Presets API
Creates a new preset.
Request Body
Name | Type | Description |
auth* | string | API access token from Pushwoosh Control Panel. |
name* | string | Preset name. |
applicationCode* | string | Pushwoosh application code. |
campaignCode | string | Code of a campaign to which you want to assign this preset. |
content* | object | Message content parameters. |
content.message* | string | String or array. Messages content. In case it’s a string, the “Default” language will be used. |
content.action | object | Custom action parameters. See the example below. |
content.userData | array | Custom user data. Will be passed as “u” parameter in the payload (converted to JSON string). | | array | Specific content for different platforms. See the example below. |
scheduling.sendRate | integer | Throttling. Valid values are from 100 to 1000 pushes/second. |
segmentation | object | Segmentation parameters |
segmentation.filter | string | Filter name |
segmentation.platforms* | array | Array of integers. The list of platforms ids. 1 - iOS, 3 - Android, 7 - Mac OS X, 8 - Windows, 9 - Amazon, 10 - Safari, 11 - Chrome, 12 - Firefox. |
{ "status_code": 200, "status_message": "OK"}
{ "request": { "auth": "yxoPUlwqm…………pIyEX4H", // required. API access token from Pushwoosh Control Panel. "name": "PRESET_NAME", // required. "applicationCode": "XXXXX-XXXXX", // required. Pushwoosh application code. "applicationGroupCode": "AAAAA-BBBBB", // optional. Can be used instead of "applicationCode". "campaignCode": "CCCCC-DDDDD", // optional. Campaign code. "content": { // required. Contains message data. "message": { // required. string or object. Message content. In case it's "en": "English message", // a string, the default language will be used. "fr": "French message" // Message content localized for different languages. }, // Only ISO 639-1:2002 for language codes. "title": { // optional. string or object. For multilanguage, set title "en": "English title", // for each language in the object. Ignored if "fr": "French title" // platform-specific titles are specified (e.g., }, // 'ios_title', 'android_header', etc.; see the // platform-specific parameters examples in // the /createMessage API). "subtitle": { // optional. string or object. For multilanguage, set title "en": "English subtitle", // for each language in the object. Ignored if "fr": "French subtitle" // platform-specific subtitles are specified (e.g., }, // 'ios_subtitle', etc.; see the platform-specific // parameters examples in the /createMessage API). "action": { // optional. Action to be performed once a user opens a message. "type": "url", // optional. Type of action. Available types: "url", "deepLink", // "richMedia", "openApp"(default). "options": { // optional. Options for action types. Required for all action // types except for "openApp". "url": "", // required for "url" action type, string. Will be shortened // if shortener is defined. "shortener": 2, // optional. Available values: 0 - do not minimize, 2 - // If no shortener is specified, shortener will // be used by default. "richMediaCode": "BBBBB-AAAAA", // required for "richMedia" action type, string. // Rich Media code from Pushwoosh Control Panel. "id": 123, // required for "deepLink" action type, integer. Deep Link ID. "params": { // optional, custom parameters, required for "deepLink" action type, array. "param1": "value1", "param2": "value2" } } }, "userData": { // optional. Custom user data. Will be passed as "u" "CustomData": "value" // parameter in the payload (converted to JSON string). }, "platforms": { "ios": { "sound": "default", "silent": 1, "ttl": 604800, "rootParams": { "rule_id": "12345", "screen_id": "34567" }, "interruptionLevel": "active" }, "android": { "rootParams": { "rule_id": "12345", "screen_id": "34567" } } } }, "scheduling": { // optional. Scheduling options. "sendRate": 1000 // optional. Throttling. Valid values are from 100 to 1000 pushes/second. }, "segmentation": { // required. Segmentation options. "filter": "FILTER NAME", // optional. Filter name from your Pushwoosh Control Panel. "platforms": [1, 3] // required. The list of platforms IDs: 1 — iOS; 3 — Android; // 7 — Mac OS X; 8 — Windows; 9 — Amazon; 10 — Safari; // 11 — Chrome; 12 — Firefox; } }}
Retrieves the parameters of the specific push preset.
Request Body
Name | Type | Description |
auth* | string | API access token from Pushwoosh Control Panel. |
preset_code* | string | Push preset code to retrieve information for. |
{ "status_code": 200, "status_message": "OK", "response": { "preset": { "code": "XXXXX-XXXXX", "name": "Full preset", "page_id": 26, "url": null, "content": { "en": "Some message", "de": "Eine Nachricht" }, "properties": { "ignore_user_timezone": 1, "ios_badges": "5", "ios_sound": "default", "ios_ttl": "43200", "android_sound": "Sound1.wav", "android_custom_icon": "icon.png", "android_header": "android_header", "android_gcm_ttl": "43200", "wns_type": "toast", "wns_content": { "template": "ToastImageAndText02", "lang-en": { "headlinetext": "Title", "bodytext": "super text" }, "languages": ["en", "zh", "it", "sv", "de", "fr", "pt", "nl", "es"], "lang-zh": { "headlinetext": "", "bodytext": "" }, "lang-it": { "headlinetext": "", "bodytext": "" }, "lang-sv": { "headlinetext": "", "bodytext": "" }, "lang-de": { "headlinetext": "", "bodytext": "" }, "lang-fr": { "headlinetext": "", "bodytext": "" }, "lang-pt": { "headlinetext": "", "bodytext": "" }, "lang-nl": { "headlinetext": "", "bodytext": "" }, "lang-es": { "headlinetext": "", "bodytext": "" }, "imagesource": "https:\/\/\/jpg" }, "adm_sound": "song", "adm_custom_icon": "i5.bmp", "adm_header": "Amazon Header", "adm_ttl": "7200", "safari_title": "Safari title", "safari_action": "OK", "safari_url_args": ["", ""], "safari_ttl": "43200", "userdata": "{\"custom\":\"data\"}", "created_via": "CP", "user_id": 2, "filter_id": "1" }, "platforms": [1, 3, 7, 10, 11] } }}
{ "request":{ "auth": "yxoPUlwqm…………pIyEX4H", // required. API access token from Pushwoosh Control Panel "preset_code": "AAAAA-BBBBB" // required. Push preset code to retrieve information for }}
Retrieves the list of presets created for the app.
Request Body
Name | Type | Description |
auth* | string | API access token from Pushwoosh Control Panel. |
application* | string | Pushwoosh app code. |
{ "status_code": 200, "status_message": "OK", "response": { "presets": [] }}
{ "status_code": 200, "status_message": "OK", "response": { "presets": [{ "name": "test", "code": "AAAAA-BBBBB" }] }}
{ "request": { "auth": "yxoPUlwqm…………pIyEX4H", // required. API access token from Pushwoosh Control Panel "application": "XXXXX-XXXXX" // required. Pushwoosh application code }}
Deletes a preset from your account.
Request Body
Name | Type | Description |
auth* | string | API access token from Pushwoosh Control Panel. |
preset_code* | string | Preset code retrieved from Pushwoosh Control Panel or /listPresets API response. |
{ "status_code": 200, "status_message": "OK", "response": null}
{ "request": { "auth": "yxoPUlwqm…………pIyEX4H", // required. API access token from Pushwoosh Control Panel "preset_code": "AAAAA-BBBBB" // required. Code of a preset to delete }}