iOS, Mac OS X, Safari errors
Error | Description | What to do |
BadCertificate | The APNS certificate for this application is invalid. | Create a valid certificate using this guide and check that the platform is configured correctly. |
BadDeviceToken | The specified device token is invalid. Therefore, the device will be unsubscribed from notifications. | Verify that the request contains a valid token and that the token matches the environment. |
DeviceTokenNotForTopic | The specified token is unsuitable for sending notifications to the specified topic (package name specified when creating the iOS app). The device will be unsubscribed from notifications. | Use the token that is suitable for sending notifications to this topic. |
ExpiredCertificate | The APNS certificate for this application has expired. | Create a valid certificate using this guide and check that the platform is configured correctly. |
FrequencyCapping | The device was filtered by Frequency Capping. | If such behavior was not intended, check the Frequency Capping settings. |
InvalidCertificate | The APNS certificate for this application is invalid. | Create a valid certificate using this guide and check that the platform is configured correctly. |
InvalidProviderToken | The specified token is invalid or signed with an invalid certificate. Notifications will no longer be sent to the platform where this error occurred. | Check that the platform is configured correctly. |
InvalidToken | The specified token is invalid. Notifications will no longer be sent to the platform where this error occurred. | Check that the platform is configured correctly. This error usually points to the mismatch between gateways (for example, if you’re sending pushes to your development/sandbox build through the production gateway or vice versa). Also, some of your users may have another build installed on their devices. |
MissingDeviceToken | The device token isn’t specified in the request. | Verify that the header contains the device token. |
PayloadIsTooLarge | The message size exceeds 4096 bytes. | Reduce the message size. |
RevokedCertificate | The APNS certificate for this application has been revoked via the Apple Developer admin panel. Push notifications will be disabled for this platform. | Renew your certificate using this guide. |
SandboxSendingError | Failed to send message to the sandbox APNS environment. | Try sending the message again later. |
TimeoutExceeded | Multiple attempts to send a message to the device within 1 hour were unsuccessful, as the APNS server did not respond. | Try sending the message again later. |
Unregistered | The token is no longer valid. The device will be unsubscribed from notifications. | Use a new token. |