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User explorer

In the User Explorer section, you can dive deeper into your audience data and explore any user’s info, from what devices they’re using to what messages you sent them and how they interacted with those messages. User Explorer collects and organizes customer data across a variety of touchpoints. It structures real-time data into centralized customer profiles, creating amazing opportunities for debugging, userbase segmentation, and achieving different marketing goals.

Search for a user

To search for a specific user, you have to know their User ID, HWID or push token.

Enter the User ID, HWID, or push token into the corresponding search field, then press Search. If there is a customer with that identifier in your database, you’ll go directly to their User profile.

In addition, you can get to a specific user profile from the Recipient List in push statistics.

User profile

User profile contains all the data you’ve collected for that user: their identity data, events history, and messaging history.

User info

User identity

The User Identity section of User profile provides the unique identifiers of a specific user or device and the basic demographical data about that user.

Device & App

From the Device & App section, you can learn what device or devices your customers use, what app and Pushwoosh SDK versions are installed, and whether that user is engaged enough to enable push notifications for your app and visit the app from time to time.

Custom Tags

Custom Tags are tags you create by yourself for your account in addition to default ones provided by Pushwoosh out-of-the-box. In that section, you’ll find the list of custom tags a user or device has values set for.

Events history

For each user or device, Pushwoosh tracks and stores the Events log for one year. In the Events history section of User profile, all the events triggered by a user are displayed ranked chronologically along with the timestamps and attribute values.

Received messages

On the Received messages tab of User profile, you can find all the messages you sent to that particular user and get the details of those messages. Moreover, for every message, the interaction status is displayed – Not opened for those who didn’t interact with the push and the date and time of opening the push notification for those who did.