Piano Analytics integration

Piano Analytics is a tool that helps businesses understand how people interact with their websites and apps. It collects data about user behavior and provides insights through reports and visualizations. This information helps businesses make better decisions about how to improve their digital products and marketing efforts.

Integrating Piano Analytics and Pushwoosh allows for detailed user behavior insights to create precise segments and send highly targeted push notifications, emails, and in-app messages to the right users at the right time.


  • Piano Analytics installed on your website

  • An active Pushwoosh Account

Setting up the integration

To set up the integration, go to Settings > 3rd Party Integrations in your Pushwoosh account and locate Piano. Click Configure.

In the window that opens, provide the following credentials:

1. Site ID

To locate your Site ID, log in to your Piano account and go to Analytics > Data Collection Portal > Dashboard. Find the relevant website and copy its ID.

2. Collection Domain

To find the Collection Domain, navigate to Tagging > Collection Domains. Copy the Collection Domain ID. Make sure to enter the collection domain in the ****.pa-cd.com format without the https:// prefix.

3. Piano API Access and Secret keys

To get the keys:

  • In your Piano account, click on See profile below your account name.

  • Navigate to the API Keys tab and create a new key with a clear name and description. Then click OK.

  • In the window that opens, copy your Access Key and the Secret Key.

For security reasons, the Secret Key will only be displayed once. Please make sure you save both keys in a safe place before continuing.

  • In the API key field in Pushwoosh, enter both the Access Key and Secret Key, separated by an underscore. For example: accesskey_secretkey.

Creating Piano events to match Pushwoosh events

To track events sent from Pushwoosh in Piano, you need to create corresponding events manually within Piano.

Here's how to do it in your Piano account:

  1. Go to Settings > Data management > Data model.

  2. Select Events and click the plus icon to create a new event.

  3. In the window that opens, provide the event name and description, for example, "pw_siteopened".

Note: The naming of events is not case-sensitive. If you create an uppercase name for an event in Pushwoosh, for example, PW_SiteOpened, it will match the pw_siteopened event in Piano.

  1. In the Type field, select On-site.

  2. In the Categories field, select Events.

  3. Click Save.

Setting your website’s time zone in Piano

Setting the correct time zone for your website in Piano is crucial for accurate data tracking and analysis. The best practice is to match the time zone with the location where you're sending events and conducting analysis. This eliminates time discrepancies.

To edit the timezone in Piano, go to Dashboard and click the line containing your site information. In the pop-up window, click Edit and select the desired time zone. Then, click Save.

Creating a property for identifying events sent from Pushwoosh in Piano

To make data management easier, create a property in Piano that can be associated with Pushwoosh events. This will allow you to easily identify events sent from Pushwoosh.

Here's how to create the property:

  1. In Piano, go to Settings > Data Management > Properties.

  2. Click Create Property.

  3. In the Name field, enter pushwooshid.

  4. In the Property Key field, enter pushwooshid.

  5. Set the Type to String.

  6. Click Save.

Checking if Pushwoosh events are sent to Piano

To verify that events set up in Pushwoosh are successfully sent to Piano, follow these steps:

  1. In your Piano account, go to Explorer > Audience > Overall Traffic.

  2. Create a segment based on events where the property pushwooshid is not empty.

The filtered view will display overall traffic information, including any associated events.

For a more granular view of events sent from Pushwoosh, navigate to Content > Events. This section provides a detailed breakdown of all the events sent from Pushwoosh, including the number of times each event occurred.

Creating segments in Piano

Once you've completed the integration setup, you can start analyzing events sent from Pushwoosh within Piano. To access these events, navigate to Explorer > Content > Events in your Piano account.

Then create Segments using these events. When creating segments, select the `pushwooshid` property you’ve created earlier to filter events.

Make sure to give your segment a clear and descriptive name. The Segment Key, which is a unique identifier for the saved segment, will be needed later for sending segments to Pushwoosh.

Sending segments from Piano to Pushwoosh

Please note that only Account Owners can import segments.

To enable Pushwoosh to retrieve segments from Piano, provide Pushwoosh with the SegmentKey you created. To find the SegmentKey for a segment, go to Analysis > Library > Segments. Click on the segment you need and copy the Segment Key.

In the Pushwoosh Integrations section, locate Piano and click on Import Segment. Then, enter the Segment key you copied.

If the import is successful, you'll see a confirmation message.

You can access your imported segments in Pushwoosh. Once the import is complete, they'll be listed in the Audience > Segments section of your Pushwoosh account.

Last updated