API methods reference index
Pushwoosh provides a vast library of over 100 API methods, categorized for various functionalities like sending notifications, managing users, and tracking analytics.
Messages API
createMessage | Creates a new push notification. |
deleteMessage | Deletes a scheduled message. |
getMessageDetails | Retrieves the message details. |
createTargetedMessage | Creates a new targeted push notification for advanced targeting across multiple apps. |
getPushHistory | Gets message history with push details. |
cancelMessage | Cancels a scheduled message. |
Presets API
createPreset | Creates a new preset. |
getPreset | Retrieves parameters of the specified push preset. |
listPresets | Retrieves a list of presets created for the app. |
deletePreset | Deletes a preset from your account. |
Device API
registerDevice | Registers a device for the application. |
unregisterDevice | Removes the device’s push token. |
setTags | Sets tag values for the device. |
getTags | Retrieves tags with their corresponding values for a specific device. |
setBadge | Sends the current badge value for a device to Pushwoosh. |
applicationOpen | Registers an app open event. |
pushStat | Registers a push open event. |
messageDeliveryEvent | Registers a push delivery event for the device. |
Tags API
addTag | Creates a tag in your account. |
deleteTag | Removes a tag with all associated information. |
listTags | Retrieves a list of tags on the account. |
bulkSetTags | Sets tag values for multiple devices. |
bulkSetTags Status | Returns the status of bulkSetTags operation. |
Segmentation (Filters) API
createFilter | Creates a new segment. |
listFilters | Returns a list of available segments with their conditions. |
deleteFilter | Deletes an existing segment. |
exportSegment | Schedules a request to export subscribers matching segment conditions. |
exportSegment Results | Retrieves the CSV link for exportSegment results. |
User-centric API
registerUser | Associates external User ID with a specified device. |
postEvent | Calls the event within the app. |
Events API
createEvent | Creates an event for the app. |
Applications API
createApplication | Creates a new application on the account. |
updateApplication | Updates the application settings. |
deleteApplication | Deletes the app from the account. |
getApplication | Gets details about the app. |
getApplications | Retrieves a list of applications on the account. |
getApplicationFile | Retrieves the configuration files related to the app. |
setApplicationPlatformStatus | Changes the platform status of the app. |
Campaigns API
createCampaign | Creates a new push campaign. |
deleteCampaign | Deletes a particular campaign. |
getCampaigns | Retrieves a list of campaigns for the app. |
App configuration API
configureApplication for iOS | Configures the iOS platform for the app. |
configureApplication for Android | Configures the Android platform for the app. |
configureApplication for Mac OS X | Configures the macOS platform for the app. |
configureApplication for Windows | Configures the Windows platform for the app. |
configureApplication for Amazon | Configures the Amazon platform for the app. |
configureApplication for Chrome | Configures the Chrome platform for the app. |
configureApplication for Safari | Configures the Safari platform for the app. |
configureApplication for Firefox | Configures the Firefox platform for the app. |
configureApplication for Email | Configures the Email platform for the app. |
Email API
createEmailMessage | Creates an email message. |
registerEmail | Registers an email address for the app. |
deleteEmail | Removes an email address from your database. |
setEmailTags | Sets tag values for the specified email address. |
registerEmailUser | Associates an external User ID with a specified email address. |
Test devices API
createTestDevice | Registers a test device for the application. |
listTestDevices | Retrieves all test devices registered for the application. |
Message inbox API
getInboxMessages | Retrieves the list of Inbox messages for a specified HWID. |
inboxStatus | Updates the status of a specific Inbox message. |
Statistics API v2
messages:list | Retrieves a list of sent messages. |
totalsByIntervals | Provides metrics and conversion data aggregated by hour. |
getMessageLog | Retrieves detailed information about sent messages. |
emails/linksInteractions | Provides statistics on email link clicks. |
emails/linksInteractionsDevices | Lists users who clicked on links in emails. |
bouncedEmails | Provides information on email bounces, complaints, and bounce reasons. |
Statistics API v1
getApplicationSubscribersStats | Retrieves the app’s subscriber statistics, grouped by device type. |
getAppStats | Retrieves app statistics for a specific time period. |
getCampaignStats | Retrieves campaign statistics for a specific time period. |
getEventStatistics | Retrieves the number of times an event was triggered during a specific period. |
getTagStats | Retrieves statistics for a specific tag. |
getSubscribersStatistics | Retrieves subscriber statistics for a specific time period. |
iOS Live Activities API
startLiveActivity | Creates a new iOS Live Activity. |
updateLiveActivity | Updates an existing iOS Live Activity. |
Customer Journey statistics API
Get Journey stats | Obtains stats for a specific journey by its ID. |
Scheduled requests API
getResults | Retrieves the result of a scheduled request. |
createSMSMessage | Creates a new SMS message. |
WhatsApp API
createWhatsAppMessage | Creates a new WhatsApp message. |