Web Push SDK 3.0

How to integrate and configure Web Push SDK for HTTPS websites


To proceed with the integration of Web Push SDK to your HTTPS website, you should do the following:

  1. Locate your Pushwoosh Application Code.

  2. Chrome and Firefox: locate your Firebase API key and Sender ID. To do so, please follow steps 1-3 of Chrome and Firefox Configuration guide.

  3. Safari: locate your Website Push ID.

  • Chrome pushes will not work with self-signed certificates (https/ssl). You'll need SSL certificate signed by trusted Authority.

  • Push notifications don't work in both Incognito and Guest mode.

  • Auto subscription is not available for Safari.


Integration sample on GitHub

1. Get Pushwoosh Web Push SDK and unzip it. You should have the following files:

  • manifest.json

  • pushwoosh-service-worker.js

2. Open manifest.json and make the following changes:

2.1. Change name and short_name to the name of your website. 2.2. Change gcm_sender_id to your Sender ID. Please keep in mind that Sender ID is usually a 12-digit number, and it can't contain any letters.

3. Place all these files to top-level root of your website directory.

4. Initialize the SDK:

4.1. Include manifest.json in <head> (not <body>).

  • Make sure <link rel="manifest" href="/manifest.json"> is located above other <link rel="manifest" ...> in the <head>, or it won't be found.

4.2. Include the SDK from our CDN asynchronously.

Google Tag Manager supported!

Click here if you are using Google Tag Manager.

<script type="text/javascript" src="//cdn.pushwoosh.com/webpush/v3/pushwoosh-web-notifications.js" async></script>

4.3. Initialize the Web Push SDK and make sure to queue the initialization until the moment the SDK is fully loaded.

<script type="text/javascript">
var Pushwoosh = Pushwoosh || [];
Pushwoosh.push(['init', {
    logLevel: 'info', // possible values: error, info, debug
    applicationCode: 'XXXXX-XXXXX', // you application code from Pushwoosh Control Panel
    safariWebsitePushID: 'web.com.example.domain', //  unique reverse-domain string, obtained in you Apple Developer Portal. Only needed if you send push notifications to Safari browser
    defaultNotificationTitle: 'Pushwoosh', // sets a default title for push notifications
    defaultNotificationImage: 'https://yoursite.com/img/logo-medium.png', // URL to custom custom notification image
    autoSubscribe: false, // or true. If true, prompts a user to subscribe for pushes upon SDK initialization
    subscribeWidget: {
      enable: true
    userId: 'user_id', // optional, set custom user ID
    tags: {
        'Name': 'John Smith'   	// optional, set custom Tags

Push Subscription Button

To prompt your users to subscribe for push notifications, we recommend implementing a push subscription button on your website. Enhance user experience and get more subscribers!


To finish implementing push notifications into your website, you need to configure web platforms in your Pushwoosh Control Panel following our step-by-step guides:

To get FCM sender ID and API Key, please follow steps 1-3 of the Android configuration guide.

Registering service worker in a different scope

Sometimes you can't place the service worker file in a root directory of a website but in a subdirectory.

In this case, modify the configuration (step 4.3) by adding a parameter

serviceWorkerUrl: “/push-notifications/pushwoosh-service-worker.js”

where /push-notifications/pushwoosh-service-worker.js is the path to pushwoosh-service-worker.js file.

Event handlers

In Pushwoosh Web SDK 3.0 you can subscribe to certain events to track them, or unsubscribe from events if don't need tracking them anymore.

To track the Web SDK 3.0 load, fire the onLoad event as follows:

// Load Event
Pushwoosh.push(['onLoad', function (api) {
  console.log('Pushwoosh load!');

To track the correct Web SDK initialization, fire the onReady event:

// Ready Event
Pushwoosh.push(function (api) {
  console.log('Pushwoosh ready!');

To subscribe to or unsubscribe from any of the SDK events, use the handlers after the SDK load:

Pushwoosh.push(['onLoad', function (api) {
  function onEventNameHandler() {
    console.log('Triggered event: event-name!');

  // To subscribe to an event:
  Pushwoosh.addEventHandler('event-name', onEventNameHandler)

  // To unsubscribe from an event:
  Pushwoosh.removeEventHandler('event-name', onEventNameHandler)

SDK events

Subscribe Event

Executed after a user agrees to receive push notifications.

Pushwoosh.push(['onLoad', function (api) {
  Pushwoosh.addEventHandler('subscribe', function (payload) {
    console.log('Triggered event: subscribe');

Unsubscribe Event

Executed after a device is unregistered from notifications.

Pushwoosh.push(['onLoad', function (api) {
  Pushwoosh.addEventHandler('unsubscribe', function (payload) {
    console.log('Triggered event: unsubscribe');

Subscription Widget Events

Track displaying of a Subscription Prompt widget.

Pushwoosh.push(['onLoad', function (api) {
  // Executed on displaying of the Subscription Prompt widget
  Pushwoosh.addEventHandler('show-subscription-widget', function (payload) {
    console.log('Triggered event: show-subscription-widget');

  // Executed on hiding of the Subscription Prompt widget
  Pushwoosh.addEventHandler('hide-subscription-widget', function (payload) {
    console.log('Triggered event: hide-subscription-widget');

Notification Permission Dialog Events

Track displaying of native subscription dialog.

Pushwoosh.push(['onLoad', function (api) {
  // Executed on permission dialog displaying
  Pushwoosh.addEventHandler('show-notification-permission-dialog', function (payload) {
    console.log('Triggered event: show-notification-permission-dialog');

  // Executed on hiding the permission dialog with one of three possible statuses: 
  // 1. default - the dialog is closed 
  // 2. granted - permission is granted 
  // 3. denied - permission is denied
  Pushwoosh.addEventHandler('hide-notification-permission-dialog', function (payload) {
    console.log('Triggered event: hide-notification-permission-dialog', payload.permission);

Permission Events

Check the push notifications permission's status on SDK initialization; track the update of this status whenever it takes place.

Pushwoosh.push(['onLoad', function (api) {
  // Executed during the SDK initialization if 'autoSubscribe: false' or/and if a user ignores a push notification prompt.
  Pushwoosh.addEventHandler('permission-default', function (payload) {
    console.log('Triggered event: permission-default');

  // Executed during the SDK initialization if notifications are blocked or once a user blocks push notifications.
  Pushwoosh.addEventHandler('permission-denied', function (payload) {
    console.log('Triggered event: permission-denied');

  // Executed during the SDK initialization if notifications are allowed or once a user allows push notifications.
  Pushwoosh.addEventHandler('permission-granted', function (payload) {
    console.log('Triggered event: permission-granted');

Receive Push Event

Track push delivery to a device.

Pushwoosh.push(['onLoad', function (api) {
  // Executed when a push notification is displayed.
  Pushwoosh.addEventHandler('receive-push', function (payload) {
    console.log('Triggered event: receive-push', payload.notification);

Notification Events

Track whether a push notification is opened or closed by a user.

Pushwoosh.push(['onLoad', function (api) {
  // Executed when a user clicks on notification.
  Pushwoosh.addEventHandler('open-notification', function (payload) {
    console.log('Triggered event: open-notification', payload.notification);

  // Executed when a user closes a push notification.
  Pushwoosh.addEventHandler('hide-notification', function (payload) {
    console.log('Triggered event: hide-notification', payload.notification);

Inbox Events

Track notifications sent to Inbox.

Pushwoosh.push(['onLoad', function (api) {
  // Executed by ServiceWorker after the Inbox Message is received and saved to indexedDB.
  Pushwoosh.addEventHandler('receive-inbox-message', function (payload) {
    console.log('Triggered event: receive-inbox-message', payload.message);

  // Executed after the Inbox is updated automatically while the page is loading.
  Pushwoosh.addEventHandler('update-inbox-messages', function (payload) {
    console.log('Triggered event: receive-inbox-message', payload.messages);

Custom subscription popup events

Track the Custom Subscription Popup events.

  // Executed when the custom subscription popup is shown
  Pushwoosh.addEventHandler('subscribe-popup-show', function() {
    console.log("Triggered event: subscribe-popup-show");
  // Executed when a user clicks on the 'Subscribe' button in the pop-up window
  Pushwoosh.addEventHandler('subscribe-popup-accept', function() {
    console.log("Triggered event: subscribe-popup-accept");

  // Executed when a user clicks on the 'Ask later' button in the pop-up window
  Pushwoosh.addEventHandler('subscribe-popup-decline', function() {
    console.log("Triggered event: subscribe-popup-decline");
  // Executed when the popup hides
  Pushwoosh.addEventHandler('subscribe-popup-hide', function() {
    console.log("Triggered event: subscribe-popup-hide");



After the Web Push SDK is initialized, you can make the following calls to Pushwoosh API. All the methods return Promise objects.

Pushwoosh.push(function(api) {
  // Set tags for a user
    'Tag Name 1': 'value1',
    'Tag Name 2': 'value2'
  // Get tags for a user from server
  // Register user ID
  // Register user email
  // Post an Event
  api.postEvent('myEventName', {attributeName: 'attributeValue'});

 	//Unregister from notifications

Example of sending Tags to Pushwoosh:

Pushwoosh.push(function(api) {
  var myCustomTags = {
    'Tag 1': 123,
    'Tag 2': 'some string'
    .then(function(res) {
      var skipped = res && res.skipped || [];
      if (!skipped.length) {
      else {
        console.warn('skipped tags:', skipped);
    .catch(function(err) {
      console.error('setTags error:', err);

Increment Tag value

To increment a value of a Number Tag, use the operation parameter with the ‘increment’ value as follows:

Pushwoosh.push(function(api) {
    'Tag 1': {
      operation: 'increment',
      value: 1

Append Tag values

To append new values to the existing List Tag, use the operation parameter with the ‘append’ value as follows:

Pushwoosh.push(function(api) {
    'Tag 3': {
      operation: 'append',
      value: ['Value3']

Remove Tag value

To remove a value from a List Tag, use the operation parameter with the ‘remove’ value as follows:

Pushwoosh.push(function(api) {
    'Tag 3': {
      operation: 'remove',
      value: ['Value2']

Public Methods

Please note that auto subscription is not available for Safari users. Please consider subscribing Safari users to push notifications by calling the Pushwoosh.subscribe() method.


This method is used to request a user's permission for push notifications. If a user is already subscribed, the method will stop executing.

If a user hasn’t subscribed for pushes yet:

1. Permission for push notifications is requested.

2. If a user allows notifications, onSubscribe event is triggered.

Pushwoosh.subscribe() is executed automatically if autoSubscribe: true. is set during the SDK initialization.

Call this method if you have chosen to manually prompt a user to subscribe for pushes using the autoSubscribe: false parameter during the initialization:

<button onclick="Pushwoosh.subscribe()">Subscribe</button>
  Pushwoosh.push(['onSubscribe', function(api) {
    console.log('User successfully subscribed');


  1. /unregisterDevice method is executed.

  2. onUnsubscribe event is triggered.

<button onclick="Pushwoosh.unsubscribe()">Unsubscribe</button>
  Pushwoosh.push(['onUnsubscribe', function(api) {
    console.log('User successfully unsubscribed');


Checks if a user is subscribed and returns true/false flag.

Pushwoosh.isSubscribed().then(function(isSubscribed) {
  console.log('isSubscribed', isSubscribed);


Returns Pushwoosh HWID.

Pushwoosh.getHWID().then(function(hwid) {
    console.log('hwid:', hwid);


Returns push token if it is available.

Pushwoosh.getPushToken().then(function(pushToken) {
    console.log('pushToken:', pushToken);


Returns User ID if available.

Pushwoosh.getUserId().then(function(userId) {
    console.log('userId:', userId);


Returns a list of the following parameters:

Pushwoosh.getParams().then(function(params) {
  params = params || {};
  var hwid = params.hwid;
  var pushToken = params.pushToken;
  var userId = params.userId;


Checks if a browser supports the Pushwoosh WebSDK 3.0, returns ‘true’ or ‘false’.

Pushwoosh.isAvailableNotifications() // true/false

InboxMessages methods

messagesWithNoActionPerformedCount(): Promise<number>

Returns the number of opened messages.

    .then((count) => {
        console.log(`${count} messages opened`);


Returns the number of unread messages.

    .then((count) => {
        console.log(`${count} messages unread`);

messagesCount(): Promise<number>

Returns the total number of messages.

    .then((count) => {
        console.log(`${count} messages`);

loadMessages(): Promise<Array>

Loads the list of undeleted messages.

    .then(() => {
        console.log('Messages have been loaded');

readMessagesWithCodes(codes: Array<string>): Promise<void>

Marks messages as read by Inbox_Ids.

    .then(() => {
        console.log('Messages have been read');

performActionForMessageWithCode(code: string): Promise<void>

Performs the action assigned to a message and marks the message as read.

    .then(() => {
        console.log('Action has been performed');

deleteMessagesWithCodes(codes: Array<string>): Promise<void>

Marks messages as deleted.

    .then(() => {
        console.log('Messages have been deleted');

syncMessages(): Promise<void>

Synchronizes messages with the server.

    .then(() => {
        console.log('Messages have been synchronized');

Progressive Web App support

To integrate Pushwoosh into your Progressive Web Application (PWA), follow the steps described below.

1. Copy the path to your Service Worker file:

if ('serviceWorker' in navigator) {
  window.addEventListener('load', () => {
    navigator.serviceWorker.register('/service-worker.js') // <- your service worker url

Then, use the serviceWorkerUrl parameter while initializing the WebSDK as follows:

var Pushwoosh = Pushwoosh || [];
Pushwoosh.push(['init', {
  logLevel: 'error',
  applicationCode: 'XXXXX-XXXXX',
  safariWebsitePushID: 'web.com.example.domain',
  defaultNotificationTitle: 'Pushwoosh',
  defaultNotificationImage: 'https://yoursite.com/img/logo-medium.png',
  serviceWorkerUrl: '/service-worker.js', // <- your service worker url

WebSDK does not register the new Service Worker immediately; a Service Worker is registered when it's needed:

  • when a device receives a push token (on device registration or re-subscription),

  • when a push token is deleted (on removing a device from user base).

It speeds your pages loading by shortening the number of server requests.

Browsers do not allow two different Service Workers to be registered at the same time (read more: https://github.com/w3c/ServiceWorker/issues/921), so to make your PWA work correctly, a common Service Worker should be registered for your codebase and the Pushwoosh codebase.

2. Add the following string to your Service Worker (at the beginning or at the end of, it doesn’t matter):

importScripts('https://cdn.pushwoosh.com/webpush/v3/pushwoosh-service-worker.js' + self.location.search);

Thus you enable receiving and processing of push notifications sent via Pushwoosh services for your Service Worker.

Pushwoosh won't affect your codebase. You can always check out our Service Worker at https://github.com/Pushwoosh/web-push-notifications.

Install from npm


ServiceWorker compatible with a package version is located in node_modules/web-push-notifications/lib/service-worker.js only for Web Push SDK 3.2.7 and higher. Please note that interactions between Web Push SDK and ServiceWorker could differ for different versions, so it’s essential to use the ServiceWorker compatible with the Web Push SDK version you use.

Install Web Push SDK as a node module and save it as a dependency in your package.json:

npm install web-push-notifications --save
CommonJS modules
var Pushwoosh = require('web-push-notifications').Pushwoosh;
var pwInstance = new Pushwoosh();
pwInstance.push(['init', {
    logLevel: 'info', // or debug
    applicationCode: 'XXXXX-XXXXX',
    safariWebsitePushID: 'web.com.example.domain',
    defaultNotificationTitle: 'Pushwoosh',
    defaultNotificationImage: 'https://yoursite.com/img/logo-medium.png',
    autoSubscribe: true,
    userId: 'user_id',
    tags: {
        'Name': 'John Smith'
Load WebPushSDK with ES6 modules
import {Pushwoosh} from 'web-push-notifications';
const pwInstance = new Pushwoosh();
pwInstance.push(['init', {
    logLevel: 'info', // or debug
    applicationCode: 'XXXXX-XXXXX',
    safariWebsitePushID: 'web.com.example.domain',
    defaultNotificationTitle: 'Pushwoosh',
    defaultNotificationImage: 'https://yoursite.com/img/logo-medium.png',
    autoSubscribe: true,
    userId: 'user_id',
    tags: {
        'Name': 'John Smith'

Installing from Google Tag Manager

Make sure to follow this guide's steps 1 to 4 before adding the script to Google Manager Tag!

Use the following code in your Google Tag Manager to initialize Pushwoosh SDK. Create a Custom HTML Tag and paste the code below. Make sure to change your Pushwoosh Application Code, Safari Website ID, and default notification image URL. Also set high Tag Firing priority (ex: 100) and trigger it on All Pages. See below for a screenshot.Copy

<script type="text/javascript" src="//cdn.pushwoosh.com/webpush/v3/pushwoosh-web-notifications.js" async></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
    var Pushwoosh = Pushwoosh || [];
    Pushwoosh.push(['init', {
        logLevel: 'error',
        applicationCode: 'XXXXX-XXXXX',
        safariWebsitePushID: 'web.com.example.domain',
        defaultNotificationTitle: 'Pushwoosh',
        defaultNotificationImage: 'https://yoursite.com/img/logo-medium.png',
        autoSubscribe: true,
        subscribeWidget: {
            enable: false
        userId: 'user_id'

Last updated