Email Templates Editor

Block-based templates

Choose the Create new template option while adding email template.

To define the template layout, drag and drop blocks from the editor pane to the template body.

Content elements

Fill the blocks with content elements in accordance with your goals and preferences. Drag and drop images, text, and buttons from the right pane to the blocks of the template.


Click on the image block to edit. Add image and arrange its appearance with easy-to-use controllers. You can add URL to open once the receiver clicks or tap on the image.


Type the text in the text block and customize fonts, colors, links, and other text properties. To use Dynamic Content in the text of your email message, set up the dynamic tag at the top of the editor, copy it, and paste into the text block of the template.


Add buttons to your template and customize their appearance: colors, borders, button texts, button size. Link the button with a particular URL. All links added to your template will be included in message statistics so you can see the open rates for each URL.


To add HTML elements to your template, paste the code into the HTML field of the right pane while editing HTML block.


To make your template well-structured and emphasize the most important blocks, use dividers. A divider is a line you can place between blocks of elements. Drag a divider from the right pane and customize its appearance.

Make sure to add an Unsubscribe link to your template. Just drag it from the editor pane to the template body. ‌You can customize text and appearance of Unsubscribe link just as any other content element of your template.‌

To let you deliver important emails to your customers, we don't delete the unsubscribed users from your user base. For users who followed the Unsubscribed link from your emails, the Unsubscribed Emails default tag is set with the 'true' value. Please consider creating a Filter of users who did not unsubscribe (the ones with the 'false' value of the Unsubscribed Emails tag) to continue messaging them. To avoid complaints, do not email users who unsubscribed from your messages.

Multi-language templates

To make your template multi-language and send localized emails, click on the Edit languages button above the editor, tick the checkboxes for languages you want to use, and click Insert.

Selected languages will appear near the default one so you can localize the texts of your template for each language your users speak.

Any element you add to one of the language tabs appears automatically in all other tabs. However, it won’t be translated automatically, so don’t forget to localize the added texts (including button texts) for all languages you use in your template.

General template settings

Go to the General tab of the editor pane to choose a background color, fonts, and content width.

Click Save at the bottom of the page. Now you can use the template in your email messages. Choose the template in the app-specific Send Email tab and set up the email message properties as described in the Send Email guide.

Last updated

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