WhatsApp API
Used to send WhatsApp messages to users
Request Body
Name | Required | Type | Description |
auth* | Yes | string | API access token from Pushwoosh Control Panel. |
application* | Yes | string | Pushwoosh application code. |
notifications* | Yes | array | Content settings. JSON array of message parameters. See details below. |
Notification parameters
Name | Required | Type | Description |
send_date* | Yes | string | Date and time to send the notification. Use format YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm or 'now' to send immediately. |
content | Required if content_id is not provided. | string | Text content of the WhatsApp message. |
content_id | Required if content is not provided. | string | Identifier for a pre-approved WhatsApp template from your Meta account. |
devices* | Yes | array | Customer phone number (must be associated with a UserId using /registerDevice and specified in the hwid parameter, or use use_auto_registration ). Only one number can be specified here. |
use_auto_registration | No | boolean | If set to true , the phone number specified in the devices parameter will be automatically registered. |
content_variables | No | object | Content variables to customize the message content. Each placeholder will be replaced with corresponding dynamic values. |
button_url_variables | No | object | Dynamic URL variables for buttons. Each key represents a button index, and its value is the dynamic variable to replace in the button’s URL. Note: Button indexing starts at 0, with the first button as 0, the second as 1, and so on. |
header_variables | No | object | Variables for the header in a WhatsApp template message. Specify the type (e.g., text , image , video , document ) and the corresponding value. Example: "header_variables": {"image": "https://image-url.png"} |
preset | No | string | WhatsApp Preset Code from your Control Panel. |
language | No | string | Language locale of the WhatsApp template (must match the locale in Meta WhatsApp template editor). Default: "en_US" . Example: "en_GB" . |
Request example
{ "request": { "application": "12XXX-67XXX", // required. Pushwoosh application code. "auth": "yxoPUlwqm…………pIyEX4H", // required. API access token from Pushwoosh Control Panel. "notifications": [{ "send_date": "now", // required. YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm OR "now". "content": "Hello! {{1}}", // required if content_id is not provided. Message text. "content_id": "hello_world", // required if content is not provided. WhatsApp template identifier. "devices": ["whatsapp:+1234567890"], // required. Customer WhatsApp phone number (must be associated // with a UserId using /registerDevice and specified in // the "hwid" parameter or use "use_auto_registration"). // Only one WhatsApp number can be specified here. "preset": "XXXXX-XXXXX", // optional. WhatsApp Preset Code from your Control Panel. "content_variables": { // optional. Content variables to customize the message content. "1": "John" }, "header_variables": { // optional. Variables for the WhatsApp message header. "image": "https://image-url.png" }, "language": "en_GB", // optional. Language locale for the WhatsApp template (must match the locale in Meta WhatsApp template editor). Default: "en_US". "use_auto_registration": true // optional. Automatically register WhatsApp number specified // in "devices" parameter. }] }}
Example: Sending a Two-Factor Authentication Code via WhatsApp
{ "request": { "application":"APP_CODE", "auth":"AUTH_TOKEN", "notifications":[{ "send_date":"now", "content_id":"replace_with_your_meta_two_factor_template_name", "content_variables":{"1":"AUTH_CODE"}, "button_url_variables":{"0":"AUTH_CODE"}, "devices":["whatsapp:REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_PHONE_NO"] }] }}
Response example
{ "status_code": 200, "status_message": "OK", "response": { "Messages": [ "9648-0B10EXXX-0D9F2XXX" ] }}
Error response
{ "status_code": 210, "status_message": "Invalid devices list. \"devices\" must be an array.", "response": { "Messages": [] }}