Channels Statistics

Estimate the efficiency of your marketing efforts with comprehensive statistics

Estimate the efficiency of your campaigns with detailed statistical data. Get to know which types of messages are more impactful, what is an engagement level of your app’s users, and how to improve your marketing with Pushwoosh statistics.

The Statistics section provides you with the most up-to-date stats right at your fingertips – 14-day sent and opened rates, campaigns' statistics for the most recent communications, and the latest messages you've sent to your customers.

14-day sent&opened messages

Take a glance at your recent communications' stats: go to the Statistics section of your Pushwoosh Control Panel and check out the daily sent and opened rates for the latest 14 days displayed in a graph.

For more detail, press More info on the top right of the graph. Here, you can set a period to get stats for and see the sent and opened rates platform-wise. By default, accumulated statistics for all platforms are shown; select a specific platform if you need stats for that particular platform (or several at once).

Subscribed devices stats downloadable CSV contains the total number of subscribers for each of the platforms configured in your Pushwoosh project. Here, you can track the acquisition efficiency and retention trends since the numbers are present for every day in the period selected.

The details are shown in the table below the graph, where sent and opened messages numbers are ranked by the days the messages were sent to users. The table's downloadable: press Export as .csv at the top right.

Campaign statistics

Merging several messages into one campaign, you can keep track of the whole campaign’s efficiency. Combine messages intended to reach the same goals and see how they work together. Campaign Stats present the same metrics as push statistics but they are collected for all messages associated with that campaign.

To learn more about Campaigns, please refer to our guide.

Recent messages

At the bottom of the page, you can find a list of the most recent messages sent to the app users.

Each message has its own ID for tracking purposes. On clicking on that ID, you'll see the key message details: when and by whom the message was created and what content did it contain.

Message statistics

For each message, detailed stats are available by clicking on Statistics and Details in the dot menu. On the Push Statistics page, you'll get all the data on that particular message's performance.

Message details:

  • date and time when a message was sent;

  • an audience segment to which the message was sent;

  • the overall status of sending.

To get more detailed info about the push content and settings, press Show Push Details.

Statistics tab

The Statistics tab displays the key metrics of push delivery for each of the platforms:

  • number of messages sent (including to that audience that has limited the display of push notifications);

  • number of recipients (overall audience, excluding those who have limited push notifications);

  • number of messages opened by recipients;

  • open rate – the percentage of subscribers who open a specific message out of your total number of recipients.

Both sent and open rates are present in graphs as well to provide you with easy-to-view user engagement trends:

The Recipient List is available for Custom Plan subscriptions only.

Recipient List tab

The Recipient List tab contains the whole list of users the message was sent to, including their User IDs and device IDs (HWIDs), the date and time the message was sent, the date and time the message was opened (if ever), and the push alerts status on user's device (enabled or disabled).

Click on a User ID or HWID to open the user's page in User Explorer, where you can find all that we know about this user: their tags, events, and messaging history.

Segment Insights tab

On the Segment Insights tab, you can select specific user segments to display statistics on sent and opened messages within these segments. This will help you analyze and refine your communication approach based on accurate data.

You can manually refresh all segments or each segment individually. You can also export data for each segment to CSV. To no longer display the segment in the list, click Delete.

Segment Insights are available for Ultimate Plan subscriptions only.

Conversion tab

The Conversion tab includes all the events for which you've enabled the Conversion Tracking. Conversion Tracking presents data about how often users perform desired actions after receiving a push. The event performance is shown in the Event Hits number (how many times an event fired in total), Unique User Hits (the number of unique users who fired the event at least one time), and the Conversion Rate (the ratio of conversion to push opens).

Understand how a user behaves after receiving a push notification with Conversion Funnel

To gain a comprehensive understanding of how a user behaves after receiving a push notification, utilize the Conversion Funnel tool. This tool visualizes the user journey, tracking conversion rates at each stage.

To build a Conversion Funnel:

  1. Go to the Conversion Funnel in the Conversion tab.

  2. Choose the funnel steps you want to track and click Show Funnel.

That’s it. The Conversion Funnel will be displayed below the Funnel Steps. For each step, you will see the percentage of users who progressed from the previous step and the corresponding count of triggered events. The Funnel is only available if at least two different events happen after the push.

Note that only events related to the current push will be shown in the Conversion Funnel. This means that any new pushes will stop the collection of events for the current push, and all subsequent events will be related to the new push.

This feature is available for Custom plan subscriptions only. For more details, please contact our Sales team.

Delivery Report tab

On the Delivery Report tab, the overall numbers for each platform are shown with the errors explanations.

Please keep in mind that the open rate is calculated based on the number of push recipients – those users who have enabled push notifications on their devices - instead of the total sent number.

Message History

To open the full list of messages in your project, go to StatisticsMessage History:

The whole Message History can also be reached by pressing the Detailed history link at the top right of the Recent Messages list:

Use the search bar to filter messages by campaign name, text, notification ID, or notification code. You can enter the full value or part of it.

Sort the list by Recipients, Opened, CTR, and Errors metrics to quickly find messages that perform best or require your attention. You can also sort messages by the Sent date.

Use Advanced Filters to specify platforms, message source/type, creation and sending dates, segments, and campaigns.

If you want to verify that messages are successfully sent via API, enable API messaging tracing. Аll API pushes sent to less than 10 devices will be recorded and stored in the Message History (on default, such messages are not stored).

Learn more about API messaging tracing

Audience statistics

Audience statistics, reachable from the Audience section of the Pushwoosh Control Panel, allow you to keep track of your app performance. It includes statistics for each separate app, containing the following graphs:

  • DAU — Daily Active Users, the number of devices on which the app is launched per day (total for all platforms).

  • MAU — Monthly Active Users, the number of devices on which the app is launched per month (total for app platforms).

  • Total Subscribers — the number of Push Enabled devices as of the date and time specified.

  • App Installs — the number of new Total Devices, i.e., the number of devices registered for the app with a HWID (whether they have push tokens or not).

  • Push Installs — the number new push and email subscribers, i.e., the number of devices registered for the app with push tokens or email addresses.

  • App Opens — the number of times the app has been launched on users’ devices as of the date and time specified.

  • Push Opens — the number of push notifications and email messages opened on users' devices.

  • App Uninstalls — the number of devices for which push tokens were removed from the database because they were invalid or non-existent.

  • Push Sends — the number of push notifications and email messages sent to the app subscribers.

To specify the period to get the stats for, choose one of the Quick ranges or set up the custom range:

Each graph's data can be exported to a CSV file.

To export data, open the drop-down menu by click on the graph's title and select the Export CSV option:

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