiLQqoBY0/Qo=",
"fcm_push_set": "RlXXXXXGM/s7XXXXXjKFzoQ=="

Possible device types:

  • 1 – iOS
  • 3 – Android
  • 7 – Mac OS X
  • 8 – Windows
  • 9 – Amazon
  • 10 – Safari
  • 11 – Chrome
  • 12 – Firefox
  • 17 – Huawei
  • 18 – SMS
  • 19 – Xiaomi
  • 21 – WhatsApp

Registering email devices

To register a email subscriber for your app, send the "email": "" param in your /registerDevice or /registerEmail request as follows:

Request example

"application": "XXXXX-XXXXX", // required. Pushwoosh application code
"email": "", // required. Email address to register for your email project
"language": "en", // optional. ISO 639-1|639-2 language code
"userId": "Alex", // optional.
"tags": { // optional. Tag values to set for the device registered
"StringTag": "string value",
"IntegerTag": 42,
"ListTag": ["string1", "string2"], // sets the list of values for Tags of List type
"DateTag": "2024-10-02 22:11", // note the time should be in UTC
"BooleanTag": true // valid values are: true, false

Registering WhatsApp devices

To register a WhatsApp device for your app, follow these guidelines:

  • hwid: Ensure this field includes the whatsapp: prefix followed by the phone number in E.164 format (e.g., whatsapp:+0000000000). The phone number must be valid, which Pushwoosh will verify.

  • Push token: A push token is not required, as hwid will automatically function as the push token.

  • device_type: Set this field to 21 to specify WhatsApp as the platform.

Request example

"request": {
"application": "XXXXX-XXXXX", // required. Pushwoosh application code
"hwid": "whatsapp:+0000000000", // required. WhatsApp prefix and valid phone number
"timezone": 3600, // optional. Time offset in seconds
"device_type": 21, // required. WhatsApp device type is 21
"language": "en", // optional. ISO 639-1|639-2 language code
"userId": "Alex", // optional. User identifier
"tags": { // optional. Tag values for custom segmentation
"StringTag": "string value",
"IntegerTag": 42,
"ListTag": ["string1", "string2"],
"DateTag": "2024-10-02 22:11", // UTC format
"BooleanTag": true
"app_version": "1.2.3", // optional. Application version
"device_model": "Samsung SM-G355H", // optional. Device model
"os_version": "2.3" // optional. Operating system version

Registering SMS devices

To register an SMS device for your app, follow these guidelines:

  • hwid: Ensure this field includes the phone number in E.164 format (e.g., +0000000000). The phone number must be valid, which Pushwoosh will verify.

  • Push token: A push token is not required, as hwid will automatically function as the push token.

  • device_type: Set this required field to 18 to designate SMS as the platform.

Request example

"request": {
"application": "XXXXX-XXXXX", // required. Pushwoosh application code
"hwid": "+0000000000", // required. Valid phone number in E.164 format
"timezone": 3600, // optional. Time offset in seconds
"device_type": 18, // required. SMS device type is 18
"language": "en", // optional. ISO 639-1|639-2 language code
"userId": "Alex", // optional. User identifier
"tags": { // optional. Tag values for custom segmentation
"StringTag": "string value",
"IntegerTag": 42,
"ListTag": ["string1", "string2"],
"DateTag": "2024-10-02 22:11", // UTC format
"BooleanTag": true
"app_version": "1.2.3", // optional. Application version
"device_model": "Samsung SM-G355H", // optional. Device model
"os_version": "2.3" // optional. Operating system version

Status codes:

HTTP Status codestatus_codeDescription
200200Device successfully registered
200210Argument error. See status_message for more info.
400N/AMalformed request string
500500Internal error


Registers multiple devices in Pushwoosh in a single request. It also allows specifying various tags for each device.


Request parameters

applicationstringYesThe application code for your Pushwoosh account.
authstringYesThe API authentication token.
devicesarrayYesAn array of device objects. Each object represents a device and its associated data. See details in the Device object parameters table below.

Device object parameters

hwidstringYesThe hardware ID or unique identifier for the device.
push_tokenstringYesPush token for the device.
platformintegerYesThe platform identifier. Learn more
list_operatorstringNoDetermines the action for list-type tags:
- “append”: Add the specified value to the tag list.
- “remove”: Remove the specified value from the tag list.
Note: If the list_operator parameter is not specified, all existing values in the tag list will be replaced with the provided values.
tagsobjectNoCustom tags assigned to the device. Tags are key-value pairs used for segmentation.

Request example

"application": "application code", // required. Pushwoosh app code
"auth": "Pushwoosh auth token", // required. API access token from Pushwoosh Control Panel
"devices": [{ // required. Array of devices
"hwid": "device hwid", // required. Unique identifier for the device (can be an email).
"push_token": "device push token", // required. Push notification token for the device.
"platform": 14, // required. Device platform (e.g., 14 for email).
"list_operator": "append", // optional. For list tags. Adds or removes the specified value(s) from the tag of list type.
"tags": { // optional. Values to set for the specified tags.
"language": "en", // use correct value type.
"CSV_Import": "summer_camp"
"hwid": "device hwid 2", // required. Unique identifier for the second device.
"push_token": "device push token 2", // required. Push notification token for the device.
"platform": 14, // required. Device platform.
"list_operator": "remove", // optional. Adds or removes values from tags of the list type.
"tags": { // optional. Values to remove from the specified tags.
"language": "en",
"CSV_Import": "summer_camp2"
"hwid": "device hwid 3", // required. Unique identifier for the third device.
"push_token": "device push token 3", // required. Push notification token for the device.
"platform": 14, // required. Device platform.
"tags": { // optional. Values to set for the specified tags.
"language": "en",
"CSV_Import": "summer_camp3"


The method responds with an operation ID, which can be used to track the status and results of the bulk registration process.

"request_id": "request_id to use in GET method to obtain job status",
"status": "Pending"

Checking bulkRegisterDevice status

You can check the status of a bulk registration process by making the following GET request:


request_idstringYesThe request ID returned by the POST request.
detailedbooleanNoIf set to true, the response includes detailed results for each registered device.

Example response

"request_id": "9a2e1a14-XXXX-46c3-XXXX-c254b25d3782",
"status": "Completed",
"progress": 100,
"devices_success": 4,
"devices": [
"hwid": "",
"status": "done"
"hwid": "",
"status": "done"
"hwid": "",
"status": "done"
"hwid": "",
"status": "failed"



Removes the device’s push token. The unregistered device is still counted in Total Devices and can be reached with In-Apps. Called internally from the SDK.

Request Body

application*stringPushwoosh application code.
hwid*stringHardware device ID used in /registerDevice request.
"status_code": 200,
"status_message": "OK",
"response": null
"request": {
"application": "XXXXX-XXXXX", // required. Pushwoosh application code
"hwid": "8f65b16XXXXXe7a6beceXXXXX530fb2" // required. Hardware device ID used in /registerDevice API

Status codes:

HTTP Status codestatus_codeDescription
200200Device successfully unsubscribed
200210Argument error. See status_message for more info.
400N/AMalformed request string
500500Internal error



Sets tags values for the device. Called from the SDK.

Request Body

application*stringPushwoosh application code.
hwid*stringHardware device ID used in /registerDevice request.
tags*objectJSON object of tags to set, send “null” to remove the value.
"status_code": 200,
"status_message": "OK",
"response": null
"application": "XXXXX-XXXXX", // required. Pushwoosh application code
"hwid": "8f65b16XXXXXe7a6becXXXXXe1530fb2", // required. Hardware device ID used in /registerDevice API
"tags": { // required.
"StringTag": "string value",
"IntegerTag": 42,
"ListTag": ["string1", "string2"], // sets the list of values for Tags of List type
"DateTag": "2024-10-02 22:11", // note the time is in UTC
"BooleanTag": true // valid values are - true, false

Increment Integer tag values

To increment a value of the Integer Tag, use the operation parameter with the “increment” value as follows:

"application": "12345-67890", // required. Pushwoosh application code
"hwid": "21AB7628-XXXX-XXXX-CCC0-PO287CS24CA4", // required. hardware device ID used in /registerDevice API
"tags": { // required.
"Level": { // Tag name
"operation": "increment", // overwrites the integer tag in increments of the following value
"value": 1 // increment for the tag value

Decrement Integer tag values

To decrement, use the negative numbers as the value for the “increment” operation (-1, -2, -3,-n):

"application": "12345-67890", // required. Pushwoosh application code
"hwid": "21AB7628-XXXX-XXXX-CCC0-PO287CS24CA4", // required. Hardware device ID used in /registerDevice API
"tags": { // required
"Level": { // Tag name
"operation": "increment", // overwrites the integer tag in decrement of the following value
"value": -1 // decrement for the tag value

Append List tag values

To extend the List Tag with new values, use the operation parameter with the “append” value as follows:

"request": {
"hwid": "3d124a79XXXXf189XXXX7dfd9XXXXafd", // required. Hardware device ID used in /registerDevice API
"application": "6XXXX-XXXX3", // required. Pushwoosh application code
"tags": { // required.
"ListTag": { // Tag name
"operation": "append", // appends following values to the Tag's list of values
"value": [ // values to append

Remove List tag values

To remove some values from the List Tag, use the “remove” operation as follows:

"application": "12345-67890", // required. Pushwoosh application code
"hwid": "21AB7628-XXXX-XXXX-CCC0-PO287CS24CA4", // required. Hardware device ID used in /registerDevice API
"tags": { // required.
"In-App Product": { // Tag name
"operation": "remove", // removes the following values from the list tag
"value": "outwear_02" // value or values to remove

Set tags by UserID

To set tags for all devices associated to a particular User ID, use the “userId” parameter instead of “hwid”.

"application": "AAAAA-BBBBB", // Pushwoosh app code
"userId": "some_user", // user ID you'd like to set tags for
"tags": { // tags and values to set
"Language": "es"

Status codes:

HTTP Status codestatus_codeDescription
200200Tags have been successfully set
200210Argument error. See status_message for more info.
400N/AMalformed request string
500500Internal error



Retrieves a list of tags with corresponding values for the specific device.

Request Body

application*stringPushwoosh application code.
userIdstringUser identifier to be used instead of “hwid”. If used together with a “hwid”, the “hwid” prevails.
hwidstringHardware device ID used in /registerDevice request.
"status_code": 200,
"status_message": "OK",
"response": {
"result": {
"Language": "fr"
"application": "XXXXX-XXXXX", // required. Pushwoosh application code
"hwid": "HWID", // optional. Hardware device ID used in /registerDevice API
"userId": "USER_ID" // optional. Can be used instead of "hwid" to retrieve tags for a specific user



Sends current badge value for a device to Pushwoosh. Called internally from the SDK.

Request Body

application*stringPushwoosh application code.
hwid*stringHardware device ID used in /registerDevice request.
badge*integerCurrent badge on the application.
"status_code": 200,
"status_message": "OK"
"application": "XXXXX-XXXXX", // required. Pushwoosh application code
"hwid": "8f65b16dXXXXe7a6XXXX9614XXXX0fb2", // required. Hardware device ID used in /registerDevice API
"badge": 4 // required. Current badge on the application

Called from the SDK internally. Sends current badge value for a device to Pushwoosh. This happens internally when app changes badge value on iOS device. Allows auto-incrementing badges to work properly.



Registers an app open event. Called internally from the SDK.

Request Body

application*stringPushwoosh application code.
hwid*stringHardware device ID used in /registerDevice request.
"status_code": 200,
"status_message": "OK"
"request": {
"application": "XXXXX-XXXXX", // required. Pushwoosh application code
"hwid": "8f65b16dXXXXe7a6XXXX9614eXXXXfb2" // required. Hardware device ID used in /registerDevice API



Registers a push open event. Called internally from the SDK.

Request Body

application*stringPushwoosh application code.
hwid*stringHardware device ID used in /registerDevice request.
userIdstringThe user ID to associate with the push open event.
hashstringHash tag received in push notification (“p” parameter of the push payload).
"status_code": 200,
"status_message": "OK",
"response": null
"request": {
"application": "XXXXX-XXXXX", // required. Pushwoosh application code
"hwid": "8f65b16dfXXXX7a6beXXXX14e1530fb2", // required. Hardware device ID used in /registerDevice API
"userId": "USER012345", // optional. The user id to associate with the push open event
"hash": "HASH_TAG" // optional. Hash tag received in push notification
// ("p" parameter in the push payload)



Registers push delivery event for the device. Called internally from the SDK.

Request Body

application*stringPushwoosh application code.
hwid*stringHardware device ID used in /registerDevice request.
hashstringHash tag received in push notification (“p” parameter of the push payload).
"status_code": 200,
"status_message": "OK",
"response": null
"request": {
"application": "XXXXX-XXXXX", // required. Pushwoosh application code
"hwid": "8f65b16dfXXXX7a6bece9XXXX1530fb2", // required. Hardware device ID used in /registerDevice API
"hash": "HASH_TAG" // optional. Hash tag received in push notification
// ("p" parameter in the push payload)