{"request":{"application":"XXXXX-XXXXX",// required, Pushwoosh application code"push_token":"dec301908b9ba8df85e57a58e40f96f523f4c2068674f5fe2ba25cdc250a2a41",// optional"hwid":"1CA68A12-8DAC-4BB7-BEE5-B756288B6D3C",// required, hardware device ID"idfa":"AEBE52E7-03EE-455A-B3C4-E57283966239",// optional"timezone":3600,// optional, offset in seconds "device_type": 1, // required, see the possible values below. For emails, use the "emails" params as described below.
"email": "email_address@domain.com", // use instead of "hwid" and "push_token" to register the email address for your email project
"language":"en",// optional, ISO 639-1|639-2 language code"userId":"Alex",// optional"tags": { // optional, tag values to set for the device registered "StringTag":"string value","IntegerTag":42,"ListTag": ["string1","string2"],// sets the list of values for Tags of List type"DateTag":"2015-10-02 22:11",// note the time should be in UTC"BooleanTag":true// valid values are: true, 1, false, 0, null },// system tags, optionals"app_version":"1.2.3","device_model":"Samsung SM-G355H","os_version":"2.3",// optional encryption keys for chrome/firefox"public_key":"BNmDO4BTKEMJqaqprTf7t/HBUd2BQ/orc88cc/scS5CFP6zhQGIHI1/GgRQD8c4kTxTEEF0quvIUiLQqoBY0/Qo=","auth_token":"RlRmCCdGM/s7ouuhjKFzoQ==",//optional FCM keys for Chrome (for XMPP)"fcm_token":"BNmDO4BTKEMJqaqprTf7t/HBUd2BQ/orc88cc/scS5CFP6zhQGIHI1/GgRQD8c4kTxTEEF0quvIUiLQqoBY0/Qo=","fcm_push_set":"RlRmCCdGM/s7ouuhjKFzoQ==" }}
Possible device types:
1 – iOS
3 – Android
7 – OS X
8 – Windows 8
9 – Amazon
10 – Safari
11 – Chrome
12 – Firefox
To register a email subscriber for your app, send the "email": "email_address@domain.com" param in your /registerDevice or /registerEmail request as follows:
Email registration request
{"request":{"application":"XXXXX-XXXXX",// required, Pushwoosh application code"email":"email_address@domain.com",// required, email address to register for your email project"language":"en",// optional, ISO 639-1|639-2 language code"userId":"Alex",// optional"tags": { // optional, tag values to set for the device registered "StringTag":"string value","IntegerTag":42,"ListTag": ["string1","string2"],// sets the list of values for Tags of List type"DateTag":"2015-10-02 22:11",// note the time should be in UTC"BooleanTag":true// valid values are: true, 1, false, 0, null } }}
Removes the device's push token. The unregistered device is still counted in Total Devices and can be reached with In-Apps. Called internally from the SDK.
Request Body
Pushwoosh application code.
Hardware device ID used in /registerDevice request.
{"request":{"application":"XXXXX-XXXXX",// required, Pushwoosh application code "hwid": "8f65b16df378e7a6bece9614e1530fb2" // required, hardware device ID used in /registerDevice function call
} }
The method is called from the SDK. It is possible to call it remotely from your backend, however you need to maintain an up-to-date database of hwid’s on the backend side.
{"request":{"application":"XXXXX-XXXXX",// required, Pushwoosh application code"hwid":"8f65b16df378e7a6bece9614e1530fb2",// required, hardware device ID used in /registerDevice function call"tags": { // required"StringTag":"string value","IntegerTag":42,"ListTag": ["string1","string2"],// sets the list of values for Tags of List type"DateTag":"2015-10-02 22:11",// note the time is in UTC"BooleanTag":true,// valid values are - true, 1, false, 0, null } }}
Increment Integer tag values
To increment a value of the Integer Tag, use the operation parameter with the "increment" value as follows:
{"request":{"application":"12345-67890",// required, Pushwoosh application code "hwid": "21AB7628-F83F-4R9N-CCC0-PO287CS24CA4", // required, hardware device ID used in /registerDevice function call
"tags": { // required"Level": { // Tag name"operation":"increment",// overwrites the integer tag in increments of the following value "value":1// increment for the tag value } } }}
Decrement Integer tag values
To decrement, use the negative numbers as the value for the "increment" operation (-1, -2, -3,-n):
{"request":{"application":"12345-67890",// required, Pushwoosh application code "hwid": "21AB7628-F83F-4R9N-CCC0-PO287CS24CA4", // required, hardware device ID used in /registerDevice function call
"tags": { // required"Level": { // Tag name"operation":"increment",// overwrites the integer tag in decrement of the following value "value":-1// decrement for the tag value } } }}
Append List tag values
To extend the List Tag with new values, use the operation parameter with the "append" value as follows:
{"request": {"hwid":"3d124a793575f189a5ca7dfd96e8aafd",// required, hardware device ID used in /registerDevice function call"application":"61A79-C09B3",// required, Pushwoosh application code"tags": { // required"ListTag": { // Tag name"operation":"append",// appends following values to the Tag's list of values"value": [ // values to append"tag2","tag3" ] } } }}
Remove List tag values
To remove some values from the List Tag, use the "remove" operation as follows:
{"request":{"application":"12345-67890",// required, Pushwoosh application code "hwid": "21AB7628-F83F-4R9N-CCC0-PO287CS24CA4", // required, hardware device ID used in /registerDevice function call
"tags": { // required"In-App Product": { // Tag name"operation":"remove",// removes the following values from the list tag"value":"outwear_02"// value or values to remove } } }}
Set tags by UserID
To set tags for all devices associated to a particular User ID, use the "userId" parameter instead of "hwid".
Make sure the tag you're setting values for is user-specific.
{"request":{"application":"AAAAA-BBBBB",// Pushwoosh app code"userId":"some_user",// user ID you'd like to set tags for "tags": { // tags and values to set"Language":"es" } }}
Sends current badge value for a device to Pushwoosh. Called internally from the SDK.
Request Body
Pushwoosh application code.
Hardware device ID used in /registerDevice request.
Current badge on the application.
{"request":{"application":"XXXXX-XXXXX",// required, Pushwoosh application code "hwid": "8f65b16df378e7a6bece9614e1530fb2", // required, hardware device ID used in /registerDevice function call
"badge":4// required, current badge on the application } }
Called from the SDK internally. Sends current badge value for a device to Pushwoosh. This happens internally when app changes badge value on iOS device. Allows auto-incrementing badges to work properly.
This method IS NOT used to update the badge value on the device. Instead please use /createMessage request with the "ios_badges" parameter.
<?php//see http://gomoob.github.io/php-pushwoosh/set-badge.htmluseGomoob\Pushwoosh\Model\Request\SetBadgeRequest;// Creates the request instance$request =RegisterDeviceRequest::create()->setBadge(5)->setHwid('HWID');// Call the '/setBadge' Web Service$response = $pushwoosh->setBadge($request);if($response->isOk()) {print'Ok, operation successful.';} else {print'Oups, the operation failed :-('; print'Status code : '. $response->getStatusCode();print'Status message : '. $response->getStatusMessage();}
Registers an app open event. Called internally from the SDK.
Request Body
Pushwoosh application code.
Hardware device ID used in /registerDevice request.
{"request":{"application":"XXXXX-XXXXX",// required, Pushwoosh application code "hwid": "8f65b16df378e7a6bece9614e1530fb2" // required, hardware device ID used in /registerDevice function call
} }
Registers a push open event. Called internally from the SDK.
Request Body
Pushwoosh application code.
Hardware device ID used in /registerDevice request.
The user ID to associate with the push open event.
Hash tag received in push notification ("p" parameter of the push payload).
{"request":{"application":"XXXXX-XXXXX",// required, Pushwoosh application code "hwid": "8f65b16df378e7a6bece9614e1530fb2", // required, hardware device ID used in /registerDevice function call
"userId":"USER012345",// optional, the user id to associate with the push open event "hash":"HASH_TAG"// optional, hash tag received in push notification (“p” parameter in the push payload) } }
<?php//see http://gomoob.github.io/php-pushwoosh/push-stat.htmluseGomoob\Pushwoosh\Model\Request\PushStatRequest;// Creates the request instance$request =PushStatRequest::create()->setHash('hash')->setHwid('HWID');// Call the '/pushStat' Web Service$response = $pushwoosh->pushStat($request);if($response->isOk()) {print'Ok, operation successful.';} else {print'Oups, the operation failed :-('; print'Status code : '. $response->getStatusCode();print'Status message : '. $response->getStatusMessage();}
{"request":{"application":"XXXXX-XXXXX",// required, Pushwoosh application code "hwid": "8f65b16df378e7a6bece9614e1530fb2", // required, hardware device ID used in /registerDevice function call
"hash":"HASH_TAG"// optional, hash tag received in push notification (“p” parameter in the push payload) } }