Ready-made in-app message templates

Improve key marketing metrics with ready-made in-app templates

Available only for SDK versions iOS 5.7.1, Android 5.7.2 or later.

In-App Messaging is a great tool to achieve your business goals. Increase all key metrics, such as acquisition, retention, and engagement, with easy-to-use In-App templates for various business cases.

Leverage the out-of-the-box In-App templates for your marketing campaigns with one click! Just pick one of the ready-made In-Apps on the corresponding tab in the Pushwoosh Control Panel. You don’t have to set up targeting and scheduling rules, just save the In-App and that’s it!

To make the In-App look and feel like a natural part of your app, customize a Rich Media page according to the app’s appearance and goals.

You can also easily create new in-apps without coding in our built-in Rich Media editor.

Business Cases

Welcome Newcomers

Friendly greet new users, guide them through the app, and give some tips about app's features. Displayed only once to each user after they open the app for the first time.

Recover Opted Out Users

Re-engage churning customers. Displayed once a day to users who opted out of push delivery. We will show the recovery in-app message until the user subscribes or the In-App is disabled.

Showcase App Changes

Increase customers' loyalty and adoption rates. Displayed at the first launch after user updates the app. Attach a Rich Media describing what’s new in the current app version. Don’t forget to renew the Rich Media content before the next app update!

Customizing In-App Templates

All business cases have default frequency capping settings. However, for the Increase Push Opt-In Rate and Recover Opted Out Users templates, you can reset capping or change it via the SDK.

Reset capping

To reset capping, call the resetBusinessCasesFrequencyCapping SDK method. It's useful for testing, debug processes, and special occasions when you want to show the out-of-the-box in-app message without any capping.


Customize capping

Both Increase Push Opt-In Rate and Recover Opted Out Users are capped to 1 impression a day by default.

To change default capping settings, add Pushwoosh_InAppBusinessSolutionsCapping to your AndroidManifest.xml or Info.plist. The value may be any positive integer or decimal fraction. To limit the number of impressions to 1 per X days, use integers.

Check out the examples of Frequency Capping implementation in the Customizing In-App Business Solutions guide.


To show the In-App no more than once every X days, set the Pushwoosh_InAppBusinessSolutionsCapping value to X.

Decimal Fractions

You can also use decimal fractions to cap the In-App displaying to several times a day. For example, setting frequency capping to 0.25 would limit the In-App displaying to once every six hours.

Customizing In-App Business Templates

To see how In-App Templates customization works in details, please check out our how-to guide!

Last updated

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