User profile

User profile contains all the data you've collected for that user: general user info, user tags, apps the user has installed on their devices, history of your communications with the user.

General info

The first thing to know about every customer - their name. That makes your communications personal and allows establishing warm long-term relationships with customers. Customers names are collected from the Name tag values, so use the /setTags API method. In User Explorer, customer name is displayed at the top of the user profile.

Then, a user ID is available from the user profile. Knowing user ID, you can target specific users with specific data-driven communications.

One of the most valuable piece of customer info is their email address. Make sure to set the corresponding tag to have one more entry point for your customer communications.

General user info also includes several default Tags describing customer's identity: gender, language, location, and timezone. To learn more about Tags, please refer to the Tags and Filters guide.

To see all Tag values collected for the user, press ... more tags.

User Tags include both default and custom Tags from the app and device on which the user has been seen last time.

User's apps data

The Applications section presents all apps installed on user's devices and, for each app, the devices on which the app is installed at the moment.

Device tags are default and custom Tags assigned to that device.

Pressing more tags in the app card, you'll see the app-specific User Tags from the device on which the app has been launched last time.


The Activity section accommodates all user's in-app activity and all communications you performed with this specific customer. That's a piece of behavioral data that couldn't be overestimated — the more you know about customer interactions with your brand, the more effectively you interact with that customer further.

The Activity section includes Events, Inapps, and Messages.

Events tab demonstrates events triggered in any of your apps the customer has ever installed, on any device the customer has used with your apps. Each Event card contains the Event name, attributes, date and time (UTC) on which the Event triggered, and the app in which it took place. That could be useful for tracking customers' behavioral patterns and adjusting your strategies to what users do in your app.

Inapps tab displays all In-App Messages that were shown to the customer while they're using the app. Each In-App card contains the In-App name, date and time (UTC) on which the In-App Message was displayed, and the app in which the In-App appeared.

Messages tab includes messages of any types you have ever sent to the customer. In the Messages tab, you'll find the history of broadcast and targeted push notifications and emails, Triggered Messages, Autopushes and Autoemails, etc. Each message card contains the message title and content, date and time on which the message was sent, and opened / not opened status for that customer. The message is displayed in a device's language, just as it was received. Find out which types of messages are opened more often by customers with specific identities, preferences, and experience!

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