
To take all the advantages of the User Explorer, you should have used the Pushwoosh marketing automation platform to communicate to your customers and collect their data. What do you need to implement for your Pushwoosh account and apps you use with Pushwoosh:

  • Tags to collect user data,

  • Filters to build audience segments based on user data,

  • Events to track users action in your app.

The User Explorer also contains the history of your customer communications, including messages of all types you send to users.


Tags are a tool to collect users data and use it further for segmentation, analytics, personalization, etc.

Tags contain any arbitrary data that you associate with a particular user or device, whether it's a username, ID, city, favorite football team, preferred news categories, or any other piece of information about your users. Assigning Tag values to specific users or devices, you can target them with personalized user-centric communications. Tags let you run perfectly targeted campaigns with incredibly high open, click-through, and conversion rates.

User Explorer helps you analyze users' Tag values to know who your customers are and build data-driven marketing campaigns.


Filters are sets of conditions applied to create audience segments based on users identity, behavioral, and descriptive data.

Filters are, in fact, Tags compilations. Creating Filters, you describe a segment with conditions which are Tags and values users have on their devices. Each Filter compiles a segment of your app subscribers complying with that conditions (i.e., having all the Tag values you specified on their devices).

In User Explorer, search for users can be carried out by choosing one of the existing segments (one of the Filters created in your Pushwoosh account) or by creating a new segment (setting conditions to be applied).

User ID

User ID is a unique identifier you assign to a specific user to keep user data consistent across all user's devices. To assign User IDs, use the setUserId method described here.

In case there is no custom User ID for a user, we consider the device's hwid to be the value of the "User ID" parameter.

When searching for a specific user through User Explorer, insert the User ID of that particular user in the corresponding search field.


Communications history in User Explorer includes Events triggered by the customer's actions, In-App Messages displayed, and Messages sent to the customer.


Events are intended to record various actions a user performs in the application. Unlike Tags that are used to store flat data (such as country, device model, or installation data), event data is stored historically and can be treated as a history of user behavior rather than a set of information about user or device. Learn more about Events.


In-App Messages are rich content pages shown to app users when they launch the app and perform some actions (see Events). Being behavior-triggered, In-Apps are deeply contextual and relevant to a user, which allows you to interact with your audience efficiently. User Explorer reflects the dynamics of your in-app communications with the customer making it possible to track the customer's in-app activity and get insights on a better time to reach out to users. Learn more about In-Apps.


User Explorer gives a full-scaled view of your communications with the customer, including all the messages of any source sent to that customer. Messages include push notifications (broadcast and targeted), emails, triggered messages, automated pushes and emails, etc. Learn more about Pushwoosh messaging.

Last updated