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API methods reference index

Pushwoosh provides a vast library of over 100 API methods, categorized for various functionalities like sending notifications, managing users, and tracking analytics.

Messages API

createMessageCreates a new push notification.
deleteMessageDeletes a scheduled message.
getMessageDetailsRetrieves the message details.
createTargetedMessageCreates a new targeted push notification for advanced targeting across multiple apps.
getPushHistoryGets message history with push details.
cancelMessageCancels a scheduled message.

Presets API

createPresetCreates a new preset.
getPresetRetrieves parameters of the specified push preset.
listPresetsRetrieves a list of presets created for the app.
deletePresetDeletes a preset from your account.

Device API

registerDeviceRegisters a device for the application.
unregisterDeviceRemoves the device’s push token.
setTagsSets tag values for the device.
getTagsRetrieves tags with their corresponding values for a specific device.
setBadgeSends the current badge value for a device to Pushwoosh.
applicationOpenRegisters an app open event.
pushStatRegisters a push open event.
messageDeliveryEventRegisters a push delivery event for the device.

Tags API

addTagCreates a tag in your account.
deleteTagRemoves a tag with all associated information.
listTagsRetrieves a list of tags on the account.
bulkSetTagsSets tag values for multiple devices.
bulkSetTags StatusReturns the status of bulkSetTags operation.

Segmentation (Filters) API

createFilterCreates a new segment.
listFiltersReturns a list of available segments with their conditions.
deleteFilterDeletes an existing segment.
exportSegmentSchedules a request to export subscribers matching segment conditions.
exportSegment ResultsRetrieves the CSV link for exportSegment results.

User-centric API

registerUserAssociates external User ID with a specified device.
postEventCalls the event within the app.

Events API

createEventCreates an event for the app.

Applications API

createApplicationCreates a new application on the account.
updateApplicationUpdates the application settings.
deleteApplicationDeletes the app from the account.
getApplicationGets details about the app.
getApplicationsRetrieves a list of applications on the account.
getApplicationFileRetrieves the configuration files related to the app.
setApplicationPlatformStatusChanges the platform status of the app.

Campaigns API

createCampaignCreates a new push campaign.
deleteCampaignDeletes a particular campaign.
getCampaignsRetrieves a list of campaigns for the app.

App configuration API

configureApplication for iOSConfigures the iOS platform for the app.
configureApplication for AndroidConfigures the Android platform for the app.
configureApplication for Mac OS XConfigures the macOS platform for the app.
configureApplication for WindowsConfigures the Windows platform for the app.
configureApplication for AmazonConfigures the Amazon platform for the app.
configureApplication for ChromeConfigures the Chrome platform for the app.
configureApplication for SafariConfigures the Safari platform for the app.
configureApplication for FirefoxConfigures the Firefox platform for the app.
configureApplication for EmailConfigures the Email platform for the app.

Email API

createEmailMessageCreates an email message.
registerEmailRegisters an email address for the app.
deleteEmailRemoves an email address from your database.
setEmailTagsSets tag values for the specified email address.
registerEmailUserAssociates an external User ID with a specified email address.

Test devices API

createTestDeviceRegisters a test device for the application.
listTestDevicesRetrieves all test devices registered for the application.

Message inbox API

getInboxMessagesRetrieves the list of Inbox messages for a specified HWID.
inboxStatusUpdates the status of a specific Inbox message.

Statistics API v2

messages:listRetrieves a list of sent messages.
totalsByIntervalsProvides metrics and conversion data aggregated by hour.
getMessageLogRetrieves detailed information about sent messages.
emails/linksInteractionsProvides statistics on email link clicks.
emails/linksInteractionsDevicesLists users who clicked on links in emails.
bouncedEmailsProvides information on email bounces, complaints, and bounce reasons.

Statistics API v1

getApplicationSubscribersStatsRetrieves the app’s subscriber statistics, grouped by device type.
getAppStatsRetrieves app statistics for a specific time period.
getCampaignStatsRetrieves campaign statistics for a specific time period.
getEventStatisticsRetrieves the number of times an event was triggered during a specific period.
getTagStatsRetrieves statistics for a specific tag.
getSubscribersStatisticsRetrieves subscriber statistics for a specific time period.

iOS Live Activities API

startLiveActivityCreates a new iOS Live Activity.
updateLiveActivityUpdates an existing iOS Live Activity.

Customer Journey statistics API

Get Journey statsObtains stats for a specific journey by its ID.

Scheduled requests API

getResultsRetrieves the result of a scheduled request.


createSMSMessageCreates a new SMS message.

WhatsApp API

createWhatsAppMessageCreates a new WhatsApp message.