/createMessage parameters

List of parameters of the /createMessage API method

Here you'll find the descriptions of the /createMessage API parameters. Required parameters provide successful posting a /createMessage API request and sending a broadcast push notification at the specified time. Optional parameters allow you to customize push notification's properties deeply.

If you are using /createMessage to send SMS, please refer to Parameters for sending SMS. Other parameters will not be passed.

Required parameters

Required parameters are obligatory to use in /createMessage requests. Otherwise, the request won't be submitted.


Unique code of an app created in your Pushwoosh account. App code can be found at the top left corner of the Control Panel or in response to a /createApplication request. The app code is a hyphen-separated set of 10 characters (both letters and digits).

When creating an app via the API, you’ll get an app code in response to your /createApplication request.

To obtain a code of a previously created app via the API, call /getApplications. In response to the /getApplications request, you'll receive the list of all apps created in your Pushwoosh account with their names and codes.


API access token from Pushwoosh Control Panel. Go to SettingsAPI Access and copy a token you’d like to use or generate a new one.

When generating an access token, specify its permissions. Check the checkboxes for those types of activities you're going to use the API token with. You can create app-specific API tokens by checking the Applications checkboxes. To send emails via the API, check the Email API checkbox.


A string or an object to define a message's content. The "content" parameter submitted with a string type value will send the same message for all recipients.

 "content": "Hello world!",

JSON objects are used for specifying content using Dynamic Content, for example, for multi-language messages.

 "content": {  
          "en": "Hello!",
          "es": "¡Hola!",
          "de": "Hallo!"


A JSON array of push properties. Must include at least the "content" and the "send_date" required params.

Optional parameters to use within the "notifications" array:


Date and time on which the message is sent. Could be any date and time formatted as YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm or 'now'. If set to 'now', the message will be sent immediately after submitting the request.

Optional parameters


A code of a Project Group (previously called Application Group) from the Project Groups section. It can be used instead of the "application" parameter to target users of all apps in the group. To obtain a Project Group code, go to the Projects page and click Project Groups:

Here, you’ll see the list of your app groups with their codes:


A code of a Campaign. To obtain a Campaign code, go to ChannelsStatistics and select the Campaign you’re going to use. You can find the campaign code at the end of the page URL after campaigns-statistic. It is a hyphen-separated set of 10 characters (both letters and digits).

To obtain a list of Campaigns with their codes, call /getCampaigns. In response to the /getCampaigns request, you'll receive the list of all Campaigns created for a particular app in your Pushwoosh account, with their codes, names, and descriptions.


Period to be applied for frequency capping, in days (max 30 days).


The max number of pushes that can be sent from a specific app to a particular device within a "capping_days" period. In case the message created exceeds the "capping_count" limit for a device, it won't be sent to that device.


Conditions are arrays like [tagName, operator, operand] used for sending targeted messages based on Tags and their values, where:

  • tagName — the name of a tag to apply,

  • operator — a value comparison operator ("EQ" | "IN" | "NOTEQ" | "NOTIN" | "LTE" | "GTE" | "BETWEEN" | "NOTSET" | "ANY"),

  • operand — Tag values of any of the following types: string | integer | array | date | boolean | list

Operator description

  • EQ: tag value is equal to operand;

  • IN: tag value intersects with operand (operand must always be an array);

  • NOTEQ: tag value is not equal to an operand;

  • NOTIN: tag value does not intersect with operand (operand must always be an array);

  • GTE: tag value is greater than or equal to operand;

  • LTE: tag value is less than or equal to operand;

  • BETWEEN: tag value is greater than or equal to min operand value but less than or equal to max operand value (operand must always be an array);

  • NOTSET: tag is not set. Operand is not considered;

  • ANY: tag has any value. Operand is not considered.

String tags

Valid operators: EQ, IN, NOTEQ, NOTIN, NOTSET, ANY Valid operands:

  • EQ, NOTEQ: operand must be a string;

  • IN, NOTIN: operand must be an array of strings like ["value 1", "value 2", "value N"];

  • NOTSET: tag is not set. Operand is not considered;

  • ANY: tag has any value. Operand is not considered.

Integer tags

Valid operators: EQ, IN, NOTEQ, NOTIN, BETWEEN, GTE, LTE, NOTSET, ANY Valid operands:

  • EQ, NOTEQ, GTE, LTE: operand must be an integer;

  • IN, NOTIN: operand must be an array of integers like [value 1, value 2, value N];

  • BETWEEN: operand must be an array of integers like [min_value, max_value];

  • NOTSET: tag is not set. Operand is not considered;

  • ANY: tag has any value. Operand is not considered.

Date tags

Valid operators: EQ, IN, NOTEQ, NOTIN, BETWEEN, GTE, LTE, NOTSET, ANY Valid operands:

  • "YYYY-MM-DD 00:00" (string)

  • unix timestamp 1234567890 (integer)

  • "N days ago" (string) for operators EQ, BETWEEN, GTE, LTE

Boolean tags

Valid operators: EQ, NOTSET, ANY Valid operands: 0, 1, true, false

List tags

Valid operators: IN, NOTIN, NOTSET, ANY Valid operands: operand must be an array of strings like ["value 1", "value 2", "value N"].

Remember that “filter” and “conditions” parameters should not be used together. Also, both of them will be ignored if the "devices" parameter is used in the same request.

Country and Language tags

Language tag value is a lowercase two-letter code according to ISO-639-1. Country tag value is an UPPERCASE two-letter code according to ISO_3166-2. For example, to send a push notification to Portuguese-speaking subscribers in Brazil, you will need to specify the following condition: "conditions": [["Country", "EQ", "BR"],["Language", "EQ", "pt"]]


Logical operator for conditions arrays. Possible values: AND | OR. AND is default.

If the operator applied is AND (when no operator is specified, or the 'conditions_operator' param has the 'AND' value), devices simultaneously complying with all the conditions will receive the push notification.

If the operator is OR, devices that comply with any of the specified conditions will receive the message.


JSON string or JSON object used to pass any custom data in the push payload; is passed as "u" parameter in the payload (converted to JSON string).


An array of push tokens or hwids to send targeted push notifications. If set, the message will only be sent to the devices on the list.


Placeholders for Dynamic Content to be used instead of device Tag values. The example below will send the "Hello, John!" message to every user you target. If not set, the Dynamic Content values are taken from the device Tags.

 "content": "Hello, {firstname|CapitalizeFirst}!",
 "dynamic_content_placeholders": { 
          "firstname": "John",
          "lastname": "Doe"


A name of a Segment exactly as it’s created in Pushwoosh Control Panel or via a /createFilter API request. Go to the AudienceSegments (Filters) section and check the list of Segments created.

To get Segments list via the API, call the /listFilters API method. In response to the /listFilters request, you'll receive the list of all Segments created in your Pushwoosh account, with Segments' names, conditions, and expiration dates.


If set to 'true', sends the message at the time and date specified in the "send_date" parameter according to UTC-0.

If set to 'false', users will receive the message at the specified local time according to their device's settings.


The date until which the message should be kept in users' Inbox. If not specified, the message will be removed from Inbox on the next day after the sending date.

To save the message to Inbox, use at least one of the 'inbox' parameters: "inbox_date" or "inbox_image".

Message will be removed from Inbox at 00:00:01 of the date specified, so the previous date is the last day a user can see the message in their Inbox.


The URL of the custom image to be shown near the message in Inbox.

To save the message to Inbox, use at least one of the 'inbox' parameters: "inbox_date" or "inbox_image".


The lifetime of an inbox message in days, up to 30 days. After this period, the message will be removed from the inbox. Can be used instead of the inbox_date parameter.

The URL to be opened once a user opens a push notification.

Shortener to minimize the URL submitted in the "link" parameter. Please note that push notification payload size is limited, so consider creating short URLs not to exceed the limit. Available values: 0 — do not minimize, 2 — bitly. Default = 2. Google URL shortener is disabled since March 30, 2019.


An array of platforms' codes to send the message to specific platforms only. List of platforms available: 1 — iOS; 3 — Android; 7 — OS X; 8 — Windows 8; 9 — Amazon; 10 — Safari; 11 — Chrome; 12 — Firefox; 13 - IE11; 17 - Huawei, 18 - SMS, 19 - Xiaomi. Ignored if "devices" < 10.


A code of a Preset created in Pushwoosh Control Panel or via API. To obtain a preset code, go ContentPresets, expand the preset you are going to use, and copy the Preset Code from preset's details.


A code of a Rich Media page you're going to attach to your message. To obtain a code, go to ContentRich Media, open a Rich Media page you are going to use, and copy the code from the URL bar of your browser. The code is a hyphen-separated set of 10 characters (both letters and digits).


Throttling to restrain the push sending speed. Valid values are from 100 to 1000 pushes/second.


Timezone to be taken into account when the message is sent on a particular date and time. If set, the device's timezone is ignored. If ignored, the message is sent in UTC-0. See http://php.net/manual/timezones.php for supported timezones.


Template placeholders to use in your content template. See the Liquid Templates guide for details.


Unique message identifier to prevent duplicating messages in case of network problems. You can assign any ID to a message created via the /createMessage or /createTargetedMessage request. Stored on the side of Pushwoosh for 5 minutes.


An array of userIds. User ID is a unique user identifier set by a /registerUser, /registerDevice, or /registerEmail API request.

Last updated