Message inbox for Xamarin
1. Add Pushwoosh.Inbox.Xamarin.iOS Nuget package to your project.
2. In your project, open AppDelegate.cs and connect Pushwoosh.Inbox by adding the using Pushwoosh.Inbox
3. To show the Inbox UI in your app, add the Inbox view controller:
NavigationController.PushViewController(PWIInboxUI.CreateInboxControllerWithStyle(PWIInboxStyle.DefaultStyle()), true);
4. To make the Inbox look like an organic part of your app, change the parameters of PWIInboxStyle. You can customize such parameters as font, background color, etc.
PWIInboxStyle inboxStyle = PWIInboxStyle.CustomStyleWithDefaultImageIcon( UIImage.FromBundle("Default"), UIColor.DarkTextColor, UIColor.Blue, UIFont.SystemFontOfSize(17));inboxStyle.BackgroundColor = UIColor.White;inboxStyle.SelectionColor = UIColor.Orange;inboxStyle.ListErrorMessage = "Custom error message";inboxStyle.ListEmptyMessage = "Custom empty message";PWIInboxStyle.SetupDefaultStyle(inboxStyle);
1. Add Pushwoosh.Inbox.Xamarin.Android Nuget package to your project.
2. Connect Pushwoosh.Inbox by adding the following lines:
using Pushwoosh.Inbox;using Pushwoosh.Inbox.UI;using Pushwoosh.Inbox.UI.Activity;
3. To show Inbox UI in your app, start the InboxActivity:
Intent intent = new Intent(this, typeof(InboxActivity));StartActivity(intent);
4. To make the Inbox look like an organic part of your app, change the parameters of PushwooshInboxStyle. You can customize such parameters as font, background color, etc.
PushwooshInboxStyle inboxStyle = PushwooshInboxStyle.Instance;inboxStyle.BackgroundColor = new Integer(Color.GhostWhite);inboxStyle.HighlightColor = new Integer(Color.ParseColor("#ff00ff"));inboxStyle.ListErrorMessage = "Custom error message";inboxStyle.ListEmptyText = "Custom empty message";inboxStyle.DefaultImageIcon = Resource.Drawable.inbox_message;
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