Messages API

API methods to manage push messages

To get started with Pushwoosh Remote API, please check out the descriptions of the /createMessage request parameters.



Creates a new push notification.

Request Body

    "status_code": 200,
    "status_message": "OK",
    "response": {
        "Messages": [
            "C3F8-C3863ED4-334AD4F1" // message code

/createMessage method supports content templates. To learn more, please refer to the Liquid Templates guide.

Request example

  "request": {
    "application": "XXXXX-XXXXX", // required. Pushwoosh application code
    "applications_group": "GROUP_CODE", // optional. Can be used instead of "application".
    "auth": "yxoPUlwqm…………pIyEX4H", // required. API access token from Pushwoosh Control Panel
    "notifications": [
        // Content settings 
        "send_date": "now",  // required. YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm OR 'now'
        "ignore_user_timezone": true, // or false, required
        "timezone": "America/New_York", // optional. If ignored UTC-0 is default for "send_date". See for supported timezones.
        "campaign": "CAMPAIGN_CODE",  // optional. Campaign code to which you want to assign this push message.
        "geozone": { // optional, send to Geozone
                   "lat": 22.22,
                   "lng": 33.33,
                   "range": 110
        "content": {  // required, object( language1: 'content1', language2: 'content2' ) OR string. Ignored for Windows 8, use "wns_content" instead. (Use \n for multiline text. Ex: "hello\nfriend")
          "en": "English",
          "fr": "French"
        "title": { // optional, object( language1: 'title1', language2: 'title2' ) OR string. Ignored if platform-specific titles are specified (e.g., 'ios_title', 'android-header', etc.; see the platform-specific parameters examples below). 
          "en": "Title",
          "fr": "Titre"
        "subtitle":{ // optional, object( language1: 'subtitle1', language2: 'subtitle1' ) OR string.  Ignored if platform-specific titles are specified (e.g., 'ios_subtitle'; see the platform-specific parameters examples below). 
           "en": "Subtitle",
           "fr": "Sous-titre"
        "rich_media": "XXXXX-XXXXX", // optional, string. Copy the Rich Media code from the URL bar of the Rich Media editor page in Pushwoosh Control Panel. 
        "link": "", // optional, string. For deeplinks add "minimize_link":0
        "minimize_link": 0, // optional. 0 — do not minimize, 2 — bitly. Default = 2. Google URL shortener is disabled since March 30, 2019. Please note that shorteners have restrictions on a number of calls. 
        "data": {
          "key": "value" // optional, JSON string or JSON object, will be passed as "u" parameter in the payload (converted to JSON string).
        "transactionId": "6e22a9af-84e4-46e6-af16-e457a4a6e7e5", // optional, string. Unique message identifier to prevent duplicating in case of network problems. Stored on the side of Pushwoosh for 5 minutes. 
        "platforms": [1,3,5,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,17,18,19], // optional. 1 — iOS; 3 — Android; 
        7 — OS X; 8 — Windows 8; 9 — Amazon; 10 — Safari; 11 — Chrome; 12 — Firefox; 13 - IE11; 17 - Huawei; 18 - SMS; 19 - Xiaomi; ignored if "devices" < 10
        "preset": "XXXXX-XXXXX", // optional. Push Preset Code from your Control Panel. If specific params are sent in the request, they override preset's params.
        "send_rate": 100, // optional. Throttling. Valid values are from 100 to 1000 pushes/second.
        // Templating related, please refer to the Template Engine guide to learn more
        "template_bindings" : { // optional
              "TemplatePlaceholder" : "Value"
        // Frequency capping params. Ensure that Global frequency capping is configured in the Control Panel.
        "capping_days": 30, // Integer, optional. Amount of days for frequency capping (max 30 days)
        "capping_count": 10, // Integer, optional. The max number of pushes that can be sent from a specific app to a particular device within a 'capping_days' period. In case the message created exceeds the 'capping_count' limit for a device, it won't be sent to that device.   
        "capping_exclude": true, // Boolean, optional. If set to true, this push notification will not be counted towards the capping for future pushes.
        "capping_avoid": true, // Boolean, optional. If set to true, capping will not be applied to this specific push notification.

        // To save the message to the Inbox via API, use "inbox_date" or "inbox_image". The message is saved when at least one of these parameters is used. 
        "inbox_date": "2017-02-02", // optional. Specify when to remove a message from the Inbox. Message will be removed from Inbox at 00:00:01 UTC of the date specified, so the previous date is the last day a user can see the message in their Inbox. If not specified, the default removal date is the next day after the send date.  
        "inbox_image": "Inbox image URL", // optional. The image to be shown near the message. 
	"inbox_days": 5, // optional. Specify when to remove a message from the Inbox(lifetime of an inbox message in days). Can be used instead of the "inbox_date" parameter. Up to 30 days
        "devices": [ // optional. Specify tokens or hwids to send targeted push notifications. Not more than 1000 tokens/hwids in an array. If set, the message will only be sent to the devices on the list. Application Group for devices list is not allowed. iOS push tokens can only be lower case.               
        // user-centric push notifications
        "users": [ // optional. If set, message will only be delivered to the specified user ID's (set via /registerUser call). If specified together with devices parameter, the latter will be ignored. Not more than 1000 user ID's in an array. Application Group for users list is not allowed.

        //filters and conditions
        "filter": "FILTER_NAME", // optional
        "dynamic_content_placeholders": { // optional. Placeholders for dynamic content instead of device tags.
          "firstname": "John",
          "lastname": "Doe"
        "conditions": [TAG_CONDITION1, TAG_CONDITION2, ..., TAG_CONDITIONN], // optional. See the remark below.    
        "conditions_operator": "AND" // optional, logical operator for conditions arrays. Possible values: AND | OR. AND is default. 

Platform-specific parameters


	"request": {
		"application": "12345-67891", // required. Pushwoosh application code
		"auth": "yxoPUlwqm…………pIyEX4H", // required. API access token from Pushwoosh Control Panel
		"notifications": [{
            		// Content settings
			"send_date": "now", // required. YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm OR 'now'
			"content": { // required, object( language1: 'content1', language2: 'content2' ) OR string. Ignored for Windows 8, use "wns_content" instead. (Use \n for multiline text. Ex: "hello\nfriend")
				"en": "English",
				"de": "Deutsch"

			"ios_badges": 5, // optional, integer. iOS application badge number. Use "+n" or "-n" to increment/decrement the badge value by n.
			"ios_sound": "sound file.wav", // optional. Sound file name in the main bundle of application. If left empty, the device will produce a default system sound.
			"ios_ttl": 3600, // optional. Time to live parameter - maximum message lifespan in seconds.
			"ios_silent": 1, // optional. Enables silent notifications (ignore "sound" and "content").
			"ios_category_id": "1", // optional, string. iOS8 category ID from Pushwoosh.
			"ios_root_params": { // optional. Root level parameters to the aps dictionary.
				"aps": {
					"content-available": "1",
					"mutable-content": 1 // required for iOS 10 Media attachments.
				"data": <<User supplied data, max of 4KB>>
			"apns_trim_content": 1, // optional. (0|1) Trims the exceeding content strings with ellipsis.
			"ios_trim_content": 1, // Deprecated, use "apns_trim_content" instead.
			"ios_attachment" : "YOUR_ATTACHMENT_MEDIA_URL", // optional. Insert media content in notification. 
			"ios_title": "Title", // optional. Adds Title for push notification.
			"ios_subtitle": "SubTitle", // optional. Adds sub-title for push notification.
			"ios_thread_id": "some thread id", // optional, string. Identifier to group related notifications. Messages with the same thread ID will be grouped on the lock screen and in the Notification Center.
			"ios_critical": true, // optional. Marks iOS notification as a critical alert playing sound even if a device is muted or Do Not Disturb mode is on.
			"ios_interruption_level": "active" // optional. One of "passive", "active", "time-sensitive", "critical". Indicates the importance and delivery timing of a notification. Refer to the One-time push guide for details. 


	"request": {
		"application": "12345-67891", // required. Pushwoosh application code
		"auth": "yxoPUlwqm…………pIyEX4H", // required. API access token from Pushwoosh Control Panel
		"notifications": [{
			// Content settings
			"send_date": "now", // required. YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm OR 'now'
			"content": { // required, object( language1: 'content1', language2: 'content2' ) OR string. Ignored for Windows 8, use "wns_content" instead. (Use \n for multiline text. Ex: "hello\nfriend")
				"en": "English",
				"de": "Deutsch"

			"android_root_params": { // optional. Custom key-value object. Root level parameters for the android payload recipients.
				"key": "value",
				"CancelID" : MESSAGE_ID // cancels the push notification with the specified ID (get the ID from the Message History)
			"android_sound": "soundfile", // optional. No file extension. If left empty, the device will produce a default system sound upon receiving a push.
			"android_header": "header", // optional. Android notification header.
			"android_icon": "icon.png", // optional
			"android_custom_icon": "", // optional. Full path URL to the image file.
			"android_banner": "", // optional. Full path URL to the image file.
			"android_badges": 5, // optional, integer. Android application icon badge number. Use "+n" or "-n" to increment/decrement the badge value by n.
			"android_gcm_ttl": 3600, // optional. Time to live parameter — maximum message lifespan in seconds.
			"android_vibration": 0, // optional, boolean. Android force-vibration for high-priority pushes.
			"android_led": "#rrggbb", // optional. LED hex color, device will do its best approximation.
			"android_priority": -1, // optional. Sets the “importance” parameter for devices with Android 8.0 and higher, as well as the “priority” parameter for devices with Android 7.1 and lower. Establishes the interruption level of a notification channel or a particular notification. Valid values are -2, -1, 0, 1, 2.
			"android_delivery_priority": "normal", // or "high", optional. Enables notification’s delivery when the device is in the power saving mode. 
			"android_ibc": "#RRGGBB", // optional, icon background color on Lollipop, #RRGGBB, #AARRGGBB, "red", "black", "yellow", etc.
			"android_silent": 1 // optional. 0 or 1, enable silent notificaiton (ignore sound and content). 
			"android_group_id":"123", // optional, string. Identifier to group related notifications. Messages with the same thread ID will be grouped in the Notification Center.

Huawei parameters

	"request": {
		"application": "12345-67891", // required. Pushwoosh application code
		"auth": "yxoPUlwqm…………pIyEX4H", // required. API access token from Pushwoosh Control Panel
		"notifications": [{
			// Content settings
			"send_date": "now", // required. YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm OR 'now'
			"content": { // required, object( language1: 'content1', language2: 'content2' ) OR string. Ignored for Windows 8, use "wns_content" instead. (Use \n for multiline text. Ex: "hello\nfriend")
				"en": "English",
				"de": "Deutsch"
			"huawei_android_badges": true,  // optional, boolean
                  	"huawei_android_silent": 0, // 0 or 1, enable silent notificaiton (ignore sound and content).
      			"huawei_android_icon": "", // optional
      			"huawei_android_led": "#FF0011", // optional. LED hex color, device will do its best approximation.
      			"huawei_android_vibration": 1, // boolean. Huawei force-vibration for high-priority pushes.
      			"huawei_android_sound": "sound.wav", // optional. No file extension. If left empty, the device will produce a default system sound upon receiving a push.
      			"huawei_android_sound_off": true,
      			"huawei_android_custom_icon": "", 
      			"huawei_android_header": "Huawei Header", // string. Notification title. 
     	 		"huawei_android_gcm_ttl": 2400, // integer. Time to live parameter - maximum message lifespan in seconds.
      			"huawei_android_banner": "", // Full path URL to the image file.
      			"huawei_android_root_params": { // Custom key-value object. Root level parameters for the Huawei payload recipients.
      				"key": "value"
      			"huawei_android_priority": 0, // Sets the “importance” parameter for devices with Android 8.0 and higher, as well as the “priority” parameter for devices with Android 7.1 and lower. Establishes the interruption level of a notification channel or a particular notification. Valid values are -2, -1, 0, 1, 2.
      			"huawei_android_ibc": "#0011AA", // icon background color on Lollipop, #RRGGBB, #AARRGGBB, "red", "black", "yellow", etc.
      			"huawei_android_lockscreen": 1,
      			"huawei_android_delivery_priority": "normal" // or "high", optional. Enables notification’s delivery when the device is in the power saving mode.
                "huawei_android_group_id": "group_id", // optional, string. Identifier to group related notifications. Messages with the same thread ID will be grouped in the Notification Center. 


	"request": {
		"application": "12345-67891", // required. Pushwoosh application code
		"auth": "yxoPUlwqm…………pIyEX4H", // required. API access token from Pushwoosh Control Panel
		"notifications": [{
			// Content settings
			"send_date": "now", // required. YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm OR 'now'
			"content": { // required, object( language1: 'content1', language2: 'content2' ) OR string. Ignored for Windows 8, use "wns_content" instead. (Use \n for multiline text. Ex: "hello\nfriend")
				"en": "English",
				"de": "Deutsch"

			"safari_title": "Title", // required. Title of the notification. 
			"safari_action": "Click here", // optional
			"safari_url_args": ["firstArgument", "secondArgument"], // required, but the value may be empty
			"safari_ttl": 3600 // optional. Time to live parameter — the maximum lifespan of a message in seconds.  

Chrome parameters

	"request": {
		"application": "12345-67891", // required. Pushwoosh application code
		"auth": "yxoPUlwqm…………pIyEX4H", // required. API access token from Pushwoosh Control Panel
		"notifications": [{
			// Content settings
			"send_date": "now", // required. YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm OR 'now'
			"content": { // required, object( language1: 'content1', language2: 'content2' ) OR string. Ignored for Windows 8, use "wns_content" instead. (Use \n for multiline text. Ex: "hello\nfriend")
				"en": "English",
				"de": "Deutsch"

			"chrome_title": "Title", // optional. You can specify the header of the message in this parameter.
			"chrome_icon": "icon_URL", // full path URL to the icon or extension resources file path
			"chrome_gcm_ttl": 3600, // optional. Time to live parameter – maximum message lifespan in seconds.
			"chrome_duration": 20, // optional. max. 50 seconds. Changes chrome push display time. Set to 0 to display push until user interacts with it.
			"chrome_image": "image_URL", // optional. URL to large image. 
			"chrome_root_params": { // optional. Set parameters specific to messages sent to Chrome.
				"key": "value"
			"chrome_button_text1": "1", // optional
			"chrome_button_url1": "button1_URL", // optional. Ignored if chrome_button_text1 is not set.
			"chrome_button_text2": "2", // optional
			"chrome_button_url2": "button2_url" // optional. Ignored if chrome_button_text2 is not set. 

Firefox parameters

	"request": {
		"application": "12345-67891", // required. Pushwoosh application code
		"auth": "yxoPUlwqm…………pIyEX4H", // required. API access token from Pushwoosh Control Panel
		"notifications": [{
			// Content settings
			"send_date": "now", // required. YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm OR 'now'
			"content": { // required, object( language1: 'content1', language2: 'content2' ) OR string. Ignored for Windows 8, use "wns_content" instead. (Use \n for multiline text. Ex: "hello\nfriend")
				"en": "English",
				"de": "Deutsch"

			"firefox_title": "Title", // optional. You can specify message header here.
			"firefox_icon": "icon_URL", // full path URL to the icon or path to the file in extension resources. 
			"firefox_root_params": { // optional. Set parameters specific to messages sent to Firefox.
				"key": "value"

Amazon parameters

	"request": {
		"application": "12345-67891", // required. Pushwoosh application code
		"auth": "yxoPUlwqm…………pIyEX4H", // required. API access token from Pushwoosh Control Panel
		"notifications": [{
			// Content settings
			"send_date": "now", // required. YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm OR 'now'
			"content": { // required, object( language1: 'content1', language2: 'content2' ) OR string. Ignored for Windows 8, use "wns_content" instead. (Use \n for multiline text. Ex: "hello\nfriend")
				"en": "English",
				"de": "Deutsch"

			"adm_root_params": { // optional, custom key-value object
				"key": "value"
			"adm_sound": "push.mp3", // optional
			"adm_header": "Header", // optional
			"adm_icon": "icon", // optional
			"adm_custom_icon": "", // optional
			"adm_banner": "", // optional
			"adm_ttl": 3600, // optional. Time to live parameter — the maximum message lifespan in seconds.
			"adm_priority": -1 // optional, priority of the push in Amazon push drawer, valid values are -2, -1, 0, 1 and 2.
			"amazon_group_id": "123", // optional, string. Identifier to group related notifications. Messages with the same thread ID will be grouped in the Notification Center.

Mac OS X parameters

Mac OS X
	"request": {
		"application": "12345-67891", // required. Pushwoosh application code
		"auth": "yxoPUlwqm…………pIyEX4H", // required. API access token from Pushwoosh Control Panel
		"notifications": [{
			// Content settings
			"send_date": "now", // required. YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm OR 'now'
			"content": { // required, object( language1: 'content1', language2: 'content2' ) OR string. Ignored for Windows 8, use "wns_content" instead. (Use \n for multiline text. Ex: "hello\nfriend")
				"en": "English",
				"de": "Deutsch"

			"mac_badges": 3, // optional
			"mac_sound": "sound.caf", // optional
			"mac_root_params": { // optional
				"content-available": 1
			"mac_ttl": 3600 // optional. Time to live parameter — maximum message lifespan in seconds.

Windows parameters

	"request": {
		"application": "12345-67891", // required. Pushwoosh application code
		"auth": "yxoPUlwqm…………pIyEX4H", // required. API access token from Pushwoosh Control Panel
		"notifications": [{
			// Content settings
			"send_date": "now", // required. YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm OR 'now'
			"content": { // required, object( language1: 'content1', language2: 'content2' ) OR string. Ignored for Windows 8, use "wns_content" instead. (Use \n for multiline text. Ex: "hello\nfriend")
				"en": "English",
				"de": "Deutsch"

			"wns_content": { // Content (XML or raw) of notification encoded in MIME's base64 in form of Object( language1: 'content1', language2: 'content2' ) OR String
				"en": "PD94bWwgdmVyc2lvbj0iMS4wIiBlbmNvZGluZz0iVVRGLTgiPz48YmFkZ2UgdmFsdWU9ImF2YWlsYWJsZSIvPg==",
				"de": "PD94bWwgdmVyc2lvbj0iMS4wIiBlbmNvZGluZz0iVVRGLTgiPz48YmFkZ2UgdmFsdWU9Im5ld01lc3NhZ2UiLz4="
			"wns_type": "Badge", // 'Tile' | 'Toast' | 'Badge' | 'Raw'
			"wns_tag": "myTag", // optional. Used in Tile replacement policy. An alphanumeric string of no more than 16 characters.
			"wns_cache": 1, // optional. (1|0) Translates into X-WNS-Cache-Policy value.
			"wns_ttl": 600 // optional. Expiration time for notification in seconds.    

/createMessage Throttling

Keep in mind that non-enterprise accounts cannot send more than 600 /createMessage and/or /createTargetedMessage requests per minute.

However, if you send pushes via the devices parameter to 10 devices or less, there are no restrictions for any account type as long as API messaging tracing is disabled.

Note that we always save scheduled pushes to the Message History, even if you are sending them to less than 10 devices via devices parameter. Therefore, such pushes are also throttled.


An error in an array of notifications

If the createMessage request has several messages in the notifications array, they will be processed and sent one by one. If one of the messages cannot be parsed, our API will return "status_code":210 with the codes of successfully sent messages, i.e. those preceding the faulty message in the request.

API messaging tracing

For load balancing purposes, we do not store messages sent through API with the “devices” parameter that contains less than 10 devices in an array. Due to this, such messages will not be displayed in your Message History.

To see push reports during the testing phase, use API messaging tracing. Turning this option ON allows you to override this limit for 1 hour and save such pushes in the Message History. API messaging tracing turns OFF automatically after 1 hour.

API messaging tracing can be activated on the Message History page by clicking Start API messaging tracing in the upper right corner.

Tag conditions

Each tag condition is an array like [tagName, operator, operand] where

  • tagName: name of a tag

  • operator: "EQ" | "IN" | "NOTEQ" | "NOTIN" | "LTE" | "GTE" | "BETWEEN" | "NOTSET" | "ANY"

  • operand: string | integer | array | date

Operator description

  • EQ: tag value is equal to operand;

  • IN: tag value intersects with operand (operand must always be an array);

  • NOTEQ: tag value is not equal to an operand;

  • NOTIN: tag value does not intersect with operand (operand must always be an array);

  • GTE: tag value is greater than or equal to operand;

  • LTE: tag value is less than or equal to operand;

  • BETWEEN: tag value is greater than or equal to min operand value but less than or equal to max operand value (operand must always be an array);

  • NOTSET: tag not set. Operand is not considered;

  • ANY: tag has any value. Operand is not considered.

String tags

Valid operators: EQ, IN, NOTEQ, NOTIN, NOTSET, ANY Valid operands:

  • EQ, NOTEQ: operand must be a string;

  • IN, NOTIN: operand must be an array of strings like ["value 1", "value 2", "value N"];

  • NOTSET: tag not set. Operand is not considered;

  • ANY: tag has any value. Operand is not considered.

Integer tags

Valid operators: EQ, IN, NOTEQ, NOTIN, BETWEEN, GTE, LTE, NOTSET, ANY Valid operands:

  • EQ, NOTEQ, GTE, LTE: operand must be an integer;

  • IN, NOTIN: operand must be an array of integers like [value 1, value 2, value N];

  • BETWEEN: operand must be an array of integers like [min_value, max_value];

  • NOTSET: tag not set. Operand is not considered;

  • ANY: tag has any value. Operand is not considered.

Date tags

Valid operators: EQ, IN, NOTEQ, NOTIN, BETWEEN, GTE, LTE, NOTSET, ANY Valid operands:

  • "YYYY-MM-DD 00:00" (string)

  • unix timestamp 1234567890 (integer)

  • "N days ago" (string) for operators EQ, BETWEEN, GTE, LTE

Boolean tags

Valid operators: EQ, NOTSET, ANY Valid operands: 0, 1, true, false

List tags

Valid operators: IN, NOTIN, NOTSET, ANY Valid operands: operand must be an array of strings like ["value 1", "value 2", "value N"].

Remember that “filter” and “conditions” parameters should not be used together. Also, both of them will be ignored, if the "devices" parameter is used in the same request.

Country and Language tags

Language tag value is a lowercase two-letter code according to ISO-639-1 Country tag value is an UPPERCASE two-letter code according to ISO_3166-2 For example, to send push a notification to Portuguese-speaking subscribers in Brazil, you will need to specify the following condition: "conditions": [["Country", "EQ", "BR"],["Language", "EQ", "pt"]]

/createMessage snippets


Please be careful when using the snippets. Limit the number of recipients by specifying “users”, “devices”, “filter”, or “conditions” parameter. If none of these parameters is specified, the message will be sent to every device subscribed to push notifications from the application.

Sample /createMessage requests:

if [ ! -n "$1" ] || [ ! -n "$2" ]
  echo "`basename $0` usage: api_token appid message";
  exit 1;
if [ -z "$3" ]
MESSAGE='One push to rule them all!'
echo -e "Response:"
curl --data-binary "
                        \"send_date\": \"now\",
            \"content\": \"$MESSAGE\"
}" \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
echo "";
exit 0;