Download SDK
Sample Project
Linking Pushwoosh.framework
Add Pushwoosh.framework
to your project via a dependency manager by putting the following lines in your podfile
or cartfile
github "Pushwoosh/pushwoosh-mac-sdk"
Alternatively, you can simply drag and drop the framework into Link Binaries With Libraries in your project’s Build Phases .
Adding libraries
In Build Phases tab of your project, open Link Binaries With Libraries and click on Add items (”+” button). Search for and add libz.tbd and libc++.tbd libraries to your project:
Linking the app with Pushwoosh Control Panel
In your Info.plist , add a string type key Pushwoosh_APPID
with your Pushwoosh Application Code as value.
Modifying the AppDelegate
Add the following code to your AppDelegate:
func application ( _ application : UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions : [UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey : Any ] ? = nil ) -> Bool {
//lots of your initialization code
//-----------PUSHWOOSH PART-----------
NSUserNotificationCenter. default . delegate = Pushwoosh. sharedInstance () ? . notificationCenterDelegateProxy
// set custom delegate for push handling, in our case - view controller
Pushwoosh. sharedInstance (). delegate = self
// handling push on app start
Pushwoosh. sharedInstance (). handlePushReceived ( aNotification. userInfo )
// register for push notifications!
Pushwoosh. sharedInstance (). registerForPushNotifications ()
#import < Pushwoosh/Pushwoosh.h >
- ( void )applicationDidFinishLaunching:( NSNotification * )aNotification
//lots of your initialization code
//-----------PUSHWOOSH PART-----------
[NSUserNotificationCenter defaultUserNotificationCenter ]. delegate = [Pushwoosh sharedInstance ]. notificationCenterDelegateProxy ;
// set custom delegate for push handling, in our case - view controller
[Pushwoosh sharedInstance ]. delegate = self ;
// handling push on app start
[[Pushwoosh sharedInstance ] handlePushReceived : [aNotification userInfo ] ];
// register for push notifications!
[[Pushwoosh sharedInstance ] registerForPushNotifications ];
Add the following code to your UIApplicationDelegate (same file as above).
// system push notification registration success callback, delegate to PWMessagingDelegate
func application ( _ application : NSApplication, didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken deviceToken : Data ) {
Pushwoosh. sharedInstance () ? . handlePushRegistration ( deviceToken )
// system push notification registration error callback, delegate to PWMessagingDelegate
func application ( _ application : NSApplication, didFailToRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithError error : Error ) {
Pushwoosh. sharedInstance () ? . handlePushRegistrationFailure ( error )
// system push notification registration success callback, delegate to pushManager
- ( void )application:( NSApplication * )application didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken:( NSData * )deviceToken {
[[Pushwoosh sharedInstance ] handlePushRegistration : deviceToken ];
// system push notification registration error callback, delegate to pushManager
- ( void )application:( NSApplication * )application didFailToRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithError:( NSError * )error {
[[Pushwoosh sharedInstance ] handlePushRegistrationFailure : error ];
To handle push notifications, add the following function to your UIApplicationDelegate (the same file as three steps above):
//this event is fired when the push gets received
func pushwoosh ( _ pushwoosh : Pushwoosh ! , onMessageReceived message : PWMessage ! ) {
print ( " onMessageReceived: \( String ( describing : message. payload ) ) " )
//this event is fired when user taps the notification
func pushwoosh ( _ pushwoosh : Pushwoosh ! , onMessageOpened message : PWMessage ! ) {
print ( " onMessageOpened: \( String ( describing : message. payload ) ) " )
//this event is fired when the push gets received
- ( void )pushwoosh:(Pushwoosh * )pushwoosh onMessageReceived:(PWMessage * )message {
NSLog ( @" onMessageReceived: %@ " , message . payload );
//this event is fired when user taps the notification
- ( void )pushwoosh:(Pushwoosh * )pushwoosh onMessageOpened:(PWMessage * )message {
NSLog ( @" onMessageOpened: %@ " , message . payload );
Enabling Push Notifications
Go to Signing and Capabilities in your target. Press + Capability and add Push Notifications .