Integrate Pushwoosh Android SDK
This section contains information on how to integrate the Pushwoosh SDK into your Android application.
To integrate the Pushwoosh Android SDK into your app, you will need the following:
Integration steps
1. Set up Firebase Cloud Messaging
First, connect your Android project with Firebase:
- Open your project in Android Studio
- Navigate to Tools > Firebase > Cloud Messaging and click “Set up Firebase Cloud Messaging”
- Follow the wizard instructions. In the final step, the wizard will add the necessary dependencies to your
2. Add Pushwoosh SDK
Add the pushwoosh library dependency to your application’s build.gradle:
implementation 'com.pushwoosh:pushwoosh-firebase:6.+'
Replace ”+” with the current version of Pushwoosh Android SDK
3. Add Pushwoosh metadata to AndroidManifest.xml
Open your AndroidManifest.xml file and add the following metadata inside the <application>
<meta-data android:name="com.pushwoosh.appid" android:value="__YOUR_APP_CODE__" /><meta-data android:name="com.pushwoosh.senderid" android:value="@string/fcm_sender_id" /><meta-data android:name="com.pushwoosh.apitoken" android:value="__YOUR_API_TOKEN__" />
is your Pushwoosh Application Codecom.pushwoosh.apitoken
is your Pushwoosh API Token
To set com.pushwoosh.senderid
, add fcm_sender_id to your project’s res/values/strings.xml file:
<resources> <string name="fcm_sender_id">__YOUR_FCM_SENDER_ID__</string></resources>
4. Initialization code
Register for push notifications by adding this code to your initialization logic:
5. Run the project
- Build and run the project.
- Go to the Pushwoosh Control Panel and send a push notification.
- You should see the notification in the app.
If you encounter any issues during the integration process, please refer to the support and community section.