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Customer Journey statistics

API endpoint for getting Journey stats


Obtains stats for a specific journey by its ID. You can find the journey ID in the URL of the journey canvas page (see the picture below).

Authorize by API access token and send an empty request to the endpoint.


AuthorizationstringJourney ID
"payload": {
"title": "Journey Title",
"points": [{
"pointTitle": "First Point Title",
"campaignCode": "AAAAA-00000",
"presetCode": "12345-67890",
"pointStat": {
"sent": 22648,
"opened": 60,
"uniqOpened": 60,
"conversion": 0.26492405510420347

Obtains stats for a specific journey by its ID. You can find the journey ID in the URL of the journey canvas page:

Journey ID

Authorize by API access token and send an empty request to the endpoint.

Request example
curl --location --request GET '<journey_id>/statistics/external' \
--header 'Authorization: Api <YOUR API TOKEN>'
Response example
"payload": {
"title": "Journey Title",
"points": [{
"pointTitle": "First Point Title",
"campaignCode": "AAAAA-00000",
"presetCode": "12345-67890",
"pointStat": {
"sent": 22648,
"opened": 60,
"uniqOpened": 60,
"conversion": 0.26492405510420347