To integrate Pushwoosh with your Xamarin iOS application:
1. Add Pushwoosh.Xamarin.iOS nuget package to your solution.
2. In your project, open AppDelegate.cs and connect Pushwoosh by adding the using Pushwoosh line.
3. In your Info.plist add Pushwoosh_APPID key with your Pushwoosh Application ID string value.
4. Organize the following imports:
using Pushwoosh;
using UserNotifications;
5. Add the methods below to AppDelegate class:
6. Add the code below to public override bool FinishedLaunching(UIApplication app, NSDictionary launchOptions) method:
7. Add the following class to the AppDelegate:
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Your feedback helps us create a better experience, so we would love to hear from you if you have any issues during the SDK integration process. If you face any difficulties, please do not hesitate to share your thoughts with us via this form.