Create flows

Specify what and when to send to your customers abandoning their shopping carts‌

Please take a look at Facebook Messenger Platform Policy before creating your Abandoned Cart Recovery flow to stay compliant.

Messages Flow

Once the Pushwoosh SDK is integrated, go to the Abandoned Cart Recovery dashboard to configure the reminders flow:‌‌

  • set up a delay between the event occurrence and message sending,

  • select cart preview type,

  • specify the content.

Facebook Messenger Platform Policy

Abandoned Cart reminders are considered to be Standard messaging according to Facebook policies. That means the ’24+1’ policy applies to Abandoned Cart Recovery.

1. A business can start a conversation with a person on Messenger via one of the entry points exhaustively listed by Facebook. For Abandoned Cart Recovery, checking the Send to Messenger plugin is an entry point for starting a conversation.

2. You have up to 24 hours to remind customers of their abandoned carts in Facebook Messenger. You may also send one additional message after the 24-hour time limit has expired. In case a customer replies to your reminder with any message or rechecks the checkbox within this 24-hour window, the 24-hour limit is refreshed from that moment.

3. The content of messages you send to customers within this 24-hour window can be both promotional and non-promotional. These may include Abandoned Cart reminders, advertisements, discount coupons, news, personal productivity reminders, and any other updates you’d like to deliver to your customers.

To communicate to your users outside of the 24-hour window, you may request the Subscription messaging permission from Facebook. Subscription messaging gives you the ability to send non-promotional content on Messenger after the 24-hour time limit has expired. Use cases for Subscription messaging are news, productivity, and personal trackers.

Consider obtaining the Subscription messaging permission for your page to continue non-promotional communications to your subscribers. Please note that Abandoned Cart reminders cannot be sent after the 24-hour time limit due to their promotional nature.


When a customer adds some items to their cart but not complete their purchase, the cartUpdated event is triggered. Each Abandoned Shopping Cart Reminder is sent with a specified delay — a period to wait after the event occurrence.‌‌

The example below means the message will be sent once five minutes pass over the cartUpdated event is triggered.‌

Cart preview type‌

Abandoned Cart Reminders containing products' preview tend to have higher CTR and conversion rates. There are two types of cart preview available — Carousel and None — different in how the product cards are presented in the message.‌‌

Select a preview type from the drop-down.‌

If the cart preview type is set to None, the message will contain no product cards at all; there will be the plain text only.‌ Messages with no cart preview don't contain the Checkout link by default.

Please note that for the Carousel preview type the max number of products previewed is 10. If there are more than 10 products in the user's cart, only the first 10 will be previewed, and others will be skipped.


Type in the message text here. To personalize message content, use Dynamic Content placeholders.‌‌

To send more than one message in a flow, press Add message.‌‌

When everything is set up, press Activate to launch your Abandoned Cart flow:‌‌

The flow's status will change to 'activated'.‌

You can delete some messages from the flow or change their content further; press Update to save changes.‌‌

When the Abandoned Cart Recovery is active, all users who added items to their carts and didn't purchase them will receive messages from your business page in accordance with the flow you configured.‌‌

All messages sent to and received from users are available on your business page’s messenger.‌‌

Data Flow

This section describes the data flow between a user, Facebook, and Pushwoosh when the Abandoned Cart Recovery flow is active.‌‌

  1. A user adds some items in the cart and agrees to receive messages on Facebook by checking the Send to Messenger checkbox:

2. Webhooks integrated into your website deliver Opt-in and cartUpdated event data to Pushwoosh. These events contain Pushwoosh Facebook app's data as well as the current cart status and the URL to check the current cart status.

    "object": "page",
    "entry": [
            "id": "***",
            "time": 1550479887465,
            "messaging": [
                    "recipient": {
                        "id": "***"
                    "timestamp": 1550479887465,
                    "optin": {
                        "ref": "{JSON STRING WITH ADDITIONAL PARAMS}",
                        "user_ref": "BP-0001" // id to which Pushwoosh will send messages further

3. When cartUpdated event is triggered, Pushwoosh creates a message following your Abandoned Cart flows.

For every user updating their cart, Pushwoosh SDK generates a unique ID. Facebook associate this ID with the user’s Facebook Messenger id. Pushwoosh sends messages using its own IDs, and Facebook delivers the messages to the users with corresponding Facebook Messenger ids. Pushwoosh receives Facebook Messenger ids only for those users who reply to messages sent by the Abandoned Cart service.‌‌

4. When the delay time is over, the pre-created message is sent by a POST request {…}.‌‌

5. Once a user receives a message from your business page, Facebook communicates this information back to Pushwoosh, and it will be displayed in your Abandoned Cart’s statistics.‌‌

6. If a user replies to your message, Pushwoosh app gets the user’s Facebook Messenger id:

    "object": "page",
    "entry": [
            "id": "***",
            "time": 1550483084584,
            "messaging": [
                    "sender": {
                        "id": "***" // user's FB Messenger id
                    "recipient": {
                        "id": "***"
                    "timestamp": 1550483084101,
                    "message": {
                        "quick_reply": {
                            "payload": "Ok"
                        "mid": "nYoKHl21ZIpcNuAf4WQ5YhzOi--sryKPx0zl-h3vQrbVr0Krotxa-KWW4UVlad36kO-n8UVNME2jFiFsY57utQ",
                        "seq": 817,
                        "text": "Ok"
                    "prior_message": {
                        "source": "checkbox_plugin",
                        "identifier": "BP-0001"

By using GET request<SENDER-ID> with Facebook Messenger id, you can obtain user's Name, First Name, Last Name, Locale, Timezone, Gender, and Profile Pic.

    "name": "Ronak Dave",
    "first_name": "Ronak",
    "last_name": "Dave",
    "profile_pic": "***",
    "locale": "en_US",
    "timezone": 0,
    "gender": "male",
    "id": "***"

7. Pushwoosh will store data on messages sent and revenue received from the recovered carts.

Last updated