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Mobile message inbox

Message Inbox lets you keep the most important messages in your app by creating a dedicated section for such notifications. Messages can be delivered to the Inbox with a notification or without one—you can choose it in the settings.

Setting up the inbox in your app

To implement Message Inbox in your app, add Pushwoosh Inbox library to your project. Please see our Github repos with the detailed instructions on setting up the Inbox and the sample projects:



Cross-platform frameworks

To implement Message Inbox in cross-platform apps, call the presentInboxUI method. Currently available on Cordova, React Native, Flutter, Xamarin.

Unread messages badge

To display the number of unread messages on a badge over an Inbox icon, please use the following API methods:


[PWInbox unreadMessagesCountWithCompletion:^(NSInteger count, NSError *error) { }];


PushwooshInbox.unreadMessagesCount(result -> { });