AllTokensAreInvalid | The push token is invalid; the device will be unsubscribed from notifications. | Use the valid token. |
BodyLargerThanDefaultValue | The message size exceeds 4096 bytes. | Reduce the message body size. |
ErrorWhileSendingToHuawei | Failed to complete the request to Huawei. | Try sending a push later. |
MessageContainsSensitiveInformation | The message body contains sensitive information. | Check your message’s content to ensure that the information you share does not violate Huawei policies. |
NoPermissionToSend | You cannot send push notifications to the Huawei platform with the specified credentials. | Reconfigure the Huawei platform using the new credentials. |
UnableToGetAuthToken | Failed to get the Huawei authorization token. | Check the platform configuration in the Pushwoosh Control Panel. |
UnableToMarshalResponse | Incorrect response body from Huawei. | If you cannot check if a push was sent in this case, it’s best not to send the same message again. This error is rare, so it is unlikely that it will happen again in the future. |