iOS certificate-based configuration
This guide addresses the certificate-based iOS configuration process in Pushwoosh Control Panel
Follow this guide to configure the iOS platform manually.
Make sure you've created a provisioning profile for your app to submit it to the App Store. Read more in the Apple developer documentation.
Generating a certificate request file
1. Launch Keychain Access, go to Certificate Assistant and click Request a Certificate From a Certificate Authority:
2. Enter the required information and choose Saved to disk. You should leave the CA email field blank. Click Continue and Save the certificate request using the suggested name.
Configuring your App ID in Apple Developer Portal
3. Sign in to the Apple Developer Portal and open Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles in the Account tab. Click Add:
4. Choose the type of certificate you need and click Continue in the bottom of the page.
You can select the "Sandbox&Production" certificate type shown on the screenshot below, and choose the appropriate gateway when configuring the iOS platform in Pushwoosh Control Panel. However, you still can create a Sandbox certificate separately from the Production one.
5. Select the App ID of your project on the next page. Then, click Continue.
Skip the About Creating a Certificate Signing Request (CSR): you've done it earlier.
6. Choose the Certificate Signing Request you created previously.
7. Download the certificate and add it to the Keychain Access. Once you click on the certificate, Keychain Access will be launched.
Exporting your Private Key
In Keychain Access, right-click the certificate you just added and choose Export.
Save the Personal Information Exchange (.p12) file. You will be prompted to set up a password
After you type in your password, click "Allow" to finish exporting the Private Key.
Configuring the iOS platform in Pushwoosh
In your Pushwoosh project, go to the Configure Platforms section and click Configure in the iOS row:
In the opened form, choose certificate-based manual configuration and click Next:
In the opened window, do the following:
Upload the Certificate file (.cer) (this field is optional and can be empty);
Upload the Push certificate (.p12);
Enter the Private key password;
Select the Framework;
Choose the Gateway.
Click Configure to complete the setup.
Last updated