iOS Live Activities
Live Activities display your app’s most current data on the iPhone or iPad Lock Screen and in the Dynamic Island. This feature allows users to see live information at a glance and perform quick actions related to the displayed information.
Here are a few examples of using Live Activities:
- Show order status in a delivery app;
- Provide a real-time countdown in a training app;
- Show tracking information in a taxi app;
- Display game stats and current scores in a sports app;
- Provide hourly forecasts in a weather app.
You can enable Live Activities using the Pushwoosh iOS SDK as described below. To manage Live Activities and update their content, use the /updateLiveActivity method.
Add a Widget Extension
- Create a new target
Go to File > New > Target and select Widget Extension.

- Widget Extension Configuration Please enter a name and make sure to select Include Live Activity and click Finish.

Info.plist configuration
Find the Info.plist file in the primary target, insert the “Supports Live Activities” key, and set its value to YES.

Enabling live activities from app
To enable Live Activities, add their code to your existing widget extension or create a new one if your app doesn’t already have it. Live Activities use SwiftUI and WidgetKit functionality for their user interface. ActivityKit handles the life cycle of each Live Activity: its API is used to request, update, and end a Live Activity and to receive ActivityKit push notifications. You can learn more about Live Activities in the Apple documentation.
- Navigate to the ContentView file of your project in Xcode and create a Button
import SwiftUI
struct ContentView: View { var body: some View { VStack(spacing: 20) {
Button(action: { LiveActivityManager.shared.startActivity() }, label: { Text("Start Live Activity") .foregroundColor(.white) .padding() .background( .cornerRadius(10) }) } .padding() }}
#Preview { ContentView()}

- Create a LiveActivityManager.swift file to manage Live Activities
import Foundationimport ActivityKitimport UIKitimport PushwooshFramework
class LiveActivityManager: NSObject, ObservableObject { public static let shared: LiveActivityManager = LiveActivityManager()
private var currentActivity: Activity<LiveActivityAttributes>? = nil
override init() { super.init() }
func startActivity() { guard ActivityAuthorizationInfo().areActivitiesEnabled else { print("You can't start live activity.") return } do { let atttribute = LiveActivityAttributes(name:"Hello, Pushwoosh!") let initialState = LiveActivityAttributes.ContentState(emoji: "😇") let activity = try Activity<LiveActivityAttributes>.request( attributes: atttribute, content: .init(state:initialState , staleDate: nil), pushType: .token ) self.currentActivity = activity
Task { for await pushToken in activity.pushTokenUpdates { let pushTokenString = pushToken.reduce("") { $0 + String(format: "%02x", $1) } print("Activity:\( push token: \(pushTokenString)")
// MARK: - Send Push Token to Pushwooth do { try await Pushwoosh.sharedInstance().startLiveActivity(withToken: pushTokenString) } catch { print("Error Starting Live Activity: \(error.localizedDescription)") } } } } catch { print("Start Activity Error: \(error.localizedDescription)") } }}
- That’s it, now we run the project and press the ‘Start Live Activity’ button. Then we navigate to the lock screen and see the created Live Activity.

Start Live Activity with a Remote push notification
- To initiate a Live Activity via Remote Push Notification, you need to send the pushToStartTokenUpdates token to Pushwoosh.
func getPushToStartToken() { if #available(iOS 17.2, *) { Task { for await data in Activity<LiveActivityAttributes>.pushToStartTokenUpdates { let token = {String(format: "%02x", $0)}.joined() print("Activity PushToStart Token: \(token)")
// Send `pushToStartTokenUpdates` token to Pushwoosh try await Pushwoosh.sharedInstance().sendPush(toStartLiveActivityToken: token) } } }}
- Initiate a Live Activity with a Remote Push Notification
Managing Live Activities
The Pushwoosh iOS SDK provides the following methods for working with Live Activities:
// Send Live Activity Push To Start Token to Pushwoosh- (void)sendPushToStartLiveActivityToken:(NSString *_Nullable)token;- (void)sendPushToStartLiveActivityToken:(NSString *_Nullable)token completion:(void (^ _Nullable)(NSError * _Nullable))completion;
// Start Live Activity Methods with Activity ID- (void)startLiveActivityWithToken:(NSString * _Nonnull)token activityId:(NSString * _Nullable)activityId;- (void)startLiveActivityWithToken:(NSString * _Nonnull)token activityId:(NSString * _Nullable)activityId completion:(void (^ _Nullable)(NSError * _Nullable error))completion;
- (void)stopLiveActivity;- (void)stopLiveActivityWithCompletion:(void (^ _Nullable)(NSError * _Nullable error))completion;
When creating a Live Activity from App or via a Remote Push Notification , pass the token to the Pushwoosh server by using the methods below:
- (void)startLiveActivityWithToken:(NSString * _Nonnull)token activityId:(NSString * _Nullable)activityId;- (void)startLiveActivityWithToken:(NSString * _Nonnull)token activityId:(NSString * _Nullable)activityId completion:(void (^ _Nullable)(NSError * _Nullable error))completion;
You can also update live activities by segments using the Activity ID parameter. When creating an activity, you need to pass a unique Activity ID parameter in the method, which will be relevant for a specific user segment.
For example, N users have subscribed to the same event in a live Activity. It is necessary that the Activity ID parameter be unique for all of these N users.
When you finish working with a Live Activity, use these methods:
- (void)stopLiveActivity;- (void)stopLiveActivityWithCompletion:(void (^ _Nullable)(NSError * _Nullable error))completion;
Pushwoosh simplifies the transfer of activity IDs by introducing the PushwooshLiveActivities.setup
function, which handles the entire lifecycle of a Live Activity within the application. This function automatically listens for both pushToStart and pushToUpdate token updates. By using this method, the application no longer needs to manually track the initiation of Live Activities or manage token updates for activity updates.
In the AppDelegate, ensure you import PushwooshFramework
and call the setup
method from the PushwooshLiveActivities
if #available(iOS 16.1, *) { PushwooshLiveActivities.setup(DemoAppWidgetAttributes.self)}
import ActivityKitimport PushwooshFramework
struct DemoAppWidgetAttributes: PushwooshLiveActivityAttributes {
// Nested struct that defines the content state for the live activity. public struct ContentState: PushwooshLiveActivityContentState {
var emoji: String // Requared property holding data associated with Pushwoosh live activity content. var pushwoosh: PushwooshLiveActivityContentStateData? }
var name: String // Stores additional Pushwoosh-specific data for the live activity attributes. var pushwoosh: PushwooshLiveActivityAttributeData}
: This structure conforms to the PushwooshLiveActivityAttributes
protocol. It is used to define the attributes of a live activity within the app.