iOS token-based configuration
For faster communication with APNs, you can configure your iOS project by token-based authentication.
1. Obtain an Encryption Key and Key ID from Apple
1.1. Log in to your Apple Developer account and navigate to the Keys section from the left menu. Press + to create a new key.
1.2. In the Key Description field, enter a unique key name; then, enable the APNs in the Key Services section. Click Continue.
1.3. Copy the Key ID, which is a 10-character string, and download the authentication token signing key, which is a text file with a .p8 file extension.
2. Configure the iOS platform in Pushwoosh
2.1. In your Pushwoosh project, go to the Configure Platforms section and click Configure in the iOS row:
2.2. In the opened form, choose token-based manual configuration and click Next:
2.3. Paste the Key ID into the corresponding field of the Pushwoosh iOS configuration form:
2.4. Upload the signing key file (.p8 file you’ve downloaded from Apple) to the Auth Key field of the configuration form:
2.5. Enter your Apple Developer Team ID and Bundle ID.
To get your Team ID, go to your Apple Developer account and navigate to the Membership section. You can find a Bundle ID in the Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles section of your Apple Developer console.
2.6. Carefully choose between Sandbox and Production gateways:
2.7. Press Configure to complete the configuration.